Ok so I posted some of my concerns about WvW and how they could be changed. I want to add some more of the less important, but still anoying issues of WvW.
First ill begin with my original post (Removed the {quote} to make writing easyer to read):
“Iv’e been playing WvW for a while now on Ring of Fire server and I have some concerns about the longevity of the game as well as some other parts of the game which make me cringe just a tad.
WvW Rewards
Iv’e seen this talked about a few times, even before I started playing GW2 I was wondering why there arn’t any rewards and/or reward system in place.
You got to ask yourself, why do I want to help ferry supplies or spend my gold for upgrades? To win? Why do we need to win? To have fun? Fun factor wears out on everything one may enjoy.
What driving force is there to make you stay and deffend a siege engine and not gain anything for it?
The answer: For the reward at the end of it all.
Only problem is, there is no reward. I could not give a monkies testicals (and im sure many others would agree) about braggin rights. I mean, your going to tell all your friends that your server is ranked number one on a computer game? yeah I didn’t think so….
Also just to clarify two things:
World wide buffs is not a reward., they are nice but not what one would consider an endgame reward, you get nothing from it once the game has ended and a victor has been decided.
The other thing, taking objectives is a reward, but not the right kind. Yes you get karma and gold, but its also very comman, any shmuck can run with a zerg and grind that. It also doesn’t reward players who try to win in a more sutle way: Like defending a siege engine, ferrying supplies from a camp to a keep for repairs, etc.
While I agree you should be playing just for fun, and it is fun. But there is no incentive for me to make a sacrifice every so often. Why do I want to run to a camp to grab supplies to fix this wall thats being attacked? ill loose karma and gold that way, and thats not fun.
Getting rewards is fun: This is the one thing which makes people stick to a game once the “oohhh thats cool” has worn out. Developers know this, its why WoW is so popular, and while I dislike the way its done in that game, there is no denying it. Getting shinies is what its all about.
The reward(s) can be just cosmetic (if added correctly) in a nicely coloured chest at the end of each round to winners. Of course the differnce of the reward you get from your fellow players could be determained by a number of factors for example:
-How many WvW’s you have taken part in.
-How long you take part in them for.
-How many objectives you take, how many players you kill/revive.
-How much gold you spend on upgrades/siege.
-How much damage/healing you do with and without siege.
If the reward is just cosmetic then casual players shouldnt feel any “squeeze” on gear difference.
Moving on….."
Just a side note: The reward doesn’t have to be gear or a chest, it was an example.
" Orb of Power
I found this to be probably the second most alarming feature about WvW. While I agree with many when it comes to adding that depth of struggle for survival kind of thing. But for me it is done just a little bit to much.
Just imagine for a moument: Three equal teams (in a perfect world) each with their orbs gaining 5% hp + 50 stats for everyplayer. While if one team manages to get themselves two orbs not only does that improve that team to 10% hp + 100 stats it decreases the other team to Zero, meaning it’s now 15% + 150 difference.
While then it would be apparent that the two weaker teams should “team up” against the stronger, that doesn’t happan always. Part of it is down to orginization from two sides that cannot comminicate through “normal” means. The difference on a three orb server against a zero orb server needs to be:
A: Toned down.
B: made apparent that the 2 orb team is a more apealing target.
My suggestion would be to reduce the effectiveness of the second and third orbs owned by a server and make objectives/players worth more to take/kill for each additional orb."
(edited by Zombiesbum.3502)