People are over it Arena Net. I have been actively involved in the GvG scene for a very long time now and I can’t remember the last time there was this few of guilds involved in the scene. So where have things gone wrong? This is a question I’ve thought about for a good while now and wanted to address my concerns.
To start, lets take a look at Season 1 of SPvP ater HoT came out. This season was nicknamed “The Bunker Meta” and it was so horribly boring that the main culprits, Durability Runes and high toughness amulets, were removed. Heres the issue, while this helped out SPvP, these have remained in WvW. WvW is STILL stuck in that season 1 bunker meta because instead of actually fixing the issues from SPvP, you guys took the lazy approach and just removed them from the game mode. Guilds are stacking Damage Mitigation, Healing, Resistance, and Boon Duration and essentially creating a group that is unkillable unless you single target. Do I really need to explain why groups of 20+ single targeting each other is incredibly boring? To make things even worse, many guilds have begun running Mercy Runes on their guards so the moment someone is downed, they are instantly rezzed back up.
Your game mode isn’t dying because of PPT mechanics, its dying because there isn’t too much fun to be had any more when it comes to fighting.
Now I’m not one to complain without providing at least ideas to help fix the issues. So below are listed what I think could help:
-All boon duration is cut in half in WvW.
-Damage mitigation doesn’t stack in any way. If you have 10% damage mitigation food on, but you have protection giving you 33%, instead of the 10% stacking with the 33%, it picks the highest damage mitigation available. So if you have 10% damage mitigation food, but you have protection, the protection overrides the damage mitigation food giving you 33% damage mitigation.
-Durability 4 needs to be changed. Even if boon duration in WvW were to be cut in half, this is still permanent protection and regeneration with the stats guilds are running at the moment. Any passive effect that gives a 5 man group permanent protection is incredibly unhealthy for the game
-Great Dwarf Elite needs a slight increase in energy cost. At the moment, you can just fire off Great Dwarf whenever you switch legends to it. People should have to sit in dwarf for at least a few seconds before they are able to use it. Even just an increase from 50 to 60 would be nice.
This would be a start. I really hope that this is taken seriously. It’s nice to see that Arena Net is taking an interest in fixing issues in WvW right now, but it feels like you guys are looking at the tiny things to improve the mode and not the major issues.