WvW Guild Hall PoV.
Very well said. I used to only play WvW but I’m now trying to keep up in pve so as to not face the shame of not being able to contribute to the guild treasury now, but it doesn’t really matter now since most of them are trying to crank out the expansion and other pve content for the guild hall and they were pretty much a WvW only guild as well. They need to either roll WvW back to launch status and just fix the short list of main problems actual players came together to give feedback on and maybe add some of that excellent new music from HoT, maybe some simple new skins and an SPvP reward track, and then just use a clean-as-you-go approach to WvW from then on.
I’m really trying to stick with this game but I’m currently not playing much at all of the game I want to play that I used to really enjoy around launch.
If they had put any thought into wvw for the expansion and guild hall upgrades they could have implemented a few different things. War room upgrades should have had their own separate set of materials that dropped from wvw, they kitten well know the war room is for wvw only so why did they force wvw players to grind in pve?
Why put our precious +5 at guild level 37? Why put such a heavy cost on scribing wvw schematics? What a joke, no one is going to use tactivators for years until the cost comes down. It’s like the kitten wvw achievements all over again, and even that took them 3 years to fix. We didn’t buy the expansion to start over on the upgrades we already had kitten .
They could have implemented reward tracks that helped provide those materials, I mean even spvp has a reward track that provides silverwaste shovels. They could have had other materials for purchase for wvw badges giving them another use, they only have one in the hall right now. They could have made the materials drop from sentries and camp npcs, hell even put them on the keep lords, it would promote ktraining, but at least players would be on the new borderlands at this point.
The problem with this game and it’s developers is not everything is implemented fairly across the board. How many years did wvw players have to wait for them to finally make badge gear salvageable? The auto loot feature gets handed out to pve while wvw gets the cold shoulder again.
Spvp got revamped with reward tracks so their players don’t need to step out of pvp, they get tournaments with real cash prizes now. They even get a kitten buff every month that shows up every player everywhere promoting spvp for that time, while also reminding wvw players they’re still standing in the corner looking at the blank wall for being the red haired step child. Really that hard to provide the same buff for wvw once a month and give it the same promotion? seriously?
Squads finally got upgraded, but that’s only because of raids, otherwise it would still be in a useless state.
It’s obvious their focus right now is on raids, and what piece of the pie it can pull from the 5 million players that left WoW in the last year. Their greed in constantly looking for new players and not being fair to their veterans is what’s killing this game mode.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
(edited by Xenesis.6389)
If they had put any thought into wvw for the expansion and guild hall upgrades they could have implemented a few different things. War room upgrades should have had their own separate set of materials that dropped from wvw, they kitten well know the war room is for wvw only so why did they force wvw players to grind in pve?
Why put our precious +5 at guild level 37? Why put such a heavy cost on scribing wvw schematics? What a joke, no one is going to use tactivators for years until the cost comes down. It’s like the kitten wvw achievements all over again, and even that took them 3 years to fix. We didn’t buy the expansion to start over on the upgrades we already had kitten .
They could have implemented reward tracks that helped provide those materials, I mean even spvp has a reward track that provides silverwaste shovels. They could have had other materials for purchase for wvw badges giving them another use, they only have one in the hall right now. They could have made the materials drop from sentries and camp npcs, hell even put them on the keep lords, it would promote ktraining, but at least players would be on the new borderlands at this point.
The problem with this game and it’s developers is not everything is implemented fairly across the board. How many years did wvw players have to wait for them to finally make badge gear salvageable? The auto loot feature gets handed out to pve while wvw gets the cold shoulder again.
Spvp got revamped with reward tracks so their players don’t need to step out of pvp, they get tournaments with real cash prizes now. They even get a kitten buff every month that shows up every player everywhere promoting spvp for that time, while also reminding wvw players they’re still standing in the corner looking at the blank wall for being the red haired step child. Really that hard to provide the same buff for wvw once a month and give it the same promotion? seriously?
Squads finally got upgraded, but that’s only because of raids, otherwise it would still be in a useless state.
It’s obvious their focus right now is on raids, and what piece of the pie it can pull from the 5 million players that left WoW in the last year. Their greed in constantly looking for new players and not being fair to their veterans is what’s killing this game mode.
WOW, Xenesis! Well said and so many very, very important points! Thank you for posting this!
…please seriously look at what Xenesis has mentioned about the WvW game-mode, its present issues/concerns, WvW compared to other game-modes, suggestions on improvements, and “why” the red-haired step child feeling sadly applies to WvW.
Has everything you’ve done regarding WvW been a cluster over the last 3 years? Absolutely not! Some of us won’t admit it, but we know you’ve done things to try to keep the game mode alive and part of the GW2 family. (Thank you sincerely for that!) But as you guys have acknowledged – WvW didn’t get what its due regarding the HoT expansion when compared to PvE, sPvP, Fractals, etc; hence, the red-haired step child feelings.
Please take the time to review Xenesis’ post and others like it and work with and communicate with the WvW player base on our next best steps in improving the WvW game mode.
And, btw, you’ve done some great things recently that I’ve personally liked, such as – Sentries showing enemy players (this really helps me “hunt” them), Squad UI, moving WP’s into the keeps on the BL’s (not 100% functioning as I would have it, but it’s a start), and reducing the effects of the Oasis event on gates.
Let’s take this momentum and build upon it!
I, like many folks, believe in the WvW game-mode. It has been and continues to be HELLA-end-game-FUN! We just need you to be a little bit more vocal with the WvW community and incorporate some of the community’s ideas on what changes would make it even more fun!
Thanks for reading!
(edited by Krypto.2069)
What I’ve seen in my WvW guild is that all the players that have PvE guilds are repping those to the exclusion of the WvW guild. Why? Because they know that the PvE guild will finish the guild hall off long before the WvW guild will. This is due to the focus of the PvE guilds and the sheer numbers they bring to the table.
At one time we had 85ish players with 20+ repping us constantly(sometimes quite a few more). Now I log on and see maybe 5 others repping the WvW guild.
This is a disaster for the guild. It’s dead, and I am almost to the point of heading for new pastures. People I’ve played with for over a year, and talked to every day through that year are gone now. Not gone, as in quit game, but gone as in repping other guilds, being in other guild’s TS, doing PvE instead of WvW. I come from the school of 100% rep guilds, but those are few and far between anymore. These are people that were in WvW every single day, and I never see them there anymore.
Guild halls are killing guilds unless the guild is willing to do nothing but farm PvE.
WvW guilds suffered a serious setback with the expansion’s restructuring of WvW buffs. We had to regain the ability to claim structures and while I do understand that +5 is a very potent buff, gating it behind level 37 feels like added insult to injury.
Before it felt like players who preferred to spend most of their time in WvW were nudged and perhaps even encouraged to do PvE. Now we are forced to if we want to be a WvW guild with the tactical abilities we had and used before the expansion.
The issues relating to WvW guilds is compounded with all of the problems with the scribing craft.
I am very glad to see that flax, and flax fibers were added to the harvesting nodes in WvW. However, why not go that bit further and add shovels, sand and the infamous heavy supply bags to WvW rewards?
This game has three very distinct modes of gameplay, and certain things such as Spvp reward tracks, WvW badges in achievement chests, changing WvW maps to not be required for map completion and WvW rank potions sold for laurels, allow players who do not prefer to play WvW a few alternatives to meet their goals. These are good things, I just wish similar considerations were given to the portion of the player base that prefers to play WvW.
For WvW based guilds, a guild hall isn’t just an optional pretty place or a long term goal with a lot of shiny conveniences, it is a requirement to even continue playing WvW and have the abilities we earned before the expansion.
so recruit pvers. whats the problem again?
so recruit pvers. whats the problem again?
Let’s see. PVEers recruited in a wvw guild.
We do nothing you are interested in but we need you to join to give us materials and gold for our guild hall. So please join our guild.
Not a strong selling point I would think.
The amount of PVE needed for WvW upgrades is insane to say the least, especially when you have several (not all) people and guilds who only play WvW and despise the PVE aspect of the game…
The humor in all of this is that Memories of Battle or Shards of Glory aren’t needed to upgrade guild halls. Play how you want to play at it’s finest.
When they removed the insanely high requirements for WvW achievements… did you expect they would just disappear? I think one of the laws of physics states that insanely high requirements cannot be destroyed, only moved somewhere else… and what better place than WvW Upgrades?
The point I was trying to make is that its possible to have different groups of people in a guild. You dont have to have a guild that only does 1 thing. The incentive for pve’rs are no doubt in jeopardy because guild members playing wvw do not contribute to pve play. I would focus on recruiting pve’rs who like to occasionally play wvw, and have this occasional experience to be the best it can.
(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)
The point I was trying to make is that its possible to have different groups of people in a guild. You dont have to have a guild that only does 1 thing. The incentive for pve’rs are no doubt in jeopardy because guild members playing wvw do not contribute to pve play. I would focus on recruiting pve’rs who like to occasionally play wvw, and have this occasional experience to be the best it can.
And you don’t have to be a guild that does everything.
… all the wishes will be granted after 3 years, like the wvw gear salvage… have fun !
Archeage = Farmville with PK
The point I was trying to make is that its possible to have different groups of people in a guild. You dont have to have a guild that only does 1 thing. The incentive for pve’rs are no doubt in jeopardy because guild members playing wvw do not contribute to pve play. I would focus on recruiting pve’rs who like to occasionally play wvw, and have this occasional experience to be the best it can.
Yeah sorry. I get your point. Honestly we would have to pve as a guild more for that to work. We have/had players like what you describe in my guild.
They stopped repping and raiding with us and are either running with PvE focused guilds or solo pveing. I would say we list roughly one quarter of our raid.
It’s a good theory but not something we are seeing in practice. In fact, an opposite trend seems to be occurring.
The point I was trying to make is that its possible to have different groups of people in a guild. You dont have to have a guild that only does 1 thing. The incentive for pve’rs are no doubt in jeopardy because guild members playing wvw do not contribute to pve play. I would focus on recruiting pve’rs who like to occasionally play wvw, and have this occasional experience to be the best it can.
Yeah sorry. I get your point. Honestly we would have to pve as a guild more for that to work. We have/had players like what you describe in my guild.
They stopped repping and raiding with us and are either running with PvE focused guilds or solo pveing. I would say we lost roughly one quarter of our raid.
It’s a good theory but not something we are seeing in practice. In fact, an opposite trend seems to be occurring.