WvW Guilds in Gate of Madness? [Pro Left]

WvW Guilds in Gate of Madness? [Pro Left]

in WvW

Posted by: Almoryk Kane.6085

Almoryk Kane.6085

With Pro gone and pretty much every WvW guild gone from Gate of Madness im not sure if anyone is left. I know there are people out there. Someone is still holding forts and camps. People still like to do WvW and our population is not completley gone. We need to start a new. We need to start fresh and start to work together. Now is the time to rebuild. All those that love to do WvW really need to get together. Get some commanders together and try to fight back without jumping ship.

WvW Guilds in Gate of Madness? [Pro Left]

in WvW

Posted by: PinCushion.7390


I’ve been asking this question in /map the past few days. Nothing but awkward silence in response. The only way GoM is going to get a decent WvW presence is if we build it from scratch.

WvW Guilds in Gate of Madness? [Pro Left]

in WvW

Posted by: Westonate.8516


Well lets get a guild started its that easy i have a single person guild that im willing to dedicate to this and im willing to make people of equal power as the gm so its not some awkward higharchy you see the name just add me and let me know i want GoM to be on top and im sick of people talking about the orb hacker from week one . Come on GoM we can destroy our competition if we just unite \0

WvW Guilds in Gate of Madness? [Pro Left]

in WvW

Posted by: Heresiarch.9402


So Pro left? That’s disappointing, but not surprising.

I’m not leaving GoM anytime soon, but I can’t promise I’ll be here forever. However, I am only 1 person from a PvX guild with folks who aren’t spending too much time in WvW because of the imbalance issues. We are technically part of an alliance of two guilds, but our other PvP-centric half left weeks ago for greener pastures. My guild leader made the decision to stay on GoM because he didn’t want to lose our accumulated influence. So I’m not sure what the future holds, but we may transfer off if and when they allow guilds to move with all earned influence and perks.

And it’s not because I personally want to leave GoM, but I’ll go where my guild goes, simple as that. And I think it sucks. I think transferring is an incredibly short-sighted solution to a huge problem, and the guilds who hop around are just adding to the frustration of the people who are trying to stick it out. However, I can also see it from the WvW guild’s perspective, too. If they aren’t having fun, and their members are quitting the game, they are kind of forced into the position of leaving. And that sucks, as well.

As for those former or current GoM members who place the blame squarely on the shoulders of GoM’s players for our miserable showing the last two weeks, I absolutely and vehemently disagree with their assessment. ArenaNet is the the primary architect of these failures, like it or not, and we’re nearly powerless to stop anything that’s happening. Sure, we can have fun as the losers, but it’s not going to be amazingly awesome. Until they revamp WvW, which they say they are working on, a lot of servers like GoM will be rebuilding their communities from scratch due to the massive amounts of people who left.

And I think many of those servers like GoM can and will rise from the ashes. But it’s going to be a while. And probably not until ArenaNet fixes the WvW flaws that started this whole mess to begin with. We’ll see then how many people are left, and whether or not server merges are a good idea.

No, GoM wasn’t perfect when we had a decent amount of WvW guilds, but you can’t tell me that any other server with similar problems is ANY different.

TL;DR: also sick of reading about the f’ing orb hacker. I refuse to apologize for the behavior of one idiot who has probably transferred to 10 different servers by now. Our “reputation” as the hacker server was complete bullkitten. So stupid.

Murder, madness, death divine; hell hath no fury like my kind. <3

(edited by Heresiarch.9402)

WvW Guilds in Gate of Madness? [Pro Left]

in WvW

Posted by: Raist.4580


[PRO] was not the only WvW guild on the server and them leaving will not change GoM. GoM has had population problems with and without many WvW guilds.

Yesterday was a prime example, we were very organized in Eternal and basically took 75% of the map in 12 hours highly out numbered. Everyone worked together and stonemist defense over night was great fun. But we don’t have the population to sustain what we capture. So one guild leaving or one guild joining no matter the size will not fix or add to the problems on GoM.

We need population and commanders who are willing to teach. None of us want to be a zerg or we would have transfered off already. Keep the faith and continue to join WvW, there is going to be good weeks and bad weeks.

Raist Delirium | [KBD] Killed by Death | Tarnished Coast
Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia

WvW Guilds in Gate of Madness? [Pro Left]

in WvW

Posted by: Westonate.8516


I think i called a group quitters last night but they even called us cheaters and they are on GoM I can say out of all my Wv3 I have never seen a single GoM person hack so i dont get the stupid hacker server crap and i say good riddence to the people that leave trust me in the end we will be better off with out you crying and quitting all the time

WvW Guilds in Gate of Madness? [Pro Left]

in WvW

Posted by: Eviator.9746


Well I’m the leader of a small guild on GoM and I’m charged with determining whether we should move. PRO was the only organization we had. With them gone we’re going to be a bottom or next-to-bottom tier server. Truth be told, I’m fine with that. I’ve never needed to dominate, or even win. But we do need fun matches, and that means proper matchups (ANet needs to get rid of free server transfers) and a solution to night-capping (If it’s still a problem after free server transfers are disabled).

After transferring myself to Yak’s Bend last night to get an idea of the environment, a couple things stood out. 1) YB is more organized and has better communication. I think this stems from guilds that stuck around and server pride. GoM doesn’t have any of this. 2) They’ve experienced the same problems with bad match-ups (this week is an example) and night-capping. Moral of the story is, many servers are in the same boat as we are, and it’s not going to get better until free server transfers are turned off.

I’m not worried about the hackers effect on GoM long term. People will forget, and we’ll just be another server.

Now about losing our big guilds. I’m in favor of helping a grass-roots effort to build one from scratch, as long as that guild’s charter is to remain on GoM or disband, but NEVER transfer off. Someone willing to start such an effort can depend upon my support, so friend me and I’ll help get things started.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

WvW Guilds in Gate of Madness? [Pro Left]

in WvW

Posted by: gosu.4128



Well good luck yo you. You sure started off on the right foot didn’t you.

Anyway, let me just say there are some dormant WvW focused guilds still on GoM. By dormant I mean they have taken a break due to the crap shoot GoM is in. If you can prove that GoM can play in an organized, structured and coordinated manner, they may return and be a great asset to GoM.

WvW Guilds in Gate of Madness? [Pro Left]

in WvW

Posted by: Westonate.8516



Look i might have been wrong for saying what i did when i did it but they where talking about xfering to yb wich just looks like people that only want to win and dont care about GoM, second qqing quitting and leaving leads to bad moral for when we are being beaten down im all for fun i dont much care if we are winning every day im in it for the fight if these dormant Wv3 guilds are just waiting to join the fight once we start winning we dont need you we want people that are going to fight win or lose

WvW Guilds in Gate of Madness? [Pro Left]

in WvW

Posted by: GW For Cookies.4381

GW For Cookies.4381

Hello people,

Some of you may know me, and some of you may not. I have played in GoM since BWE3 (Frost Gate BWE2, Maguuma BWE1) and plan to keep my guild [TMGT] on this server regardless of what happens to GoM. I know that things are not looking great in WvW as a server, so I am going to explain what I believe is our server’s current situation and talk about a possible solution.

-GoM started out as a very strong server with a strong/high population
-GoM won many of the single-day battles
-Due to Orb-hacking incidents, many guilds/players/alliances have left
-Even without those guilds, GoM always has a strong showing on Day1 of every weekly match-up (Will have multiple times a point lead or very close to point lead)
-If by end of 36hour period GoM is behind by a substantial number, 90% of players stop playing
-If by end of 36hour period GoM is winning or very close, GoM has very high odds of winning
-Timeline of GoM’s history is playing out just like I predicted (Hackers will make people leave, Server will keep falling in ranks as we are underpopulated, we will eventually need to rebuilt the server from ground up)

GoM still has a solid (Not super high, but good number) of players that still like to WvW. Either due to time conflicts or many other reasons, the server cannot have presence in WvW 24 hours a day. Even with low/medium numbers, GoM has “strong” players relative to many of the zergs/mobs I have seen on other servers. Due to the 36 hour time indicator of victory or loss, it can be fair to say that 50~95% of the GoM WvW community are “fair-weather” players; meaning they will only play if they think they can/will win, but will quit immediately at any signs of weakness.

Overall Problem: A majority players on GoM only play WvW if they think they will win, they don’t seem to feel any connection to server pride, enjoyment in WvW, etc.

I am going to explain a little bit about my guild to give you a frame of reference: I run a very small guild, where my members work, go to school, have families, or sometimes just feel like farming for their legendary; but the thing is whenever I call my guildees to go into battle they are always up for it. The reason for it is because they enjoy WvW, regardless of the score. My members LOVE it when we have nothing in the map, we enjoy when we have OUTMANNED bonus, because it allows my players to move around and do better guerrilla tactics while gaining tons of kills, tons of karma, and most importantly tons of fun. My guild will Cap supply points/towers at random times of the day in random places of the map regardless of the score or odds against us; with my primary group of 5 I have been able to easily take on odds of 3:1 players up to 5:1 ratios; and due to the knowledge of the annoyance we cause some servers we enjoy WvW.

As a GL, I have personally turned tens of players from PvE only players into those that enjoy WvW, and I feel that is the best way for us to rebuild our server strength. I believe the solution to our current predicament is to make players that only play WvW for WINS turn into players that play WvW for FUN. This will inevitably make our server WIN more, making good players return to WvW and most importantly encourage our fair-weather players to come out the the party.

To sum it up, if you want GoM to make WvW fun again or at least go back up to medium level ranking, we need to make more players play WvW. The easiest way to do that is for Guild Leaders to encourage players to WvW and have a fun time.

Also on a sidenote, PRO or TCMM leaving isn’t a bad thing. Though I know they meant well, and I am trying to say this with all due respect; many (not all) of their commanders did not know how to organize, coordinate, or plan well enough to make an impact. I personally have a strong belief in small but coordinated 3~10 man groups are more impactful in WvW than huge-uncoordinated zergs. Multiple coordinated groups could have the same power as a zerg because the could quickly mob together to strike towers/keeps and then disperse after the objective is complete.

tl;dr: GL’s-Make your players find the joy in WVW; the more people we get, the higher odds of us winning, or at least giving our enemies a fight
Players/Lone-wolves- Find a guild you enjoy and make fun in WvW

WvW Guilds in Gate of Madness? [Pro Left]

in WvW

Posted by: Ordibble.3092


I saw a plucky group of GoM attack Longview yesterday. I was rooting for you (dancing on the ramparts) but then the YB zerg showed up. The GoM people that do show up look pretty staunch.

The last thing I want to do is preach about keeping your chins up, so maybe just some practical advice. Try stacking everyone into one map, even if it means going to the other maps to suggest swapping. A lot of the time it seems that people enter WvW in dribs and drabs and no critical mass is achieved, but if everyone goes to one map, it is more likely to happen.

(edited by Ordibble.3092)

WvW Guilds in Gate of Madness? [Pro Left]

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Anvil Rocks awaits your arrival in Tier 7. I’m sure SF and EB don’t mind sharing the spot with ya



WvW Guilds in Gate of Madness? [Pro Left]

in WvW

Posted by: gosu.4128


@ Westonate

These guilds don’t need GoM to start winning. These guilds need GoM to start listening to others, and cooperate with one another.

Here are a few examples as to why guilds leave the server, or the game altogether:

1) Commanders who don’t have the ability to lead, make dictator-like decisions, without being open-minded to the suggestions of others. These Commanders tend to be elitists. These Commanders have zero coordination abilities, leadership or logistics thinking.

2) Group think prevents people from thinking logically, and anything that’s suggested that’s different from the group think is flamed upon, ignored, and pushed into oblivion. This is why the zerg continues to fail.

3) With any alliance that has happened (I’ve been in many of them), the one common factor is that there is always at least one guild/individual that wants to take charge and rule with an iron fist.

4) Most new/old WvWers who don’t know how to WvW do not care to listen or learn the way to WvW effectively.

5) If you don’t have a Commander’s icon, no one will listen to you.

It’s plain and simple. After day in and day out, you get sick of this, and you can’t blame people for wanting to transfer or quit.

So I say again, it’s not about GoM starting to win. It’s about having at least an ounce of communication and coordination. Most powerful WvWers don’t care about the winning aspect. They want to enjoy playing in a coordinated, organized manner. That’s all they ask.

WvW Guilds in Gate of Madness? [Pro Left]

in WvW

Posted by: Disrespect.7842


sorry, but glad dragonbrand isnt the only server having problems:/ we lost a few big guilds over the last 2 weeks, its tuff out there right now. but at the end of the day im having alot of fun killing the dumb arses that switched to the winning server of the week. hope it gets better for all of us! look foward to our next match up GOM.

WvW Guilds in Gate of Madness? [Pro Left]

in WvW

Posted by: Westonate.8516


I agree with you and i try to listen but at times i get bored bashing my head against a tide of zergs with no gain or anything to show for the work, i think saturday night was when i finally started voicing things out to do and we decided (with out a commander) to just go to the third floor of sm when we where about to lose it and we more or less just gave yb a headach for a bit sure we didnt really do anything other than make them focus on cleaning out sm but i dont really care that is alot more fun to me. I hope that we can get past all this stuff and get more people in Wv3 to have more fun and silly trojan horse moments

WvW Guilds in Gate of Madness? [Pro Left]

in WvW

Posted by: Nsidiously iNsane.8195

Nsidiously iNsane.8195

I can see that everyone here wants to do something. Well then, let’s do it.
We need to band together and build an alliance of guilds. We need everyone on one voice chat system. We need organized groups within each guild.

If you’re interested in building this, pm me in-game at Saint Nsidious.

Art of Stealth [AoS]- Gate of Madness
Saint Nsidious (Warrior)-Insidious Xx (Necromancer)