WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: malixor.8417


I am the guild leader of Suffer [SFFR] on Darkhaven, some may know me as Katipen (Mesmer) or Malixor (Engineer). I’d like to comment on the recent turn of events between Darkhaven, Sanctum or Rall, and Sorrow’s Furnace. We are currently not in any guild alliance either, because we do not agree fully w/ some of the tactics a few guilds in the alliance use; so these are neutral statements.

1) Last week’s amazing matchup: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Sorrow-s-Furnace-vs-Darkhaven-vs-Sanctum-of-Rall-WUVWUV Did we all forget about last week? Our great back and forth battles and very even outcome? We had the closest match up out of every other server match up, envied by other servers… and now, it’s a mess.

2) Hacking: A handful of people abusing flaws in a system and using exploits to gain the upper hand DOES NOT represent an entire server’s population. I’d bet that 99% of Darkhaven would toss these morons into a pit of razors then dump salt on them if we had the opportunity, hopefully Anet will hit them w/ the perma-ban hammer soon. “Counter hacking” and using exploits to “get back” at those people just makes you just as bad as them, you are not fixing the problem… you are escalating it to what our current match up has turned into.

3) Transferring Servers: Transferring servers is not a solution to bad match up, TRANSFERS are the problem. Transfers were supposed to be free for only a short period of time; I do not understand why Anet has allowed them to still be free for this long… Now, the damage these guilds that jump to winning servers have done may be beyond repair. Here is a simple tip: Losing? Evaluate your tactics and fight smarter! Jumping to a winning server and greater a population disparity is not the intent of WvW and its ruining a server’s community. I urge guilds to STAY on their original server and work together… look at last week’s battle, amazing. Darkhaven worked together as one and giving SoR a run for 1st place, how can anyone not want that back?

Rumor: Sorrow’s Furnace guilds transferring to SoR? If this is true… It’s just appalling… Instead of joining SoR because you cannot currently beat them, why not set up an alliance w/ Darkhaven until the points are a bit more evened out. I rarely saw any SF’s players last night across 3 WvW Maps… Just hordes of SoR w/ maybe a small band of SF’s players near their spawn camp. How is this fun for SF’s? Those who transferred off of SF’s are hurting everyone else who on that server who are doing the right thing and staying put. So now, Darkhaven and SF’s are being dominated by SoR or should I say Sanctum of Rall’s Furance. I do not have any way to confirm this rumor… but, from what I’ve seen SF has disappeared during prime-time EST. THIS is a rumor, but it was said in the previous post that there is no confirmation of this.

EDIT: My original post was removed due to calling out certain guilds, I have removed that section and reposted because I believe this needs to be seen.

Guildleader of SUFFER [SFFR]
Katipen (Mesmer) / Malixor (Engineer)

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: malixor.8417


4) Darkhaven Commanders: I URGE you to re-evaluate your tactics and stop the mindless zerg… Worban, Tyron Stormbrew (sp? Gleader of Purple Dragons[PD]), and to an extent Yashka [HOT], have shown a good head on their shoulders to help lead our server; I’d love to become a commander and work together, but we are a smaller guild and currently can’t afford the tome. But, there are other commanders who are severely hurting our performance in battle. I do not like calling out guilds or players, unless I have a good reason… So, I will not offer any public criticism on the forums. If other commanders would like to whisper me in game, I can offer my opinion on ways you could improve (trying not to sound high and mighty, but I do have a great battle sense w/ tactics). We push and push way too hard w/ our zergs and never fortify, that leaves us vulnerable when our population dips. HOLD and FORTIFY w/ a point lead, over-extending does nothing but hurt you in the long run.

5) Toxic Attitudes: Get rid of them, period. Just because someone doesn’t have a blue commander icon over their heads, does not mean you have the right to berate them. We have plenty of great people who can lead well on this server w/o the icon and only a very small amount w/ them who can. Saying “DARKHAVEN SUCKS!!!!” in chat or raging at your team mates only makes the problem worse and demoralize the server. We do not suck, we are actually pretty good at WvW; I should say we are pretty good at WvW when exploits and server transfer abuse do not happen.
I think I’ve said enough and most of you are probably sick of me already I will continue to lead my guild and do what a smaller guild can do, hold points and supply lines. We are currently not interested in a guild alliance until we can evaluate what’s going on at the moment, but I would like to work w/ DHA in the time being. I urge everyone to end this negativity and bring our battlegroup back to the glory filled battle we had last week. Where is everyone from that battle? I miss you =\
Also, do not ignore the smaller guilds that have put much effort and success into helping the server strive for success, we impact and bring more than you know to the fight. Also, obligatory Suffer [SFFR] needs more friendly, intelligent, and like-minded people if you are interested. Send a whisper to Katipen, Malixor, or Delrik for more information. (Great, now this whole post seemed like a guild recruitment message)…..

EDIT: My original post was removed due to calling out certain guilds, I have removed that section and reposted because I believe this needs to be seen. I hope this post now conforms to the forums rules. The personal attack on the 2 guilds I mentioned have been edited out, please let this topic stay Anet, as it brought up and lead to a fruitful conversation.

Guildleader of SUFFER [SFFR]
Katipen (Mesmer) / Malixor (Engineer)

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Sir William PD.9615

Sir William PD.9615

See if this one stays…

Though I have to say some guilds and guild leaders need to be called out.

-Thoryn Stormbrew, Dolyak Slayer
Purple Dragons – Fort Aspenwood

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Vacks.6459


Thank you for reposting this. I saw the original and agree 100%.

Server: Tarnished Coast
Guild: Ours Is The Fury [FURY]

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Celestian.2689


I am not sure of SF guilds moving to SoR. I see a SBI guild that moved to our server because of the 4 hour queues on their server.

As to the hacking, we definitely saw it last night. Fortunately our people were on the ball and killed the guy. He was a DF player though I was not there to see his guild or name.

Sanctum of Rall – Vigilance

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Worban.1574


malixor, I was writing a reply to your post on my topic (that just got deleted too!) and fortunately followed my usual habit of copy-paste before clicking submit. So here it is, as would’ve appeared on my other thread:

That’s cool, malixor. I wish I’d followed my usual habit of copying a large post to clipboard before pressing submit [on your previously deleted thread]. So my reply to your post was lost and I have to call it a day soon.

In a nutshell, I wanted to thank you for the shout out too, as Sir William.PD had done and say that I agree with everything you wrote and hope everyone on our server takes heed of your insights.

Particularly, you are absolutely right that we have a lot of really good leaders on our server, even though they do not have the Commander’s Training book yet.

I also wanted to thank Sir William.PD for his pride in our server. I share that same pride. I am with our server until the bitter or glorious end. If we triumph, I will bask in our victory. If we sink, I’m going down with the ship.

Note that I intentionally did not mention our server name here, because I want this topic to remain server-neutral.

(And I found it got deleted when I clicked submit)

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Worban.1574


For the record, my topic (nor anything that anybody wrote on it) did not violate any ToS or anything. But I understand why they deleted it. Their explanation for removal was…let’s say was delicately phrased and tactful!

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Dinks.2478


I am the guild leader of Suffer [SFFR] on Darkhaven, some may know me as Katipen (Mesmer) or Malixor (Engineer). I’d like to comment on the recent turn of events between Darkhaven, Sanctum or Rall, and Sorrow’s Furnace. We are currently not in any guild alliance either, because we do not agree fully w/ some of the tactics a few guilds in the alliance use; so these are neutral statements.

1) Last week’s amazing matchup: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Sorrow-s-Furnace-vs-Darkhaven-vs-Sanctum-of-Rall-WUVWUV Did we all forget about last week? Our great back and forth battles and very even outcome? We had the closest match up out of every other server match up, envied by other servers… and now, it’s a mess.

2) Hacking: A handful of people abusing flaws in a system and using exploits to gain the upper hand DOES NOT represent an entire server’s population. I’d bet that 99% of Darkhaven would toss these morons into a pit of razors then dump salt on them if we had the opportunity, hopefully Anet will hit them w/ the perma-ban hammer soon. “Counter hacking” and using exploits to “get back” at those people just makes you just as bad as them, you are not fixing the problem… you are escalating it to what our current match up has turned into.

3) Transferring Servers: Transferring servers is not a solution to bad match up, TRANSFERS are the problem. Transfers were supposed to be free for only a short period of time; I do not understand why Anet has allowed them to still be free for this long… Now, the damage these guilds that jump to winning servers have done may be beyond repair. Here is a simple tip: Losing? Evaluate your tactics and fight smarter! Jumping to a winning server and greater a population disparity is not the intent of WvW and its ruining a server’s community. I urge guilds to STAY on their original server and work together… look at last week’s battle, amazing. Darkhaven worked together as one and giving SoR a run for 1st place, how can anyone not want that back?

Rumor: Sorrow’s Furnace guilds transferring to SoR? If this is true… It’s just appalling… Instead of joining SoR because you cannot currently beat them, why not set up an alliance w/ Darkhaven until the points are a bit more evened out. I rarely saw any SF’s players last night across 3 WvW Maps… Just hordes of SoR w/ maybe a small band of SF’s players near their spawn camp. How is this fun for SF’s? Those who transferred off of SF’s are hurting everyone else who on that server who are doing the right thing and staying put. So now, Darkhaven and SF’s are being dominated by SoR or should I say Sanctum of Rall’s Furance. I do not have any way to confirm this rumor… but, from what I’ve seen SF has disappeared during prime-time EST. THIS is a rumor, but it was said in the previous post that there is no confirmation of this.

EDIT: My original post was removed due to calling out certain guilds, I have removed that section and reposted because I believe this needs to be seen.

I don’t know if SF players jumped to SoR, nor do I care. I play on SF and the general idea I and according to SOME other SF players who have posted on this agree on. Is that we are just not in the mood to work twice as hard just to compete with the night capping. SoR seems to have developed a night game now. Which is why they are able to dominate so much now. They have people capping and defending day and night.

SF is demoralized, tired and hopefully I feel we’re just taking the week off.

I also hope that if we do get matched up the same again next week that they at least mix up our colors so we get the different areas of EB.

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Slartibartfast.2170


I don’t know if SF players jumped to SoR, nor do I care. I play on SF and the general idea I and according to SOME other SF players who have posted on this agree on. Is that we are just not in the mood to work twice as hard just to compete with the night capping. SoR seems to have developed a night game now. Which is why they are able to dominate so much now. They have people capping and defending day and night.

SF is demoralized, tired and hopefully I feel we’re just taking the week off.

I also hope that if we do get matched up the same again next week that they at least mix up our colors so we get the different areas of EB.

I hear you man. I play on darkhaven and am getting demoralized myself. After last weeks matchup and how close it was, it is sad to see how this weeks matchup is going. I mean at the point of this post Darkhaven is earning +30 points per tick.. I just had to log because there is nothing we can do, SoR is dug in so deep and it seems their numbers have icnreased, I don’t even see a speck of Sarrow Furnace anywhere at all.
(Odd though because they still retain their keeps while darkhaven loses all theirs, but perhaps thats where Sarros Furance is…defending their keeps.)

Hopefully if they do decide to rematch us again for a 3rd week, they will actually rotate where we are instead of keep us the same yet again.

I just hope the two underdog realms can get something going and make it a decent matchup again, but having people transfer from Darkhaven and Sarrows Furnace to Sanctum of Rall isn’t helping things out.

I will be curious to see if the cycle continues though. Because if Sanctum of Rall gets paired with bigger servers next week, then gets their butts kicked, they may lose their newly acquired bandwagon jumpers to the other servers, but then again if they do well, they could bolster their server with new jumpers. When will the bandwagon jumping cycle discontinue?

/sarcasm Thank you Arenanet for supporting bandwagon jumping.

[Abys] Spoonerism – 80 engineer – Darkhaven
I am not the youtube spoonerism, nor did I know about him prior to selecting this name.
Google spoonerism, it is a real word.

(edited by Slartibartfast.2170)

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Sir William PD.9615

Sir William PD.9615

I’m hesitant to write a long reply again because if it gets deleted I might just get mad.

The summary of my previous post is this:

Players will come and go. Guilds will come and go. If you focus on the things that you can control and don’t worry about those you cannot, you’ll find a much happier gaming environment. PD can sustain 3 – 4 groups of quality players one weekends and 2 – 3 groups during the evening on the weekdays. When I am on, I will gladly help direct things for those who want to follow. If no one wants to follow then PD will do what we can to negatively impact the ability of the enemy to make war.

Having a CMDR book does not make you a leader it simply gives you visibility so people can find you. If you’re a guild leader and people follow you then you’re already a leader and worthy of the respect that title grants you. I will work with any guild leader that is willing to work together.

- Thoryn Stormbrew

-Thoryn Stormbrew, Dolyak Slayer
Purple Dragons – Fort Aspenwood

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


Man just looked at the map and Sanctum or Hackers is going hog wild.

Will be nice when the Arenanet facerolls all of them with the Ban Hammer.

Never understood why people would pay $60 for a game to do all them can to wreck it.

www.infowars.com and also lookup Agenda 21
www.graystatemovie.com its coming if you like it or not.

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Worban.1574


Indeed, 2-3 guilds of comprising of 50-60 members of notorious cheaters are ruining the WvW experience for a lot of players and tarnishing the reputation of a certain server. I feel bad for the vast majority of players on that server who play the game fairly and the stigma that will be attached to them as a result of this growing number of bad apples.

And the one guild that malixor had called out before is the same guild I have been itching to call out too. Anet needs to monitor those guys in particular quite closely, and I hope the ban hammer hits them all hard, real soon!

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Voorhees.3510


Being on SF and participating with vVv gaming in WvW just a couple things I have noticed and want to comment on also.

1. I don’t pin certain people hacking on an entire server, yes it sucks that it can turn the tides and ruin the point spread, but that isn’t the entire servers fault. Hopefully that ban hammer hits f’n hard!

2. With regards to guilds leaving SF for SoR. I don’t believe that to be true. We were playing last night and trying to hold/take spots and it seemed to be all SoR pushing and I saw a few Darkhaven guys. We were in SoR’s borderlands. BUT… what I did see was some big groups of guilds that I had not seen on SoR before. A couple names stood out to me as being pretty well known WoW guilds, not sure if they are the same guys, but if so it would make since.

3. With the attention that our servers got last round and server Q’s being a big issue for alot of people, I feel like it brought some xfer’s to our 3 servers. In this case I feel that it was SoR that got the biggest of this. Probably due to it being apparent that they have a night presence.

I really enjoy WvW, and things are still being iron’d out for sure. Try to enjoy the game and not get caught up in the Forums with all the negativity. There are thousands of people playing, so don’t let a few people trying to flame your server bring you down. Forum trolls will do their thing always.

I just hope to be able to still have fun battles with servers and be competitive. Obviously I hate losing and so does everyone else, but we do what we can.

Thanks and hope to meet you on the battle field.

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Kami.7369


You guys may not know me, but I’m Jonlo from Getof Fenris. I don’t tend to lead as much as I try and provide strategy to my guild, and have others lead in my place. Recently we recruited Thigh Bruiser as a Commander because we were having insane issues with people arguing with GoF about things going on in a map. Notably on Friday we broke through one of the Bay keeps outer wall, but half the people left to attack a Supply Depot with another commander across to map to score points.

I am a huge advocate for get the orbs to win, but I keep seeing people wanting to farm Karma and “score points” not realizing that if you don’t hold the points, you don’t get them at the tally time.

Even last night we tried to lead a charge on SoR in SE Borderlands, so we took Crag, so we could attack Garrison. The idea being that Garrison can lay seige to the Bay with Trebs and we can work on the orb. A bunch of people on the map wanted to push Bluebriar because it’s closer to the Bay, not understanding that it’s right outside of SoRs spawn, and all that’s going to do is kick the Hornet’s nest.

Long story short, we got the inner Garrison gate to about 30% but not enough people showed up and SoR easily pushed us out.

In retrospect I have an idea on how to handle this for next time.

Jonlo Vangalen
Getof Fenris – Blackgate

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Rashka.7304


Indeed, 2-3 guilds of comprising of 50-60 members of notorious cheaters(…)

In one of those deleted threads there was talk about one group of 5-6 players which were reported for cheating/exploiting. Now we are up to 50-60, yes?

If you can provide any useful information or evidence send them to anet. Otherwise, generalizations are bad. Don’t, please.

Rashka the desert scout
<Vigilance> VIG
Sanctum of Rall

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: vvp.8512


If you really want to stop SOR’s night game you gotta cut off the Vodka supply to NA.

Plainview (80 Engineer) SoR

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Worban.1574


It is 5-6 that we see every day doing the same thing with major hacks (like flying into a tower and gating), from the same guild. Another guild’s members are using smaller, not so obvious but clearly hack-program driven modifications to the game (like being able to evade 4 times in a row for some impressive invulnerability or speed hacking).

Reporting has been made. We are awaiting results. We are simply stating that hackers are not simply just lone rangers out their doing their thing in secrecy. Hacking is starting to become an organized approach in the game. Next steps, if this does not get fixed in the near future…GW2 becomes a cheat to compete game, and that’s when I stop playing altogether.

I have never called a guild out or labeled a server. I’m just hoping that a public conversation about this problem will give Anet a sense of urgency on this issue. I agree that flaming and blaming needs to be kept to a minimum. But Anet needs to understand that this is becoming a serious player satisfaction issue and the only way that happens is with a public discussion of the topic.

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Billy Mcfloy.4830

Billy Mcfloy.4830

I am the guild leader of Suffer [SFFR] on Darkhaven, some may know me as Katipen (Mesmer) or Malixor (Engineer). I’d like to comment on the recent turn of events between Darkhaven, Sanctum or Rall, and Sorrow’s Furnace. We are currently not in any guild alliance either, because we do not agree fully w/ some of the tactics a few guilds in the alliance use; so these are neutral statements.

1) Last week’s amazing matchup: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Sorrow-s-Furnace-vs-Darkhaven-vs-Sanctum-of-Rall-WUVWUV Did we all forget about last week? Our great back and forth battles and very even outcome? We had the closest match up out of every other server match up, envied by other servers… and now, it’s a mess.

2) Hacking: A handful of people abusing flaws in a system and using exploits to gain the upper hand DOES NOT represent an entire server’s population. I’d bet that 99% of Darkhaven would toss these morons into a pit of razors then dump salt on them if we had the opportunity, hopefully Anet will hit them w/ the perma-ban hammer soon. “Counter hacking” and using exploits to “get back” at those people just makes you just as bad as them, you are not fixing the problem… you are escalating it to what our current match up has turned into.

3) Transferring Servers: Transferring servers is not a solution to bad match up, TRANSFERS are the problem. Transfers were supposed to be free for only a short period of time; I do not understand why Anet has allowed them to still be free for this long… Now, the damage these guilds that jump to winning servers have done may be beyond repair. Here is a simple tip: Losing? Evaluate your tactics and fight smarter! Jumping to a winning server and greater a population disparity is not the intent of WvW and its ruining a server’s community. I urge guilds to STAY on their original server and work together… look at last week’s battle, amazing. Darkhaven worked together as one and giving SoR a run for 1st place, how can anyone not want that back?

Rumor: Sorrow’s Furnace guilds transferring to SoR? If this is true… It’s just appalling… Instead of joining SoR because you cannot currently beat them, why not set up an alliance w/ Darkhaven until the points are a bit more evened out. I rarely saw any SF’s players last night across 3 WvW Maps… Just hordes of SoR w/ maybe a small band of SF’s players near their spawn camp. How is this fun for SF’s? Those who transferred off of SF’s are hurting everyone else who on that server who are doing the right thing and staying put. So now, Darkhaven and SF’s are being dominated by SoR or should I say Sanctum of Rall’s Furance. I do not have any way to confirm this rumor… but, from what I’ve seen SF has disappeared during prime-time EST. THIS is a rumor, but it was said in the previous post that there is no confirmation of this.

EDIT: My original post was removed due to calling out certain guilds, I have removed that section and reposted because I believe this needs to be seen.

Did you really just type all of that as a delivery method of slipping in your QQ about SoR being in the lead?

SoR has not noticed any SF guilds or players at all join our side. In fact whenever SF are playing and this is when DH had a decent lead, they would run over and attack bluelake usually being our only tower on the red map.

SoR has not returned any type of hacking or glitching as you sneakily accused us of in this post.

SoR does not plan any kind of nightcaping. In fact our prime time is around 8pm EST. Maybe it’s just a time zone issue but over here in America when i wake up every map, every single tower and keep is usually DH owned which gives you a nice burst of points, which is no longer working due to SoR’s hard work and epic defenses vs greater numbers. You can also see in multiple threads of DH admitting to nightcaping as their main strategy “because they are smarter”. Which isn’t really an issue anyways.

I agree that the server transfers and hacking/glitching are ruining a good game we could be having but don’t try to type out a long post to justify your sneaky accusations you’ve slipped in and discredit SoR’s hard work.

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Vacks.6459


Did you really just type all of that as a delivery method of slipping in your QQ about SoR being in the lead?

SoR has not noticed any SF guilds or players at all join our side. In fact whenever SF are playing and this is when DH had a decent lead, they would run over and attack bluelake usually being our only tower on the red map.

SoR has not returned any type of hacking or glitching as you sneakily accused us of in this post.

SoR does not plan any kind of nightcaping. In fact our prime time is around 8pm EST. Maybe it’s just a time zone issue but over here in America when i wake up every map, every single tower and keep is usually DH owned which gives you a nice burst of points, which is no longer working due to SoR’s hard work and epic defenses vs greater numbers. You can also see in multiple threads of DH admitting to nightcaping as their main strategy “because they are smarter”. Which isn’t really an issue anyways.

I agree that the server transfers and hacking/glitching are ruining a good game we could be having but don’t try to type out a long post to justify your sneaky accusations you’ve slipped in and discredit SoR’s hard work.

ru·mor? ?/?rum?r/ Show Spelled[roo-mer]
1. a story or statement in general circulation without confirmation or certainty as to facts: a rumor of war.
2. gossip; hearsay: Don’t listen to rumor.
3. Archaic . a continuous, confused noise; clamor; din.

Server: Tarnished Coast
Guild: Ours Is The Fury [FURY]

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Rashka.7304


I have never called a guild out or labeled a server. I’m just hoping that a public conversation about this problem will give Anet a sense of urgency on this issue. I agree that flaming and blaming needs to be kept to a minimum. But Anet needs to understand that this is becoming a serious player satisfaction issue and the only way that happens is with a public discussion of the topic.

It is a very, very fine line between reasonable discussion and flame war when it comes to this topic. Once a rumor/accusation is in the world it cannot be undone, and usually it spreads and evolves like a virus. No matter the truth the reputation of guilds and individuals mentioned will be damaged. There is a reason why couple other threads were deleted today.

Anyway, most important thing is to report possible cheating/hacking to anet. Informing the community to sharpen their senses is a delicate matter though. The opposite of “good” is “good intention”.

Rashka the desert scout
<Vigilance> VIG
Sanctum of Rall

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Sir William PD.9615

Sir William PD.9615

There are things you can control and things you cannot. As the leader of PD, I can control the actions of my guild and my guild only. I can directly influence the score of the WvW match in the zone I am in and in the time I am in the game.

I cannot control hackers, dumb CMDRs, zergs, exploits or the score before and after I leave the field. If I worry about the total score of the match or what someone will do after I log for the evening I will drive myself crazy. In Shadowbane, I could directly influence the game community 24/7 because of the game dynamics. This game is not designed that way and unless I turn back the clock to when I was single and 25, I won’t be able to play enough hours to have that kind of an impact.

Short version, play to the best of your ability while you are on and don’t sweat the things you can’t control. I can guarantee you that six months from now no one will look back and say “man, remember that time that SoR beat DH and SF by 100k points back in October?”

-Thoryn Stormbrew, Dolyak Slayer
Purple Dragons – Fort Aspenwood

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Worban.1574


Yes, and that fine line is calling a guild out by name or labeling a server.

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: malixor.8417


Billy McCoy, I really don’t think you read my post thoroughly, I’m not QQing as you say. We had an amazing match up and look what it turned into. I’m out on the field almost every night despite how badly we may be losing. I prefer a challenge, I don’t rub from them… Like all these server hoppers.

Guildleader of SUFFER [SFFR]
Katipen (Mesmer) / Malixor (Engineer)

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: EnochDagor.6185


I’ll try to recap what I posted in the deleted thread. A lil erked that ANet deleted the entire thread instead of making modifications since it was already responded to…

Anyway, as for my guild and I, our participation in WvW has dropped massively since the reset. During our previous match, we were on each nite and there were queues for every zone. Now, we have committed maybe 1 or 2 nites and that is only because of alliance operations. There never seems to be a queue except for EB. Which leads me to believe that other guilds are potentially going through the same rutt.

Could be burnout, but i dunno. So maybe it is the fact that this feels like a rematch? SF already won the last match after putting in a lot of effort. Not feeling it this time. It is nothing against DH or SoR. In fact, it is fun fighting these 2 servers… but imagine the feeling of playing a game for a week only to accidently delete the saved game file you were using and finding that you have to start back where you were a week ago. Kinda feels like that, imo.

80 Elementalist – Sanctum of Rall
Various other classes for figuring out how to kill em (thief, warrior, mesmer, etc…)
War is much more fun when you’re winning! – General Martok

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Slartibartfast.2170


I think a lot of it comes down to the fact that it is ArenaNet’s fault for allowing server transfer to be free for so long.

Especially in the initial case of them being instant. I don’t see a reason for instant server transfers. (So they can play with their friends!)

Ok..so you want them to play with their friends, let them! Give them 1 free transfer to transfer to play with their friends..then give them a week cooldown.

How many friends do you have on all these different servers that warrants a free instant transfer, or even a 24 hour transfer?

A week+ would be sufficient cooldown timer if Arenanet wants to keep them free, but I don’t understand how they can justify having such a low “server transfer cooldown” based on the idea that they want people to play with their friends.

Unfortunately the “play with your friends” has turned into “play with the server who is winning wvwvw”.

We will see how the scores progress as the week goes on..well..thursday/friday, but I have a feeling the gap is going to just keep widening. Unless we can flip these fully upgraded SoR towers/keeps to a different faction, I don’t see anyone catching up, but hey look on the bright side…maybe we will get some new servers to fight..

[Abys] Spoonerism – 80 engineer – Darkhaven
I am not the youtube spoonerism, nor did I know about him prior to selecting this name.
Google spoonerism, it is a real word.

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: EnochDagor.6185


Actually, I’m not so sure we will. For example, if DH wins and SoR takes 2nd, we’ll prolly be rematched again (though colors may actually change for once).

80 Elementalist – Sanctum of Rall
Various other classes for figuring out how to kill em (thief, warrior, mesmer, etc…)
War is much more fun when you’re winning! – General Martok

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Celestian.2689


I would like to get the names/guild of said accused hackers (pm?) so that I can look for them and monitor it myself on our side and report any exploits they might be doing. I would happily waste a couple nights taking screenshots/video captures to get proof of their activities.

Wish I had got the DH hackers name but I was not there when they killed him.

Sanctum of Rall – Vigilance

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Worban.1574


I will pm you in game Celestian and thanks for the offer. I reciprocate that offer but I’m afraid it’s almost pointless when you guys already control everything. The biggest, most obvious offenders (where screenshots are smoking guns) use their hacks to take points on map, whereas others just use them in fights and can only be spotted with a close eye. Screenshots will not work in most those cases since they do not depict action. A screenshot of someone evading, or even evading 4 times in a row does not mean anything because it does not demonstrate the instant execution time between them. That is why some on our server have started recording footage of game-play and submitting video to Anet reporting. But that is such a pain and makes the game no longer fun for me, so I don’t personally do it.

If I ever see a DH player hack, I will be the first to report them. If they happen to be a member of our large guild it will result in an insta-perma-ban with notice to fellow officers of the incident.

I will start a big push or support an existing one to reclaim as much of our map as possible in the next 20-30 minutes because I too, don’t mind being underdogs and welcome the challenge, so long as it is not 24/7 spawn-camping with heavy siege like Yaks a couple weeks ago. That’s just lame all around and would not like to see DH ever do something like that. In the meantime, we can have a little chat.

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I know the evading 4x in a row is used as an example but I just want to inform you all that a Thief can with the correct skill and traits dodge more than 4x in a row. I’ve used this build before using 15 points in acrobatics and a signet.

WvW Issues and Darkhaven Match-Up Statement.

in WvW

Posted by: Cael.2641


There are things you can control and things you cannot. As the leader of PD, I can control the actions of my guild and my guild only. I can directly influence the score of the WvW match in the zone I am in and in the time I am in the game.

I cannot control hackers, dumb CMDRs, zergs, exploits or the score before and after I leave the field. If I worry about the total score of the match or what someone will do after I log for the evening I will drive myself crazy. In Shadowbane, I could directly influence the game community 24/7 because of the game dynamics. This game is not designed that way and unless I turn back the clock to when I was single and 25, I won’t be able to play enough hours to have that kind of an impact.

Short version, play to the best of your ability while you are on and don’t sweat the things you can’t control. I can guarantee you that six months from now no one will look back and say “man, remember that time that SoR beat DH and SF by 100k points back in October?”

We need more of this kind of sensibility.

I know night-capping, hacking, and transferring are frustrating, but they are the dead horses in any discussion about WvW and have been addressed numerous times. Night-capping is officially endorsed by the devs by the fact that WvW is meant to be a 24/7 engagement.

Hacking needs to be reported straight to the authority, ANet. It really has no place in open discussion. Even saying “We’re not accusing everyone, but such-and-such incident of hacking has really had an effect…” does nothing but foster a pointless, negative discussion.

Free transfers will not be around forever, but ANet is working on the solution because they promised free guesting that’s currently not working.

Until then, Sir William’s got it right, are we really going to get so worked up over 1 of our matches barely a month after launch?

That’s not to bash your past at all, Malixor. like the call for greater unity and server pride, and for a change in a more effective server-wide strategy. I especially agree that we need to do everything we can in our power to get rid of the toxic, defeatist attitudes that can at times predominate chat.

I believe the “zerg” (I prefer blitz or “shock and awe” in our case) strategy has definitely been used to tremendous effect, and it had so much momentum that it was difficult at the time to go against the flow and point out its weaknesses. That’s why I’m genuinely glad for the change in situation. Now we have evidence of its flaws, and we can use that as a server to learn and adapt.