(edited by Poisonwell.1209)
WvW It's a race in circles to earn rewards
What WvW should change:
- Honestly I think the WvW should be rewarded according to the time that the strengths or spots are maintained and not every time you take, it’s like going in circles all the time .. really stupid, it has nothing of pvp.
Clearly you understand WvW better than does ANet. It should be patently obvious that if you create a competition based around your team holding objectives to win … and then you offer better individual rewards for a totally different behavior (i.e., flipping objectives back and forth) … that you are going to undermine your own game. How ANet cannot grasp that, especially in the face of a classic prior example in the form of the Conquest 3-faction PvP mode in Rift, is totally beyond my comprehension.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
What WvW should change:
- Honestly I think the WvW should be rewarded according to the time that the strengths or spots are maintained and not every time you take, it’s like going in circles all the time .. really stupid, it has nothing of pvp.
Clearly you understand WvW better than does ANet. It should be patently obvious that if you create a competition based around your team holding objectives to win … and then you offer better individual rewards for a totally different behavior (i.e., flipping objectives back and forth) … that you are going to undermine your own game. How ANet cannot grasp that, especially in the face of a classic prior example in the form of the Conquest 3-faction PvP mode in Rift, is totally beyond my comprehension.
Definitely. It needs to be scored like COD’s Domination and BF’s Conquest. You gain points for how long you hold the objective.
The higher up the tiers you go, the more important defending becomes. There’s a lot more manpower to take a structure and defend it to deny your opponents that PPT
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
The higher up the tiers you go, the more important defending becomes. There’s a lot more manpower to take a structure and defend it to deny your opponents that PPT
“Important” and “Rewarding” is not the same thing.
The higher up the tiers you go, the more important defending becomes. There’s a lot more manpower to take a structure and defend it to deny your opponents that PPT
“Important” and “Rewarding” is not the same thing.
That feeling after you successfully defended a 3 hour long siege of your garrison? Pretty kitten rewarding I’d say
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
Feelings don’t buy ascended gear.
I agree points should be accumulated based on the time the objective is held. You can and should still have some reward/points based on capturing the point but right now unless it’s around the 7:00 mark no one attacks objectives because you may lose it before the tick.
focus on Dungeons, Fractals and Raiding.
Feelings don’t buy ascended gear.
and that is what it comes down to. Much like being a support build does not really get you rewards from events. Defending doesn’t do much towards winning WvW and it just burns away gold and karma and drops.
You already rewards for killing players.
Sorry can’t see my self in your situation since my server is going for the fights all the time :P
Feel good that at least some people agree that is better be awarded to defend rather than attack to force players go to real PVP or the need of some changes in WvW
I made the same comment in chat map and all I received were insults, I just hope some GM read this post and at least be aware that this is not the way to run a war zone as WvW
Feelings don’t buy ascended gear.
What WvW should change:
- Honestly I think the WvW should be rewarded according to the time that the strengths or spots are maintained and not every time you take, it’s like going in circles all the time .. really stupid, it has nothing of pvp.
Clearly you understand WvW better than does ANet. It should be patently obvious that if you create a competition based around your team holding objectives to win … and then you offer better individual rewards for a totally different behavior (i.e., flipping objectives back and forth) … that you are going to undermine your own game. How ANet cannot grasp that, especially in the face of a classic prior example in the form of the Conquest 3-faction PvP mode in Rift, is totally beyond my comprehension.
It’s not like we haven’t told them before. It’s hard to believe they asked for our feedback again in the last livestream while what needs to be done couldn’t have been said more often and be more obvious.
What WvW should change:
- Honestly I think the WvW should be rewarded according to the time that the strengths or spots are maintained and not every time you take, it’s like going in circles all the time .. really stupid, it has nothing of pvp.
Clearly you understand WvW better than does ANet. It should be patently obvious that if you create a competition based around your team holding objectives to win … and then you offer better individual rewards for a totally different behavior (i.e., flipping objectives back and forth) … that you are going to undermine your own game. How ANet cannot grasp that, especially in the face of a classic prior example in the form of the Conquest 3-faction PvP mode in Rift, is totally beyond my comprehension.
It’s not like we haven’t told them before. It’s hard to believe they asked for our feedback again in the last livestream while what needs to be done couldn’t have been said more often and be more obvious.
Some great points. I also am surprised Anet hasn’t bought into this.
One of the big problems is the current version of WvW breaks people down. They like WvW but end up leaving it or the game because their play style isn’t rewarded or appreciated. There are people …as crazy as it seems, that enjoy defending. They enjoy building up a structure while they are in the area and scouting for their realm. They run supply, build siege, upgrade etc. All the while they are happily chatting with guild mates and friends.
Not only do they miss out on experience and loot, it costs them cash. Add to that they are basically ostracized for doing what they are doing. They call out an attack on their prized structure….the response? ..“don’t worry, we will take it back later”. Why? Because their are greater rewards letting someone take that tower/keep.
bassackwards imo
Unfortunately you’re complaining about human nature, and blaming the games fundamental design. If this were the case, it would be the same on all servers, which definitely isn’t true.
WvW/RvR in all games has always been driven by the players, and GW2 is no exception.
The maps in GW2 WvW are small and getting a bit stale, and EOTM didn’t really do anythnig to help regarding this as it serves as a disconnect from the hardcore WvW experience, other than that I personally don’t have any problems with it.