WvW Livestream Reveal: 5 New Capture Points
While i hoped to see the whole new lake area, i don’t think the stream was that bad. Gave me some hope for open field combat.
Gandara – WvW Warrior
Anything that promotes small group play or open field combat is good in my perspective. Atleast the new points don’t involve PvD.
And to the people saying they added sPvP in WvW… take a look around. The whole WvW map has always been capture and hold points. some just have walls around them.
Elementalist | Ranger | JQ
If it really promotes small group play i will enjoy it a lot, it would be even more awesome if the buff would open something like darkness falls, then i would love ANet forever.
I do agree that the more points promote more PvP, and it will certainly help divide zergs. An ineffective zerg will certainly not be able to hold all 5 points. However, it simply appears to be a band-aid.
If it really promotes small group play i will enjoy it a lot, it would be even more awesome if the buff would open something like darkness falls, then i would love ANet forever.
Amen. However, now that they basically instanced off Obsidian Sanctum, it seems as though the dev team doesn’t really care about it. It’s almost always a dead zone now. I would love to see some actual rewards though from a place like OS.
bringin spvp to wvw 2013!
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bringin spvp to wvw 2013!
WvW is just like SPvP. We capture and hold for points. Except capture points have defensive walls and gates protecting it.
Scrub D/D Ele. What’s server loyalty?
There is still a giant lake wasting space …. sure the cap points are a good addition but, just get rid of the lake already.
bringin spvp to wvw 2013!
WvW is just like SPvP. We capture and hold for points. Except capture points have defensive walls and gates protecting it.
the gameplay is different
bloodlust will be pure spvp without number restrictions
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
bringin spvp to wvw 2013!
WvW is just like SPvP. We capture and hold for points. Except capture points have defensive walls and gates protecting it.
the gameplay is different
bloodlust will be pure spvp without number restrictions
We still have pretty much NO details on the new system other than capping. There should be more to it.
Scrub D/D Ele. What’s server loyalty?
If You need to hold just 3 of 5, there will be 25 man guild holding them and pugs taking bay or hills..
If You need to hold just 3 of 5, there will be 25 man guild holding them and pugs taking bay or hills..
So 8 people holding each point? Please I’d love to see only 8 people holding it. Free bags.
My fun laughs at your server pride.
If You need to hold just 3 of 5, there will be 25 man guild holding them and pugs taking bay or hills..
So 8 people holding each point? Please I’d love to see only 8 people holding it. Free bags.
prolly more like 1-5 on each point and a larger group running cleaning crew
…theres a reason spvp is kind of centered around single people holding points while 3 or so roam around dealing with attacks. it makes sense to have minimal forces where the enemy isnt.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
If You need to hold just 3 of 5, there will be 25 man guild holding them and pugs taking bay or hills..
So 8 people holding each point? Please I’d love to see only 8 people holding it. Free bags.
prolly more like 1-5 on each point and a larger group running cleaning crew
…theres a reason spvp is kind of centered around single people holding points while 3 or so roam around dealing with attacks. it makes sense to have minimal forces where the enemy isnt.
Yep – this is going to add another level of chaos in WvW.
Do you hold the Buff while being hit in multiple towers/keeps? or give it up to pull more people to defend?
Do you hold the Buff while attacking a targer? or do you let someone else cap in order to “rush” a tower with more people?
It’ll be a chaotic first week that’s for sure.
My fun laughs at your server pride.
The new capture points look very interesting. Having to hold 3 out of the 5 capture points, will not be that easy. Especially if they’re going to be on all four maps. I really hope this means the player bases will be split up more, and that we’ll see less 70 player blobs running around. It will defiantly give players a reason to stay on a map after everything is taken, considering a handful of players could prevent your entire server from getting the bloodlust buff. Looking forward to it.
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope
dont forget about the master cannon site he hovered over
I got very sceptical the past months regarding wvw`s direction and expressed it several times on various threads. But I absolutely love the addition of these new objectives and the terrain looked very promising for smallscale.
It goes into the right direction, in my opinion. I just hope they rework bloodlust, assuming it will reward the orb buff, to something more suitable (please no stat buff).
I`m kinda excited.
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man
A zerg that massively outnumbers you, as karma trains tend to do, can afford to match your numbers and back cap you while they continue to mow your towers over with their further improving siege weapon trait lines.
This unfortunately can’t address any of the problems the game currently has.
5 new capture points!………Whoopeedoo.
Many new points should nicely divide zerg into smaller teams. I wonder how important will be the new points. Holding them with trebutchet oasis #5 skill from mastery will seem like a nice combo.
All in all I think that they love masteries too much. It’s nice addition but the gameplay itself is affected a little today (maybe because not many players have spent a lot of points into certain masteries – wild guess).
I’d really wished for new siege, movable ones like armored wagon which protect those under it from arrows, maybe some cannons which can be moved once deployed, some tanks, bikes (yes! WvW mount whoich shoot! >:) ).
Possibilities are endless.
I wonder also about second thing – if WvW has enough resources to really grow in time (and not in 5 years but to end of year and also few months later).
Imagine how godly awesome would be having armored armies fighting, raid parties killing lone characters. My vision of WvW is of diversity.
They really should have PTR for WvW to test if any new addition which we lack now isn’t OP.
Players know this game best. This issue should not be forgotten or avoided.
Promoting small group fight is the goal, isn’t it ?
Then, why are the 5 point so close to each other? Why not spread them out at each cardinal point of the map + 1 on the middle island ?
I forecast massive zergtempest on the bloodlust event.
At the end, they listen to their playerbase : “if you cannot beat them, join the blob”.
What I mean by L2P
A zerg that massively outnumbers you, as karma trains tend to do, can afford to match your numbers and back cap you while they continue to mow your towers over with their further improving siege weapon trait lines.
This unfortunately can’t address any of the problems the game currently has.
This. Unless the Match up system is fixed this will be useless to smaller servers that keep getting matched up against higher populated servers.
U cant address zergs unless u put a number cap in an instanced area best way to deal with zergs is to get good, get a good guild and just gvz.
Well this doesn’t work before players actually start to care about overall score.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
There is still a giant lake wasting space …. sure the cap points are a good addition but, just get rid of the lake already.
Also the lake is gone, they just hadn’t updated the minimap image to reflect that. It’s land in there.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
Hoping, but doubt it will bring small scale pvp back to WvWs.
Considering I`ve seen servers of late having 60+ players just rushing to flip camps, I`ve no doubt they`ll also now sit mid & have a few at each node & will just zerg to their aid each time required.
Even worse, imagine that bloodlust buff combined with all the SR kittene helping to flip towers…
Game over man, game over!
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
This looks absolutely awesome! If a team wants to blob around in a circle, a small team of 5 can completely neutralize them (just following behind them). I hope these aren’t “capture and keep for a min of 5 minutes.” If you really want to hold the central points, expect to leave a group of about 5 there. Which is great b/c 5v5 is small-man!!!
Also, if you are trying to camp them, the other team can rally some forces to wipe you out. This screams of open-field and small-group fighting and is exactly what I hoped for! Thank Anet, can’t wait to see it in action!!
U cant address zergs unless u put a number cap in an instanced area
best way to deal with zergs is to get good, get a good guild and just gvz.
I had this to say to a similar comment:
Some see it just as “It’s WvW that’s how should be played”, some as “I want to smash people bare hands in excting fights, how the hell this laggy blobbing 24/7 running from fights building ACs everywhere is a pvp game mode?”.
.This is where I think it gets confusing. They’re both right.
The problem is that there is not enough objectives to warrant splitting up that blob, or for smaller teams to engage in. This coming update gives more non-walled objectives for smaller groups to fight over while the larger blobs can tackle the larger objectives of the map. This also shrinks said blob. Another huge problem is that there is no tactical counter to this blob. I think this is the common problem people have and rightfully so. It doesn’t matter how well you play because a 50 man blob is always going to beat a 10 man blob. What if that 10 man blob had tools to tactically use against that mindless blob?
If you would be so kind as to read this post I made a long time ago;
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/wuv/wuv/Real-tools-for-the-WvW-player/first#post2219173A short quote for you here though;
“…Discourage zergs and then encourage smaller groups. This is not done with buffs or debuffs but through the use of tools enabling smaller groups to counter and destroy zergs with teamwork while at the same time encouraging smaller groups by giving more ways to effectively use supply and make a difference throughout the map.”With this coming update we’re getting more ways to encourage smaller groups and to a lesser extent use supply. I believe they’re headed in the right direction with this. They’re not done but I do believe they are making progress. It may not be as fast as I want it to be but if they keep up with this I feel they’ll reach a good final product. I do have to admit I’m not a fan of some of these Mastery lines they’ve grown so fond of. They do not in any way advocate player roles.
Lastly, there is another group. There are those people that despise siege and don’t want to see any of it anywhere but at the same time want to blob and not deal with overwhelming numbers. Well I’m sorry but this is not in any way WvW.
Hoping, but doubt it will bring small scale pvp back to WvWs.
Considering I`ve seen servers of late having 60+ players just rushing to flip camps, I`ve no doubt they`ll also now sit mid & have a few at each node & will just zerg to their aid each time required.
Even worse, imagine that bloodlust buff combined with all the SR kittene helping to flip towers…Game over man, game over!
I would expect when the map is released that area is going to be real zergy, not because that’s how its best played, but its something new in wvw and everyone wants to play in the new stuff.
Apathy Inc [Ai]