WvW Map Cap 10% lower
how about :
T1 = reduction 5%
T2 = reduction 10%
T3 = reduction 15%
T4 = reduction 20%
T5 = reduction 25%
T6 = reduction 30%
T7 = reduction 35%
T8 = reduction 40%
…. lower tier servers wouldn’t be able to queue maps anyway, so bigger reduction on them make sense…
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Perhaps the cap should be lowered another 10% since the first 10% didn’t fix the lag?
Perhaps the cap should be lowered another 10% since the first 10% didn’t fix the lag?
What about lowering cap by 100%? That has a 100% chance to fix the lag.
Perhaps the cap should be lowered another 10% since the first 10% didn’t fix the lag?
What about lowering cap by 100%? That has a 100% chance to fix the lag.
maybe 95% ????
Atleast then we will play WvW the way it was intended, as an eSport 5v5v5.
….. And Elementalist.
People stacks on T1 and then complains about queue…
I play on GH, against you btw, but I cant even play on EB at night. The que is that high. And thats on place 13/14. Noway near gold.
To ALL people that think this helped and ArenaNet, sincirely.
For more then 2 weeks you are testing this theory of limiting numbers on borders.
So far we had every day a HUGE fight in EB since we are T1 server (Gandara) and let me tell you that limiting server numbers did not solve the rubber bending, skill lag and disconnects, nothing really changed it’s only annoying as hell for populated servers to get limited.Let me tell you what you’ve done ArenaNet. In WvW we have 4 maps, yes i know you know it, BUT, EB is the place where people most queue for, home border is where people mostly AFK and wait for EB queue to pop AND other two borders are mainly for closed raids of guilds.
Now what have you really done? You limited borderlands for 20% and lets say our home-border is GREEN, then blue and red is meant for raids, guilds usually start raiding at evenings around 20:00, what this means for a guild, we have to queue 20 min before raid to a border just to get 15 people guild into same border without being let out, and pray for not getting disconnect, IF we do, we are out in queue for 90 minutes.. which can mean end for your raid for this evening.. On the other hand, if there is attack on home-borderland there is NO WAY to save it, because there is normally 15-30 people AFK @main way-point. They don’t respond on HELP calls in map/team chat, and people that want to help, are stuck in queue, so we are left like with 20 people vs double our numbers..
The worst part of this limitation? Guilds that raid on same border, at the same time, did start to whisper other guilds, to stop raiding, call names, and insult people because they couldn’t get people in the same border. Things went so far, that guilds are insulting each other instead of helping the server. They leave each other to die when there is outnumbered fight, and they could fight together to make it even, but in return they let them fail alone, and they just retreat like nothing happened.TL;DR, ArenaNet fixed nothing on T1 servers, they caused only to:
- AFK people on home-border
- people in home border cannot defend because there is normally around 20 people afk, and do not respond on help calls, and other people cannot queue in because of those afk ppl.
- people that raid on same border at the same time, they start insulting other guilds that try to raid there
- skill lag, rubber-bending and disconnects did not leave even where there is no huge fights
- ping to google from EU to NA is 35ms, ping to EU server is normally 100, and it’s EU server.. but from 19-0:00 there is always rubber-bends and ping up to 600-1000ms for entire server.
You fixed null, nothing, zero.. So please reverse changes, imagine PvE limitation on 50 people Teq, people would be sick of it a lot sooner then 14 days… People would tear you apart if this would happen in PvE and you know it.. so sincerely reverse the fix and start working on fix harder. People who play GW2 only for WvW like me, don’t deserve this kind of punishment. Thank you for reading.
+1 just admit you failed anet and go back to the initial map caps.
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader – www.pevepe.net/gw2
What would help a small bit if they just removed the crafting from the home BL. People crafting there only go there because of the no travel costs from everywhere Anet.
Another week switch, another evening stuck in ques. And no I am not on a very high server.
Have map caps been lowered again? I swear maps are being queued far more easily than a week or 2 ago.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Have map caps been lowered again? I swear maps are being queued far more easily than a week or 2 ago.
Could be that players are trickling back in to the game with all of the HoT news out there.
Especially after word got out of a WvW stress test coming up.
To ALL people that think this helped and ArenaNet, sincirely.
For more then 2 weeks you are testing this theory of limiting numbers on borders.
So far we had every day a HUGE fight in EB since we are T1 server (Gandara) and let me tell you that limiting server numbers did not solve the rubber bending, skill lag and disconnects, nothing really changed it’s only annoying as hell for populated servers to get limited.Let me tell you what you’ve done ArenaNet. In WvW we have 4 maps, yes i know you know it, BUT, EB is the place where people most queue for, home border is where people mostly AFK and wait for EB queue to pop AND other two borders are mainly for closed raids of guilds.
Now what have you really done? You limited borderlands for 20% and lets say our home-border is GREEN, then blue and red is meant for raids, guilds usually start raiding at evenings around 20:00, what this means for a guild, we have to queue 20 min before raid to a border just to get 15 people guild into same border without being let out, and pray for not getting disconnect, IF we do, we are out in queue for 90 minutes.. which can mean end for your raid for this evening.. On the other hand, if there is attack on home-borderland there is NO WAY to save it, because there is normally 15-30 people AFK @main way-point. They don’t respond on HELP calls in map/team chat, and people that want to help, are stuck in queue, so we are left like with 20 people vs double our numbers..
The worst part of this limitation? Guilds that raid on same border, at the same time, did start to whisper other guilds, to stop raiding, call names, and insult people because they couldn’t get people in the same border. Things went so far, that guilds are insulting each other instead of helping the server. They leave each other to die when there is outnumbered fight, and they could fight together to make it even, but in return they let them fail alone, and they just retreat like nothing happened.TL;DR, ArenaNet fixed nothing on T1 servers, they caused only to:
- AFK people on home-border
- people in home border cannot defend because there is normally around 20 people afk, and do not respond on help calls, and other people cannot queue in because of those afk ppl.
- people that raid on same border at the same time, they start insulting other guilds that try to raid there
- skill lag, rubber-bending and disconnects did not leave even where there is no huge fights
- ping to google from EU to NA is 35ms, ping to EU server is normally 100, and it’s EU server.. but from 19-0:00 there is always rubber-bends and ping up to 600-1000ms for entire server.
You fixed null, nothing, zero.. So please reverse changes, imagine PvE limitation on 50 people Teq, people would be sick of it a lot sooner then 14 days… People would tear you apart if this would happen in PvE and you know it.. so sincerely reverse the fix and start working on fix harder. People who play GW2 only for WvW like me, don’t deserve this kind of punishment. Thank you for reading.
+1 just admit you failed anet and go back to the initial map caps.
Just nothing to add. U wrote everything clearly how this looks right now, but anet don’t even bother to comment this post…( I didn’t verbal abuse any1 here and didn’t break Code of Conduct!). I think that cap is around 60 max now, only 2 guilds get in instead of 4 like it used to be.
(edited by Kasteros.9847)
I wonder if Anet opens the free server changes, if players would try to stack in 1 or 2 servers or would get spreaded across all other servers???
3 nights in a row these ques. And I am somewhere on the 14/13th place server. I cant imagine higher placed servers and the misery they must have.
how about :
T1 = reduction 5%
T2 = reduction 10%
T3 = reduction 15%
T4 = reduction 20%
T5 = reduction 25%
T6 = reduction 30%
T7 = reduction 35%
T8 = reduction 40%…. lower tier servers wouldn’t be able to queue maps anyway, so bigger reduction on them make sense…
I think you have that list upside-down.
I would place a 40% reduction on T1 and 5% on T8
Why? Because it will force players to spread between the servers again rather than bandwagon in the top 3.
how about :
T1 = reduction 5%
T2 = reduction 10%
T3 = reduction 15%
T4 = reduction 20%
T5 = reduction 25%
T6 = reduction 30%
T7 = reduction 35%
T8 = reduction 40%…. lower tier servers wouldn’t be able to queue maps anyway, so bigger reduction on them make sense…
I think you have that list upside-down.
I would place a 40% reduction on T1 and 5% on T8
Why? Because it will force players to spread between the servers again rather than bandwagon in the top 3.
Some people enjoy fighting with massive zergs. So this idea is terrible.
Some people enjoy fighting with massive zergs. So this idea is terrible.
And I find the first idea terrible, it forces players up to fill servers rather than spread them out. Not everyone wants zerg vs zerg, even in T1 servers.
how about :
T1 = reduction 5%
T2 = reduction 10%
T3 = reduction 15%
T4 = reduction 20%
T5 = reduction 25%
T6 = reduction 30%
T7 = reduction 35%
T8 = reduction 40%…. lower tier servers wouldn’t be able to queue maps anyway, so bigger reduction on them make sense…
I think you have that list upside-down.
I would place a 40% reduction on T1 and 5% on T8
Why? Because it will force players to spread between the servers again rather than bandwagon in the top 3.
Well to do so anet will have to give free transfer to everyone. Also Why to punish high tier players with even bigger queues when they want to play with their 3 years community? Also ppl go to T1 servers to have someone to play with( I was at BT, ROS, GH, FSP and now Deso, cos guild wanted to transfer due to a lot of verbal abuse against us in low tiers and no enemy to fight. I know how it looks in lower tiers, ppl don’t bandwagon high tiers, they just go there cos low servers have very high population but no1 play WvW there so forcing ppl to go lower would be pointless not to mention that ppl will stop playing gvg cos it would be hard to find opponents and then quit game…) and to lower tiers to roam and enjoy capping camps etc. Finally by putting higher cap at lower servers they might balance it a bit and save WvW resources.
Well to do so anet will have to give free transfer to everyone. Also Why to punish high tier players with even bigger queues when they want to play with their 3 years community?
The same can be said for low tiers wouldnt they too get such queues if you impose a 40% reduction, havent some of them been playing with the same community for 3 years?
But then you talk about community but look at how many times you yourself have moved, what does that say about your feelings towards any community? Very hypocritical of you to use that excuse.
As for GvG, that’s anet’s fault for not adding it.
And do you honestly think that there were not enough people on lowers servers to play WvW? At launch even they had queues, players transferred up because they wanted the easy wins.
Anet then made matters worse by adding WvW tournaments. Only the #1 server in each league got “the best” rewards. Players wanted those rewards and so moved up as well.
All this moving up is what cause the lower servers to lose WvW population; as well as WvW not being updated which lead many to leave the game.
Some people enjoy fighting with massive zergs. So this idea is terrible.
And I find the first idea terrible, it forces players up to fill servers rather than spread them out. Not everyone wants zerg vs zerg, even in T1 servers.
So why are the people who dont enjoy zerging in the most popular servers? Id say they should transfer away because roamers are the minority.
Well to do so anet will have to give free transfer to everyone. Also Why to punish high tier players with even bigger queues when they want to play with their 3 years community?
The same can be said for low tiers wouldnt they too get such queues if you impose a 40% reduction, havent some of them been playing with the same community for 3 years?
But then you talk about community but look at how many times you yourself have moved, what does that say about your feelings towards any community? Very hypocritical of you to use that excuse.
As for GvG, that’s anet’s fault for not adding it.
And do you honestly think that there were not enough people on lowers servers to play WvW? At launch even they had queues, players transferred up because they wanted the easy wins.
Anet then made matters worse by adding WvW tournaments. Only the #1 server in each league got “the best” rewards. Players wanted those rewards and so moved up as well.
All this moving up is what cause the lower servers to lose WvW population; as well as WvW not being updated which lead many to leave the game.
I didn’t type bout me ^^ Go and read again cos I wrote “players” not “me” As for me I know almost every server’s community( at last have access to their ts3 but shhhh
and speak with ppl form other servers almost everyday + I use some other forums than thsi 1). Lower tiers won’t have queues cos they can barely get max 50 ppl into border
I also didn’t write that not enough ppl to play WvW, just not enough ppl that WANT to play WvW, it is diffrence mate. And ppl wanted easy wins? W8, what does win give em? Nothing, they wanted WvW not some roaming in bronze / silver so they transfered to gold. Same goes for Guilds, do u remember silver as guild’s paradise? But then guilds from gold couldn’t fight against those in silver so they transfered and now all various guilds are in t1-3 so they can meet eachother.
Getting back to main post. Today we had pretty funny situation. With new cap( it is 60 or 70 – 2 guilds got in and some random ppl – around 10 – 15) no1 could defend our home border! Cos guilds went to fight against enemy guilds or watch others fighting and only 10-15 were left to defend something. Yet comm couldn;t get into border( queue) and we lost whole map with 40 man queue and only 10 defenders. Isn’t something wrong here? Anet probably didn’t consider that with lower lower and lower cap gvg guilds will take over borders leaving nothing to pugs. Cos now their member get into borders 30 min -1h before prime time to not stuck in queue and then they either afk or run around at spawn, holding spots. Due to such low number of em it is some abuse, but it is Anet’s fault for doing this ^^ so we can just sit, grab popcorn and watch how ppt die
ps. reason why i think it is 60-70 is that only 2-3 guilds get in now instead of 4-5 like it used to be and guild usually run from 20 to 30 ppl.
(edited by Kasteros.9847)