WvW NPCs - a dumbing down

WvW NPCs - a dumbing down

in WvW

Posted by: Neil.6138


NPCs in a PVP environment are often an unfun nuisance. Quite frankly I’m kitten ed off with them.

Camps and Structures:

Those wizards are showing my caster up; the archers knock me down when I’m placing a well executed something or other, and ‘perma’ cripple-blind scouts…jeebes.


There are places littered with them. Players rally from them. I lost a skirmish yesterday due to a hog knocking me down during a heal-6. They place you in combat. There’s a whole frickin’ world out there to PVE in already.

Would anyone like to see the NPCs, mobs, guards toned down in number and/or utility and damage?

My PVP videos
Staff Ele Organised WvW Guide
The Frenzied Few [RAGE], Gunnars Hold.

WvW NPCs - a dumbing down

in WvW

Posted by: Kaz.7482


I don’t. The mechanics give an extra difficulty that needs to be overcome. You take out the NPCs (along with the players) in the way to get to your objective. They also help to buy time against the enemy.