WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: Lonewolf.5869


First of all, the WvW is the best PvP experince out there compared to WoW, SWTOR, war etc.

The problem with it is the chaos, its like a very nice playground that is all messed up and need to be tidy.

1) Priorty in Queue to lvl 80 and to those joined with commander in a group of 20. Imagine the queue takes half an hour for a solo player who is god knows lvl 10 and is pretty much half as useful if not less as a geared level 80. Imagine when you try to join as 20 people together? this would be like what a 5 hours queue? this need to be fixed, those low lvls let them level up elsewhere.

2) This is THE ONLY real pvp area in GW2, why is there so much PvE in it? can we cut the PvE down, like the grub and vistas and people farming kills and nods…

3) Most important, those low level, specially the children they keep on talking in /t or /m giving orders to go here or attack this or move there using caps, and people just follow the loudest person not realising hes being an idiot. Their need to be a system that distinguish those who have achieved 1000 event in WvW and have 500 badges to those lvl 20 who dont know what they doing so people know who to follow.

4) COMMANDER. being a commander prove nothing other than you buy Chinese gold or you good farmer, or your good with Trading post. Being a Commander should be achieved via WvW not bought with money. like in WoW vanilla when someone becomes a warlord and get all these epix, instead some hard work like this rewarded by becoming a commander, so when you come to chat and you talk as a commander people know your experienced not a farmer.

WvWvW is about organisation, is about Guilds in a realm leading, its not about PvE, or becomes a barrens chat.

This game depend a great DEAL (end game) on WvW, if core players will find this a mess like it is now, then doubt any will stay long enough.

what do you people think?

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: JonnyBigBoss.2071


You make some points but your thread title is WAY too flamboyant. GW2’s foundation is good enough to guarantee that it’s never the pile of trash that SWTOR was.

JonnyBigBoss – 80 Engineer
Fort Aspenwood
The Ancient Order [TAO]

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: Fayth.7631


1. Priority should not be granted on level, it should remain first come first enter. Simply because you are a higher level does not make you more important then someone else.

2. I’d really like to hear an explanation on this one as to how WvW is the only “real” pvp.

3. Again, level does not distinguish someone’s capabilities as a leader. I’d imagine the type of leadership you are wanting for this system is along the lines of the intent of the commander chat.

4. I actually agree with you on this point, WvW leadership roles should be based on WvW capabilities.

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: Turukano.3106


1) On most servers there’s hardly any queues. Try transfering to a low or medium sized server. Giving priority to higher levels doesn’t make any sense. Level is not equivalent to skill. Even if it was, it still wouldn’t make any sense.

2) Agreed. If your server is on the Grub-side, you’re gonna have a bad time. Vistas are fine, you only complete them once. PvE events (like the grub) are bad and should be removed.

3) Again that doesn’t make any sense. More often than not a loud person in team or map chat makes more sense than no person at all.
A system to distinguish those who’ve spent a lot of time in WvW? Seriously? Time spent is not equivalent to skill. Even the biggest idiots can finish a thousand events.

4) I agree that buying such a thing with in-game money (which is exchangable with real-life money) is quite weird. But I don’t really know how else you should be able to get it. Maybe by having 50 or 100 people sign for you, that way only the people who have support in the community can take up such an important role.
It’s a really bad idea to link some achievemnt (= time spent) to getting the Commander’s Compendium, that’s basically the same as gold (= time spent or money paid).

WvWvW is indeed about organisation, it’s indeed about Guilds in a realm leading, it’s indeed not about PvE.
Let me tell you about my guild. We’re collecting money to buy our leader a Compendium. When I (or guild-mates) feel like it we use team or map chat to lead/advise zergs.

The chaos you describe is not caused by any of the points you mention. It’s mainly caused by the lack of mass communication. The game causes this by only allowing five-man groups. And the other cause will settle down when we go further in time, when Commanders will appear to lead a server.

[center]Karn Aanug [KA][/center]

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: woofed.8936


So you want the game to like you more becuase you have less of a life and level’d to 80 faster then other players without enjoying the game and reading the storyline?

Nope.avi Suffer more.

P.S. The children that you speak of, seems you are one of them

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: Gao Gao.4973

Gao Gao.4973

The only thing we can take from your thread is that perhaps there should be an option to purchase the commander rank with Badges of Honor. A lot of them.

Then again, as is, the system will self regulate. A bad commander who purchases the title won’t be listened to after he is known to not preform. Furthermore, the high cost of this title sort of implies that a guild would contribute to the cost, and they would only contribute if they had faith in their dear leader.

Know what I’m sayin’?

Baiyun – Necromancer
Member of Talons [BT]
Fort Aspenwood

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: Fewzz.3861


Alrighty got to have a input on this as me and my friedns are a little down about the game allready.

We think the WvWvW is awsome, real fun but is totally ruined by a few things:

Ques, we have had 4 to 5 hour waits, that is simply just like saying GW2 doesnt have WvWvW, worst ive seen for wait times tbh, this has got to be a priority, i am sure others joined to just do this mode, we certainly did, although we only ever got in few times, such a let down after the hype.
Prioritys are hard to work out, but i would add another mode, maybe Defend the Keep and Attack the Keep Scenario so there are more Ques and players will be spread out over the differant modes.

The NPC Hostiles, remove them, we dont need or want them in a PvP Battleground they are just irritating beyond belief. ( very anoying to me as i actually do find the PVE boring)

Waypoints, the fun is brought to an end when you die and respawn, who wants a 20minute walk for each battle, if a a point is captured and someone remains at it for 20mins make it a spawnpoint, at the moment it just breaks up and ruins the fun.

Guidance, it seems bedlam sometimes, and you spawn and walk for 20mins to a location to find it over (Sigh) , Anyone with Commander should be able to ping there mini map and all team can see it and they can goto it, if two commanders are there then the team is split up?
As someone noted, remove the Commander for Gold make it a PvP reward, way it is now just doesnt make sense.

Thats it for me, with all off this i hope its the Que that is sorted ASAP as were logging off now after few hours to play elsewhere so we can PvP together.

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


1. Priority should not be granted on level, it should remain first come first enter. Simply because you are a higher level does not make you more important then someone else.

2. I’d really like to hear an explanation on this one as to how WvW is the only “real” pvp.

3. Again, level does not distinguish someone’s capabilities as a leader. I’d imagine the type of leadership you are wanting for this system is along the lines of the intent of the commander chat.

4. I actually agree with you on this point, WvW leadership roles should be based on WvW capabilities.

I find myself agreeing with Fayth entirely.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: Sariell.9276


I stopped reading when the grammar and spelling became atrocious. Oh and most of the points lacked any true concrete thought.

The only one worthy of note is to make queuing for large groups and commanders easier, but 3,2,1, queue seems to be working fine.

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: AprilRain.7649


Not sure if serious, or just being a troll.

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: Sheiter.5387


I’d just like to point out that WvW does not seem to have ANY first come first serve queue to speak of. I can queue at the same time as 5 of my guildies and we will all get in at random times through out the night, if at all. It appears to randomly cycle between zones and invite anyone queued in that zone at the same time, as I find when I’m out questing with someone and queued together we always get our invite together. Simply making the queue priority based on when someone queued up could easily cause the time you wait to drop significantly.

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: Sanzul.9268


1) Priorty in Queue to lvl 80…

I disagree. On servers with already long queues, this would mean it was more or less impossible to ever got in as a low level character, as 80s would keep skipping past you in the queue. This would put new players off as they effectively can’t play in WvW (except at weird hours) until they hit 80, and it discourages people from trying out other professions as they’d first need to level them to 80 in PvE. Both would be bad for the game in the long run. Long queues are unfortunate, but making them longer for some people just so that you get shorter queues is not a good solution in this case.

2) This is THE ONLY real pvp area in GW2, why is there so much PvE in it? can we cut the PvE down, like the grub and vistas and people farming kills and nods…

Agreed. Vistas aren’t a problem as they’re a one-time thing and nodes mean people can skill up their professions through WvW (since you can level up from WvW alone), but there are annoyingly many creatures walking about. It’s rather annoying to have the tide of a PvP battle shifted by a horde of minotaurs suddenly attacking one side. I’m also tired of having some camps show as constantly under attack (looking at you, Arah’s Hope) because hostile creatures are fighting the NPC guards.

3) Most important, those low level, specially the children they keep on talking in /t or /m giving orders to go here or attack this or move there using caps, and people just follow the loudest person not realising hes being an idiot.

In my experience, people follow whoever seems to have the best ideas. People who say stupid things tend to get ignored. Most of the things actually said in /team and /map are useful scout reports or sound strategic suggestions. Your mileage may vary depending on the server and time of day.

4) COMMANDER. being a commander prove nothing other than you buy Chinese gold or you good farmer, or your good with Trading post. Being a Commander should be achieved via WvW not bought with money. like in WoW vanilla when someone becomes a warlord and get all these epix…

Basing it off WvW achievements just means that the requirement for becoming a commander goes from “having a job so you can afford to buy gold” to “being unemployed so you have time to zerg around in WvW 12+ hours per day”. I don’t see the improvement. The people who reached High Warlord in vanilla WoW were far from always the best or most knowledgeable PvPers – the only real requirement was having tons of spare time to play. Time spent in WvW unfortunately means rather little.

WvWvW is about organisation, is about Guilds in a realm leading, its not about PvE, or becomes a barrens chat.

WvW is about world versus world, not guild versus guild. It’s about whole servers coming together to fight a common enemy, not a handful of guilds banding together. That’s part of it, but not all of it. The “barrens chat” crowd have just as much right to be there as you, whether you like it or not. Though some of them do need to learn to shut up.

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: Legionaru.5029


I would opt for a different approach , like in SpvP , or pretty much like an overflow sistem with a medium map designed to “warm” up until u reach wvw , with no points to capture , no kills to be attributed , or any other stuff just skirmish until you enter wvw , and like overflow’s u can put many .

The point is …. u have solutions only you Anet dont want to implement them.

The first and logical option is to enlarge the server wvw populations from a general lets say we reach max 670 players / server / region in all 4 maps to 1000-1500 / war region not hole x number for all servers( borderlands+ethernal) – ( cos this system is fked up where u have 670 players from a server on wvw meaning in all borderlands and ethernal – so if a server gets 400 players on ethernal the rest can only get 370 and from thoes 370 divide in 2 for the rest remaning server s-meaning you will have few man on any 3 battleground’s at 1 time or will just be scatterd where they could enter )meaning as you have the map now the ethernal battleground would be the hole 4 regions in 1 ( combine all borderlands + ethernal in 1 big map)- its logical from an historic – attack – defend – make strategy map – where every 1 has a zone – landing zone- border – and tries to take the middle . so you make 1 huge server that will be like all borderlands + 1 middle zone and u can up the number of players -

Also a second more NOW approach would be just to get more servers….but u have a nasty and not at all logical point of view…meaning waiting for the “hype” to go down …well we have players now that are 20 or 40 and they want to enjoy every drop of this game …so if u have problems now with the ones who rushed to 80 what will you do when all or majority reach 80? at 1 point or another wvw will be the only thing to do in this game so admit it and make it wright.

You will think this will not work cos of poor optimisation where u can’t see all the actual players…but with such a huge map a masive zerg will be useless , if what they cap they don’t hold and just move on . this enlragement will push ppl for tactic and sort of domain and raign over an area .
Where every server will try to keep his “kingdom” and try to take the other one’s .
and on the + side u can add many more stuff to maps – mining places – more upgrades – guild castles with the curent upgrades and maybe in a future you will merge 1 huge map maybe 10 times bigger that tyria so every guild with guild castle or guild base can appear on the map . such as an borderland where it cant be taken but it can suffer damages and losses . the iddears to tackle this are endles…if u want to create a legacy of this game think big dont sleep on it make it.

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: Kanagi.6231


Post was TLDR but comparing GW2’s WvW to SWTOR’s Illum is night and day.

Man what a disappointment that was, it was as if they didn’t even try.

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: Suddle D.9412

Suddle D.9412

1) Wrong way to look at, being lvl 80 does not make you more important that a lvl 10. Gear and stats are minor, we all started in WvW as soon as we could, like lvl 2-3, so level doesn’t matter.

2) This is NOT the only PVP, they have a whole place called The Mists ya know(Structured PVP)? Also, the PVE mobs add to the battles, they attack siege equipment on hills and land, attack/defend supply camps and such. Also the vistas and skill points count toward map completion, so they won’t be eliminated either.

3) Everyone is free to contribute and/all information or strategy they they want to the battle. If you want to listen and follow them, cool. If not then thats cool too, do your own thing. No one is forcing you to follow….

4) The high price for commander icons was to make sure that only those who needed it would buy it. Our guild contributed to buy our commander icon for our raid leader, and now the “milita” knows who to follow when they do not have a guild or group of their own to listen to. I agree that it doesn’t mean having that icon makes you a better player or the one to always follow, but in our case its very useful.

5) Don’t ever compare this game’s PVP/WvW to SWTOR, they are MILES apart. This game works and its fun and its exciting and different. 3 factions, siege equipment, castles, keeps, supply camps, new matchups, etc….i I have had more fun in one week in GW2 WvW than I ever had in almost 6 months of SWTOR.

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: Thagyr.4136


1. No, everyone has a right to play.
2. Sounds exactly as the same argument against Alterac Valley back in the day. Look where it ended up? In a large team, these mobs are nothing.
3. Level 80s yell/command/carry on as much as level 1s.
4. Commander Icon is a luxury. If your server has a proven individual capable of leading (our server has already picked 2 players just from past experience) then they lead. I know for a fact that on Tarnished Coast, even if another individual had this mark and our known leaders didn’t, we’d still follow the known leaders over the icon bearer. Using WoW as an example is flawed, as all it showed was that Warlord/Marshal didn’t have a life and may not actually be that good of a leader as he is a PvPer.

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: Raptor.9863


First of all, the WvW is the best PvP experince out there compared to WoW, SWTOR, war etc.

The problem with it is the chaos, its like a very nice playground that is all messed up and need to be tidy.

1) Priorty in Queue to lvl 80 and to those joined with commander in a group of 20. Imagine the queue takes half an hour for a solo player who is god knows lvl 10 and is pretty much half as useful if not less as a geared level 80. Imagine when you try to join as 20 people together? this would be like what a 5 hours queue? this need to be fixed, those low lvls let them level up elsewhere.

So non 80s and solo players, who might I remind you paid for the game just like you and I did, should be treated as inferior players by having longer queue times than others? You guys complaining about queue times either need to switch to a low pop server or just deal with it. You have made the bed that you are in, nobody else.

Raptor – Human Guardian
Northern Shiverpeakes

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: Petuleme Igeebobo.7329

Petuleme Igeebobo.7329

Simple solution. Join a server like mine where we get our butts kicked so bad on most resets, there is never a queu. I really believe that once servers are equally matched, you’ll begin to see better organization. If you listen to chat on my server, people are still struggling with strategies to take keeps, defend keeps, where to place siege weapons, how to control supply, when to break off from the large group.

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: JemL.3501


lvls 80 priority, make them feel the need to get lvl 80

I took an arrow to the knee