WvW Needs Better Rewards

WvW Needs Better Rewards

in WvW

Posted by: bhagwad.4281



The other day I entered WvW to do the jumping puzzle cause I need the badges for my legendary. I broadcast on the team chat that I was headed there hoping that others would join me and we could all do it safely.

Some commander or the other replied that I shouldn’t do the JP and that I should come help in some xyz place where abc was happening. I told him I merely needed the badges and wasn’t interested in anything else. I asked him and he was unable to give me a good reason why I should spend time and effort contributing to any capture point, tower, keep or whatever.

Now I’ve been playing GW2 since the beta and I’ve spent time in WvW, but simply cannot see the point. With other aspects of the game I get something to show in return for time spent. With dungeons I get tokens with which I can buy cool armor/weapons with stats that I can’t get elsewhere. With sPvP same thing. With map completion, I get a shiny star next to my name. Other little things have other tangible benefits that I can point to and say “See! I have this because I’m a super stud in xyz”.

But WvW is just a time sink with nothing to show for effort put in there. What possible reason could a rational person have to enter WvW? Once I get my badges via jumping puzzles I won’t be going there anymore.

Till then, I’ll be taking up a spot in the Q ignoring requests to come help out somewhere or the other. I’d love to actually help, but can’t see any benefit whatsoever to myself. I think Anet needs to fix this and actually give people proper incentives for WvW participation.

WvW Needs Better Rewards

in WvW

Posted by: fivekiller.1432


I’m fine with the reward system. you get karma and badges to buy stuff, its not so different than the tokens from dungeons. wouldn’t mind seeing other gear stat variations for sale though.

all in all I would just be happier if they instead did something to keep people like you who aren’t there to pvp out of there. not sure why you’re “taking up a spot in the Q” but whatever it is I would be happy if they would move it to Queensdale or wherever the blazes the PVE folks hang out.

-Desirz Matheon

WvW Needs Better Rewards

in WvW

Posted by: kylia.4813


(same post from a different thread asking the same question)

The incentive is the Adrenalin rush you get, the sweat that pours from your brow after a long heated battle at the top of a tower, the banter in Team Speak/Vent with your fellow WvW’ers, the stories of epic encounters that are retold again and again for the next 10 years (Yep we still remember some of the most epic fights in WvW in other games (PotBS, EvE, WAR, Planetside, etc)
Fighting against a human opponent, one that is unpredictable and capable of doing anything… he did what?? that makes no sense!!! …A computer would have never had done that!
Adapting to any situation, fighting unmeasurable odds, coming up with new ideas and tactics.

WvW is about the memories, challenges and friends you make along the way. The glory of battle against a human opponent is all the incentive I will ever need

p.s. Why jump out of a plane? I belive you get no physical reward for skydiving

WvW Needs Better Rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid.9672


But WvW is just a time sink with nothing to show for effort put in there. What possible reason could a rational person have to enter WvW? Once I get my badges via jumping puzzles I won’t be going there anymore.

Till then, I’ll be taking up a spot in the Q ignoring requests to come help out somewhere or the other. I’d love to actually help, but can’t see any benefit whatsoever to myself. I think Anet needs to fix this and actually give people proper incentives for WvW participation.

Just because someone does something in the game that does not provide a tangible meaningful reward, it does not make that person irrational.

It sounds to me like you mainly find fun in the game by obtaining new items that make your character more powerful. If whatever you’re doing is not moving you towards that reward, then it is NOT fun and a waste of your personal time. Hey, that’s fine … nothing wrong with that. The ole carrot on a stick. Many past and present MMO’s did very well capitalizing on this base human trait.

However, many people find mass PvP to be fun, not because it provides any tangible reward, but because they love competition and engaging other players in combat. They also like to improve their PvP skills by getting out and doing it over and over again, thus improving their personal player skill rather than their character’s power or looks via items. This is fine too.

I do agree with you that the rewards for spending time in WvW need to be improved. Not necessarily because PvP in and of itself needs rewards, but because it’s become clear that WvW needs more incentives to participate in order to keep players getting involved. WvW participation has been on a steady decline with no signs of slowing down. A few carrots would help stop that and maybe even turn the trend line moving higher again.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

WvW Needs Better Rewards

in WvW

Posted by: chronometria.3708


Its true that we need better rewards for WvW, especially as it is the sole reason a good proportion of the players play and it encourages guild and server relations.

Lots of effort goes into dungeons for pve and the shiny loot options for completing them, but WvW just has junky tokens and we all pay our own money out for upgrades, which sucks.

I am even happy with them putting in some cash shop stuff for us, like flags we could slap in the ground as rally markers or just to look cool etc. But mainly , i would love to have a set of armour or a weapon that marks me out as someone who enjoys WvW. As it is, i have my commander tag, but i would rather turn that on when its useful.

WvW Needs Better Rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

You’re right, WvW does need better rewards. But first perhaps Anet should remove badges from being rewarded the JP chest; why should populated WvW server give up places for people like OP who are only in it for the badges and only do teh JP and contribute nothing to WvW?!!!

Thanks to bots you no longer get rewards from escorting dolyaks, which is really silly seeing as running supplies is one of the most important things in the game, but thanks to the botters and anet removing the reward for this, dolyaks are mostly left unguarded.

Anet needs to sort a lot of things out, taking the easy way out and simply removing things which makes the game worse instead of fixing the issues will just push more people away from the game.

Macros, you can use them as long as they arent macros.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.

WvW Needs Better Rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


My dad has been playing chess all his life. Someone needs to put a star next to his name.

I really hope when they add the rewards system in Feb, they don’t screw it up and have all the PvEers rush to WvW only to play in ways that will get the rewards rather than help the server win.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

WvW Needs Better Rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Sundog.9380


If they did nothing else they need to increase the rewards for defending. It is usually much harder to do and less rewarding. Certainly harder than rolling around in a 60 man zerg steamrolling everything in the zerg’s path. And getting people to stay in place and man siege is really tough.

I’d like to see a chest drop with random loot, coins, badges, and especially siege blueprints when killing a lord. Could have the lord drop a chest to reward defenders periodically also.

Titles to work toward. Some more that can be done in a few months instead of a few years like it seems we have now. Implement DAOC’s realm ranks if nothing else. Don’t even have to have realm abilities like DAOC but something like that would also be nice. I think a lot of people would be surprised to see how long players would do WvW just to say they made it to realm rank 12 like some did in DAOC.

Make the titles have the server in the name to help build loyality to a server. Maybe that would stop some of the bouncing around to the ‘winning’ servers. Dumb sounding examples maybe, but someone who spent 6 months to get a title like say “Maguuma Eagle Scout” might not be inclined to give up all that work to start over since they are 6 months away from becoming “Maguuma’s Lord Eagle Scout” to move to say Fort Aspenwood and become a “Fort Aspenwood Newbie Zergling Junior”

DAOC realm ranks

WvW Needs Better Rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

There is a somewhat hidden reward that most players seem to overlook. It’s that long list of rewards in the WvWvW tablet. I have asked an indepth explanation earlier: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Indepth-explanation-rewards-in-WvWvW-tab/1088201, so far nobody has replied, so aparently we all can see that reward but nobody can really explain it.

Short answer: Yes you get reward from WvWvW but nobody can explain how much it is.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.