WvW New Achievement is Not Appropriate
NSP had a queue and we usually have barren boarderlands. They would need a solution that would work for both high population servers and low population servers.
I have to agree with you there. I like that they are adding more achievements to WvW, but the implementation is lackluster because the people that actually like to do WvW and do WvW cannot get in (at least in higher pop servers, that have a large number of PvErs). I don’t know how they would go about giving the season rewards without the achievements, but this way is just killing the game type because people who are just joining in now are not going to see it for what it really is; and the harcore WvW players are just going to start quitting the game because they can’t get into their favorite aspect of the game because of a poorly made decision
Maybe this will become the grand destacking of T1 servers?!:D:D Seriously doubt it, but we can all hope.