WvW NightRaid/ServerBalance/ZoneZerg Possible Solution

WvW NightRaid/ServerBalance/ZoneZerg Possible Solution

in WvW

Posted by: iowen.4217


since capping a lot with a big zerg is one of the most effective ways to farm in wvw atm
the zerging side keeps getting more ppl,while the other sides keep losing em
in the night this gets even worse,so most of the server rating points come from nightraids

A. Rewards are scaled
-empty towers/keeps give low reward -> long big fights give amazing rewards
-with only few enemys on map very low reward -> with lots of em,lots of reward
B. Tower/Keep Scaling
-siege weapons scale with world ratio on map
-on big underdog npcs will spawn to defend keep,rep door,use cannons etc(they only use what players would use,but due the lack of brain they have more hp,do more dmg)
C. Relics
-relics atm buff only the strongest sides,change bonus to only exp/karma/money bonus

So they current trend to join the biggest zerg would be broken,in order to get more rewards the map with the lowest population from your world will be best(there where wour world needs you the most;)). Even beeing on a low pop world can bee a big advantage. So if ppl trend to get to the lowest spot(in pop) they will distribute more equal(like water^^)

Reward Scaling and receiving:
Since the events scale very poor atm and you miss a lot lootbags in a active fight:
-no more loot drops from players/guards etc
-no more event rewards
-all players have stat tracking show in the wvw window(kills/captures/repairs etc in the last hour)
-every 15min(when the world gets points) you get rewards based on your performance(scaled by map avg ratio like written above)
-the rewards can be claimed like items you get in trading post(only in wvw window here),so you go to the wvw tap and claim your karma/exp/money/drops for your char there(here you will get the removed loot from players/guards etc)

So what do you think about this?