WvW Overflow
Blackgate boarderlands is spawning an overflow. Around 15 of us running around in an duplicate map as our main group runs around the main version.
Lol is it giving you double the ppt?
That’s crazy.hope you bug reported it.
Its not effecting ppt, guessing what that new build is for
Lol I hope not … You guys don’t need any more help shovel a few over our way will ya?
Hi everyone,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We will forward the issue to the team so they can have a look at it and asess its impact on W3.
Thanks for helping us making the game better.
Edit: we have unlocked the thread so that more players can post and give us feedback. Sorry for that, the lock wasn’t intended at all. Again, thanks for your help
(edited by Moderator.1462)