Everyone notice that since the WvW patch, we’ve gotten a slew of new folks or people who haven’t played WvW because of the culling issue, coming back to give it another go? With that, I’ve heard countless times since, commanders and other veteran WvW players complaining that people are not coordinating like they did pre-patch and that they are more in it for themselves. I’m not here to kitten about it, I just want to let people know how we’re used to running and maybe get of them more intune with effect practices so we can stay coherent.
- This Isn’t PvE*
First of all. I respect you as a player of another game type, PvP/PvE/Dungeon Runner but you need to understand, the regulars out there in WvW are trying to help their server in a gameplay type that requires consistent cooperation, communication and coordination. You can’t have the “I can do what I want” attitude coming into WvW and be successful. You need to help us out by being effective in these areas I just mentioned as It greatly impacts the outcome of the game.
- Following The Commander*
Commanders, whether good or bad in your opinion, are more than likely trying to do what’s best for the map and our server. Please listen to what he/she has to say, assess the situation and make the best decision on behalf of the server. If your commander asks you to “Stack”, that means they are trying to gather players to coordinate an effect strategy, get a player and supply count (“/supplyinfo”) or preparing to give YOU buffs to be more powerful in WvW. Do your Commander a favor, stay on their pin unless otherwise directed or and listen to what they have to say.
- Understanding Map Priorities*
Whether it’s Borderlands or Eternal Battlegrounds, your server’s piece of the territorial pie is priority, starting with your local keep. Whether it’s Bay or Hills, make sure you own the keep and tower closest to your spawn. Once secured, camps can be held much easier and Commanders can plan for advancing through the rest of the map. Pretty simple common sense to follow in WvW. The other strategies you can figure out by observation.
- Reviving The Downed*
Reviving does not give you WXP (WvW Experience Points) but it does give you overall XP for your character advancement. Players seem to be skipping over their downed teammates and thinking of getting kills instead. This hurts the overall effectiveness of the pack and strategy of winning. We understand that opponents may need to be cleared out before its safe to revive but more often, people are just leaving teammates down because they are concerned more for their WXP. Please revive down players instead of going for that kill.
- Using Map/Team Chat*
Using chat is one of those misunderstood strategies most people have a hard time with. I know there is no “official” priority in chat but I think those of us who play a lot, know that Team Chat “/t” is used to convey vital information about enemy movement, objective vulnerability percentages, priority needs and commander instructions. Map Chat “/m” is used more convey secondary information like upgrade completions, small squad movements and general chat. TBH, most don’t follow this etiquette but it helps us differentiate the priority of open chat.
- Staying Supplied*
As you run the maps, you need to understand the importance of staying supplied. It should always be one of the first things you should do when entering a WvW map. Many reasons for staying supplied include building siege or repairing with in a party or running solo. Staying supplied gives the commander more flexibility when it comes to devising strategy and keep or objectives being attacked, more time to remain in our possession for TTP gains. Please stay supplied as much as possible.
- 1 Tap Yaks*
Whether or not it’s on your dailies list, yaks provide an easy way to get XP and Karma. If you’re running in a small group or alone, killing yaks keeps the supply low of your opponent and starves them of upgrades, offensive and defensive strategic opportunity. The issue becomes when in everyone is trying to gain something personally to obtain that daily, XP/Karma and they don’t give the players around them the ability to gain the same experience. You only have to hit the yak once to get credit. Please don’t rapid fire the yaks when running with others as they won’t get credit when the yaks downed if they did not get a chance to “tap” it. Give your fellow players the chance to get that credit.
There is more I could add but these basic courtesies will elevate the quality of your gameplay experience in WvW and allow everyone to have a good time while getting their dues.
TLDR; Help your server out by following a few basic and polite unwritten rules of engagement. In the end, you will benefit more from it than trying to go out and gain those experiences on your own and being in it for yourself.
Most wont read this so link it to them.