WvW Ranks as Titles
I agree it’s pretty stupid that only you and your enemies can see your wvw rank
So the bad guys would see Gate of Madness Invader: Invader?
So the bad guys would see Gate of Madness Invader: Invader?
Titles have been hidden in WvW.
The best player in the game
“I’m better than all of you!”
So the bad guys would see Gate of Madness Invader: Invader?
Titles have been hidden in WvW.
You still see them when you click on someone. I know I’ve been killing people who are omnomnivore and being very jealous about it.
It’s pretty daft.
I can’t imagine what the reasoning was.
They really should add a way for players on our own servers to be able to see eachothers ranks, it makes no sense to me at all the way it is currently. They could use rank icons by the side of our names much like the world completion star but instead have it at the start of our names showing either bronze silver gold etc, diff icons and colors etc. If you are reading this Devon, please make it happen, I can wait but just make it happen sometime
I bet we can “slot it in” in 2015 for only 400 gems.
Mar Steadfast G, Silent Intrigue T, Mar Fidget Engi, Mar Fierce W, Silent Awe M
In GW2 since BWE1 ~ ~ ~ Guild leader of Legio Romana [LR], too
Titles are account wide, WvW ranks are not.
Titles are account wide, WvW ranks are not.
They will be soon I think….as they are making your wvw level account wide rather than character specific
They will be soon I think….as they are making your wvw level account wide rather than character specific
Where did you hear that?
We will be adding more liquid WXP that will be purchasable, likely with badges and some other currency, soon. As in, less than a month. I’ve made it a personal goal to improve the experience for playing alts in WvW. And to cut it off now, we are not making WvW rank account bound.
Unfortunately, Devon hates alts.