WvW Season 1 Matchups

WvW Season 1 Matchups

in WvW

Posted by: OrangeSquash.7541


Hey all,

I know this is a really late post, but I’ve been realising specific servers don’t play every server the same amount of times as other servers if that makes sense?

I was wondering if anybody knew how the matchups were selected because some seem to favour more than others.

WvW Season 1 Matchups

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


its supposedly “random” but it cleary favors certain servers while others draw the short stick, the extremely short stick, throw in the madness the seasons brought us like the rampant sabotage, organized 2v1s, massive population differences and guild buying, you have a example of anets attemp at “competition”. dont worry though Im sure anet knows how badly skewed things have become, they have all the statistics after all

WvW Season 1 Matchups

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


We are proud to report that WvW season 1 was a resounding success, driving 9048934853 new players into WvW to complete the meta achievement and making WvW more active than it has ever been! Stay tuned for our new mastery line to dominate your opponents on the battlefield.