WvW See Own Players on Map
I think that’s the point of the combat sword icons that pop up on your map. They’re there to give you an idea where skirmishes/battles are.
Personally, I would love to see my teams location on my map in wvw but I could only imagine how that would be exploited by people with multiple accounts. So for that reason I would vote against it sorry.
This would be nice, though usually you’d find out where most people are by looking at the map.
Check for where the commanders are (usually followed by a group, if not a zerg), the battle icons (usually shows where skirmishes are), and the contested signs (areas being sieged or taken).
Then again, it would be nice to see even non-active bodies of fighters on the map. Might contribute to lag though, if their location data had to be updated to you all the time.
“My mind is my battlefield and sanctuary.
My weapon is conviction and perseverance is my shield.”
I think we should be able to mouse over the green dots (friendlies) on our minimap to be able to read who that player is so we can message them for help or give warning. Tracking everyone on the map might be a bigger issue. But if you only moused over that mini-map when it had 0-5 players in the area, it’d be helpful. A “toggle minimap/compass teammate names” option in case it ended up causing lag. Then you could maybe test to see how many people would use something like that by whether they have it enabled.
It’s a lag issue. The servers already have problems not rendering heavy concentration of enemies. Reporting the position of every player to every other client is just a lot more stress on the system.
I agree that it would be nice to have more tools to see where the action is. Showing every dot could be a problem with spies.
combat swords on the map will apear if more then 5 players are in combat and close to eachother
Commander icon is so you can see where your players are on the map hes leading them
there would be a major issue with spy accounts and cheating if every player showed upon the map
You all make some valid points… But being on Devona (although we are doing better this reset) rarely do you see a group bigger than 5 or 10 and I didn’t know what a commander was until I saw my first one tonight (And I’ve been playing since week of launch.). Just have to live with the WvW no oceanic server mechanics.