WvW Server Options?

WvW Server Options?

in WvW

Posted by: Rumus.3629



I’m looking for a server that has fun in WvW, I am currently on Anvil Rock, but I don’t see much being done, and I hardly see anyone around most of the time. I’m only able to find posts from 2012 by looking up information on Google, so any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

WvW Server Options?

in WvW

Posted by: Neomir.7493



Any high-very high pop server will have something fun happening on it, and won’t be too zergy if you pick a silver league server.

WvW Server Options?

in WvW

Posted by: Rumus.3629


TBH i’m a complete noob, I don’t know what you mean by “silver league sever”

WvW Server Options?

in WvW

Posted by: Exhale.9463


Join Yaks Bend server you won’t regret it

WvW Server Options?

in WvW

Posted by: Rumus.3629


I think i’ve decided on Blackgate, went looking into server rankings after reading Neomir’s post, seems pretty good there, sadly since I have no money to transfer, I have to delete my character, which means the account bound items such as the Heroic Chest go it waste, I guess. :’(

WvW Server Options?

in WvW

Posted by: Isaac.6041


you can bank account bound items

WvW Server Options?

in WvW

Posted by: Rumus.3629


But if I delete all characters in order to transfer without paying, dosen’t that clear the bank? If not, that would be awesome.

WvW Server Options?

in WvW

Posted by: Rumus.3629


I’ve got it now guys, thanks for the help.

WvW Server Options?

in WvW

Posted by: pigdog.9215


I’m looking for a server that has fun in WvW, I am currently on Anvil Rock, but I don’t see much being done, and I hardly see anyone around most of the time. I’m only able to find posts from 2012 by looking up information on Google, so any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

SoS is pretty cool, friendly and active in WvW. Also finds it way into Tier 1 sometimes, which adds a different experience in being the underdogs instead of the upper dogs in T2