WvW Server Population Balance Fix NA Servers

WvW Server Population Balance Fix NA Servers

in WvW

Posted by: BATMAN.6794


I believe ive written something similar to this before, but here is a way to make populations feel like they did near launch 3 years ago.

- Creating a Faction, Globe, Alliance or what ever you want to call it, so that PvE population count cannot count towards the WvW population.

< People would now pick from a selection of new “servers” on the faction, globe,alliance or what ever you want to call it. There would be tiers just like there is now, but only 4 tiers with 3 servers per tier.

< People in higher tiers currently would get a chance to pick first before the switch would occur so there wouldn’t be people getting upset because they cant get into the faction/globe/alliance server with their buddies or guild mates.

< number of maps would stay like it is now.(3 borderlands + ebg)

< This would not be mega server it would be just like it is now.

< The purpose of this idea is simply to unspread the population without killing off PvE servers, or turning WvW servers into mega servers.

< Will there be some ques? YES, this is a good thing. We have seen little to no ques for too long its time to see constant action in ALL time zones.

< side note – Night Capping wont happen due to other servers actually having a force of people instead of no 1.

The new borderlands need fixing, but this thread is just for population. I know current population is not 100% accurate, but I feel with this change it doesnt matter what tier you’d be in you would find action all the time, and thats how WvW was intended to be.
If you have feedback or questions go ahead post on it.

Desert Borderlands suck bring back alpine til new ones are revamped

WvW Server Population Balance Fix NA Servers

in WvW

Posted by: roxybudgy.8205


So… it’s just another suggestion for a server merge. No thanks.

Why do people insist on this fantasy where the people on the “lower tier” servers will still want to play WvW when they are lumped in with those from the upper tiers? If they wanted to do that, they would have done so already via transfers.

WvW Server Population Balance Fix NA Servers

in WvW

Posted by: Daddar.5971


So… it’s just another suggestion for a server merge. No thanks.

Why do people insist on this fantasy where the people on the “lower tier” servers will still want to play WvW when they are lumped in with those from the upper tiers? If they wanted to do that, they would have done so already via transfers.

Not true at all. You’re assuming everyone would pay to transfer up when the game mode is broken and the highest tier servers are full anyway. Please don’t be so arrogant as to speak for us on the lower tiers.

‘Elite’ in all 9 professions. I take mediocrity seriously!

WvW Server Population Balance Fix NA Servers

in WvW

Posted by: Yuffi.2430


I don’t agree with the concept of posting on behalf of everyone, but I actually agree with Roxybudgy. The top tier servers were open last time I looked so there has been at least a very recent chance to transfer up if you wanted to – and if you didn’t that’s fine too.

Like many GW2 veterans, I’ve been playing since the original beta. I’ve always stayed with the server I joined originally – this was my choice to make. IoJ has been up and down over those years and currently we’re in T7. That’s WvW for you. I’ve had plenty of opportunity to transfer to another server if I wished.
Why do people keep assuming that somehow I will enjoy WvW more if I’m forced to move to a server with a much higher population? Am I not allowed to enjoy what I do at the moment?

I also disagree with some of the original idea as posted.
Why should top tier servers get first pick – so their guilds can stay together. Ok – what about the 480 person guild I’m with? They don’t all do WvW and those that do are scattered across several servers so we don’t get the chance to fight together. Are we somehow second rate players who don’t deserve the chance to work together simply because of this?

Here’s an alternative solution – take the population of the top two tiers and spread them across the bottom six – we’ll have more balanced numbers then surely. Do I want this to happen – no. It would kitten off a lot of people and I don’t think they should be forced to move if they don’t want to… so why is this somehow considered an acceptable solution for people in the lower tiers then?


<oh, hang on… there’s more…>

Oh and night capping – there’s no such thing. The Earth is round, it’s always day somewhere (on half of it actually!) so there’s always players sleeping and others playing. That’s geography. It’s been like this since before we were born and it hasn’t changed yet. Live with it.
Merging servers won’t suddenly make players able to play at times they can’t already. The OP is assuming that somehow all the non NA players will want to be spread across the servers evenly whilst the top tier NA guilds all get to stay together… Why should non NA players, or those who do shift work, or work odd hours, not want to stay on a server together with their friends (who probably play at similar times….)

Server imbalance is a problem created by players. If we really wanted to solve it we’d have spread ourselves out already and sorted it. Instead most people want things “fixed” so they can continue to play as they already do (provided the fix only affects other people).

I’m sorry if this comes across too strongly, I have no intention to offend others. I do however feel passionately about the wrongness of the arrogance that declares that only huge fights are good fights and people should only play at certain times. I have seen much in WvW that I respect (some examples stated in this earlier thread ) and I will stand up for these players where I think it’s necessary. This is one of those times.

The idea of renaming and restarting the servers (probably with fewer) is worth discussion, but should be approached carefully. WvW means many different things to different players and that makes it harder to achieve a solution everyone will accept. None of us have the right to simply tell the others YOU MUST PLAY THE WAY I SAY – unless, perhaps, you are Anet.

WvW Server Population Balance Fix NA Servers

in WvW

Posted by: roxybudgy.8205


You’re assuming everyone would pay to transfer up when the game mode is broken

Game mode being broken has nothing to do with the OP’s topic on population balance or my objection to forced transfers. I don’t see how forced transfers would improve the game mode.

and the highest tier servers are full anyway.

Again, nothing to do with population issues. If the server you want to move to is full, then suggest increasing the number of people who can join the server or change the way “fullness” is calculated. Either way, absolutely nothing to do with destroying communities on “lower tiers”.

If you’re going to advocate for a server merge, then please give a good reason why a merge (forced transfer) is better than our current voluntary transfers.

WvW Server Population Balance Fix NA Servers

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


There are too many servers but, there’s far too many of us that have server pride and like our communities to give them up. Also, we need far more integration with the PvE community, not excluding them. Worlds also need there own physical space in game as a secure city and secure communication channel.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

WvW Server Population Balance Fix NA Servers

in WvW

Posted by: BATMAN.6794


There are too many servers but, there’s far too many of us that have server pride and like our communities to give them up. Also, we need far more integration with the PvE community, not excluding them. Worlds also need there own physical space in game as a secure city and secure communication channel.

When you say things like us giving up our communities, you are wrong. In fact your existing community would gain more people, and maybe you’d find new friends in the process. You aren’t taking communities and killing them if you let them chose a place to go together. Yes, lower tiers communities would not get that luxury, but I think they would rather play WvW and find action than have a community of 100s that don’t want to WvW because there is no 1 to play with or against.

Server pride would still exist. I think people would agree that theyd rather have balance and fun again and bring back competition and a reason to play, than keep a name and have old stale boring non populated mess of a game mode.

PvE people can still pick a WvW faction/globe/alliance or w/e you want to call it, but the difference is the accuracy. WvW populations right now are so far off the mark, I mean really do you still think Kaineng, Eredon Terrace and Ferguson’s Crossing are really medium population servers? We all know those servers are dead and really should be at low population.

Desert Borderlands suck bring back alpine til new ones are revamped

WvW Server Population Balance Fix NA Servers

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


I post this a lot these days but the WvW population is getting to the point that one or two matches are all that is needed to support WvW. If they wait long enough, the problem sort of solves itself.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”