So basically I’m proposing that the server rankings be reset. If you look at the server rankings as they are currently you’ll see that certain servers have been in the lead from their tier for weeks on end, sometimes months. At the same time, you’ve got some medium-wvw population servers in certain tiers grouped with others who have a massive WvW population. You’ve also got servers grouped with others who have completely opposite WvW-Active times.
The tier and ranking system as it currently stands, does not work. Sure, if you’re part of a massive server who dominates every single week, you aren’t going to be complaining. Servers like, say… Darkhaven or Tarnished Coast can’t really complain too much. However, servers like Devona’s Rest, Fort Apsendwood, Isle of Janthir and many others do. Every week it’s the same. Being faced up against a server with a huge WvW population who shouldn’t be in the rank they are.
Personally, I’m a commander on IoJ and ever since we had the huge exodus, WvW has been painful for us and I can safely bet it’s been painful for DR as well. We’ve been in almost the same place every single week, faced against mega-servers. Stormbluff, Darkhaven, Ehmry Bay, Anvil Rock. Every week it’s basically just been a battle for second place. There is no way we could possible gain any steady ground over the mega-server. They’re too big. So it leads to letting them take first place and trying to grab second, which is really bad. No server should ever play like this, but what hope is there against a server that can get zergs of 50+ every single day, when you struggle to get a group of 30, total. Across the entire 3 maps.
My plan is as follows:
Reset the servers completely. Reset all ranks. Then have a repeat of the first month of the game. Server groupings of 2 or 3 days. Base these groupings off ACTIVE WORLD VS. WORLD POPULATION. This is the key. A server that has a very high population of PvE players may not necessarily have a large WvW population.
Ontop of this, data needs to be gathered on Primary Activity Hours. A set of 3 – 6 hours where the server is most active in WvW. it is not fair or reasonable to expect 3 servers with completely different activity hours to compete. ArenaNet needs to remember that just because the NA servers are labelled “North America” and the EU servers are labelled “Europe” this does not mean that a servers primary player base is ONLY European or ONLY North American. As an Australian player I can not stress the importance of this. Servers such as IoJ and SoS have a very large (in comparison to other servers) Oceanic player base. It is not fair or reasonable to expect us to compete with servers who do not have a large oceanic player base, nor is it fair for the other servers.
After that data of average daily WvW player activity, WvW primary activity hours, WvW server scores and other relevant data, this should then be used to set up a new system. This system should not be tier based as it currently is. A tier system does not encourage fair gameplay, nor does it encourage players to join servers that are not the top 6 servers. Aside from this, a sever in tier 4 may well be able to hold it’s own against a sever from t1 and t2, yet because a certain server in t4 beats them every week, they never get the chance.
Each week the servers should have the activity data checked and updated. Should a server’s primary active hours completely change or should their WvW player base grow exponentially or shrink rapidly, they should then be moved to a different set of servers.
A set of servers would consist of 6 servers with similar activity, playerbase and player skill. Each week a random set of servers would compete. This would allow a large number of server compositions. For example, Servers A B and C might be together and D E and F might be together, but next week it might be ADE and BCF, with the following week being DAC and EBF and so on. This provides more sever match-up variation with servers and we wouldn’t be seeing t8 remaining the same for months upon months, with the very same servers going at it ever week.
I would really like to see this system or perhaps a more refined version of it put in place. It would help balance out the servers and make world vs. world much more fun. I understand this is partially a suggest, but the key part of this is having the server tiers reset. The key issue with world vs. world is that many servers have inflated or deflated rankings and should not be in the tiers they’re in.