WvW Spring Tournament 2014 Achievements

WvW Spring Tournament 2014 Achievements

in WvW

Posted by: Dragon Ruler X.8512

Dragon Ruler X.8512


I would like an exact list of the criteria required to advance the following achievements successfully…

Territorial Terrorizer & The Keep Is the Thing

Thank you.

WvW Spring Tournament 2014 Achievements

in WvW

Posted by: Zaxares.5419



Territorial Terrorizer:

You must receive credit for a “Repel the enemy attackers!” event in WvW, which can occur in any static defense location like a Camp, Generator, Tower etc., WITHOUT losing control of the structure to the enemy. Getting credit can be tricky; in my experience you must kill at least an enemy or two while within the radius of the event (be inside the defensive structure).

However, I’ve discovered a much easier method to get credit for this. Find a defensive structure that’s under siege (from catapults, trebuchets etc.), then go and repair a wall/gate that’s damaged. Just plugging 2 or more supply into repairs will give you credit for the defense event once it completes (provided, of course, the enemy doesn’t capture the structure). You can easily farm the requirements for this achievement in structures like your BL’s primary garrison that is getting trebbed or tagged by enemy servers, but have no intention of actually attacking. Stonemist Castle is also a good candidate provided your server intends to hang onto it for a while. Get some supply, repair one tick on a wall, wait two minutes. Repeat.

The Keep is the Thing

Pretty simple, really. Just be within the capture circle when your server captures a Keep. You may have better luck capping Keeps in EotM, since players rarely bother to upgrade Keeps there and don’t defend them anywhere near as ferociously.

WvW Spring Tournament 2014 Achievements

in WvW

Posted by: panda the chop chop.4712

panda the chop chop.4712

take keeps & defend anything thats yours: camps, towers, keeps, sm

IGN: Itspanda

WvW Spring Tournament 2014 Achievements

in WvW

Posted by: SlothBear.9846


For the first one you have to credit for a defending an objective event. This can be done on any map, but requires you to defend an objective for at least three minutes, and to get credit you have to either repair something inside of it or kill an enemy player within the event radius.

For the second you have to get credit for taking a keep. Either stand in the circle while it flips or get credit for killing a guard during the keep take.

WvW Spring Tournament 2014 Achievements

in WvW

Posted by: Dragon Ruler X.8512

Dragon Ruler X.8512

take keeps & defend anything thats yours: camps, towers, keeps, sm

That’s the description – I want the checklist the game goes through to identify your eligibility in gaining or denying a point to the achievement.