WvW Suggestion Box

WvW Suggestion Box

in WvW

Posted by: Ramboso.4721


Here are my suggestions as a game developer:

  1. Time zone based server
    1. based on a 6 hour time zone difference
      1. makes 4 zones
    2. restrict people to playing within their zones
    3. have a couple open ‘international’ servers that can be joined by anyone
      1. treated as overflow, in that anyone from any server can play in them
  2. Out-manned buff
    1. the others had it right, swap this buff with the orbs
  3. Keep NPCs
    1. make NPCs stronger when out-manned
    2. scale NPC strength like with boss events
      1. more players = stronger NPCs
      2. not active if 6 or more defenders
    3. add another worker NPC upgrade
      1. more workers per depot that repair doors > walls
      2. worker/siege master at each ‘built in’ siege weapon
        1. only at cannons and oil
        2. no man made siege
        3. no mortars
  4. Server reset
    1. on reset, outfit borderland keeps
      1. cannon and waypoint upgrades completed
      2. oil already built

This addresses most of the issues I see in WvW

WvW Suggestion Box

in WvW

Posted by: bradderzh.2378


1. Won’t happen. Anet have already said this.
While I get a bit peeved at you pesky Americans and your day capping lol (I am in Australia), why should I be forced into a slot where I can’t play with all my new American friends I have met through GW2.

2. I guess. But to a lesser extent. I’m more often than not outmanned when I play but to have 15% increases would make me feel a bit über lol.

3. Or code in the ability for npc’s to use siege??? Chuck down a ballista and an npc runs over to have a good time haha.

In reference to ascended items:
Nar: I love that it will take me time and money to
reach the same level I’m at right now… …said no one, ever.

WvW Suggestion Box

in WvW

Posted by: MartyPartys.9187


3. Or code in the ability for npc’s to use siege??? Chuck down a ballista and an npc runs over to have a good time haha.

But the NPC wouldn’t actually know what to hit, would he?
I like the NPC’s growing stronger when outmanned idea tho.

Also there should be indeed more workers in a keep and players should not be able to take supply from the supply depot in a tower/keep without permission from a commander. I also would like to see a deposit button on the depot.

WvW Suggestion Box

in WvW

Posted by: Toroth.1453


I’ve stated multiple times that orb and outmanned buffs should have been switched. That would have solved much of the qq aside from orb hacking of course.

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