WvW Suggestions?

WvW Suggestions?

in WvW

Posted by: Baroness.9506


My name is Barron, im from an Oceanic guild on Sea of Sorrows. This is my first every MMO. I started out, and it was such a learning curve. Although the beginning was very rocky, and the transition from other games to this style was a big leap, I quickly realised how much potential a game like this had.

At one point I had lost hope, and I thought the game would never change, then all of a sudden, the Devs have started to listen to people, started to fix things that needed to be fix. Started to make this game a place where I want to keep playing for a loooooong time.

My main focus is WvW, my guilds main focus is WvW, our allies from Titan Alliance……yep, you guessed it…..their main focus is WvW.

So I thought I might try some suggestions to see what sort of feedback I get from the community, as well as the devs.

1. Maps – There are 4 maps, 3 of which are the same. I much prefer the BL’s over Eternal, but it can get very monotenous doing the same strats, trebbing from the same spot etc. Some diversity would be greatly appreciated! A military man with a nack for making maps could really dish out some fantastic genres. That along with the imagination and devs at GW2 headquarters could make for another 2 excellent maps! Some more specific murder holes/shrubbery for guerilla tactics/island warefare/alot more walls, mazes, trees etc for Line of Sight (LoS) combat; examples.

2. Current Servers – There seems to be alot of lower ranked servers with hardly anyone online. Would it be possible to kull off a couple? Maybe make a server devoted strictly to PvE? Give that server the full bonuses of a winning WvW server, but dont allow it to change, or for the players to WvW or PvP?

3. Paid Transfers – It is definitly something that needs to be done! But I understand there is a time and a place for it, and that time is not rite now. But I am hoping it comes soon!

4. Commander Icons – The ability to sell these back to the vendor? Instead of allowing people to buy them with gold, maybe have it so they recquire a certain amount of badges, full WvW map completion, a high number of WvW kills, plus a gold value. Coming from Titan Alliance on Henge of Denravi, constantly (more thanks to the instant transfers back then) there were people who had obtained commander icon who literally had no idea in hell how to lead nor command, and were from other servers, and ran alot of our PUGS off cliffs, wrong ways etc etc. Still to this day, there are people who have obtained the icon because they are accountants or just plain trading post savvy and run around in WvW not having a clue what they are doing :P A bench mark for acquisition for such an icon would be awesome. For those that want it for a completion, there should be a PvE one available, that can only be bought with gold? You can have one or the other. Maybe the PvE one can offer special bonuses to the group or surrounding players? Obviously cant be used in WvW

5. Outmanned Buff – I appreciate the magic find etc. But what use is it? Some different stats would be awesome! Off the top of my head I think 10% speed increase, 5% damage increase, 5% armour would be cool and wouldnt give anyone much of an overbuff, but would really help.

6. Some more siege – Arrow cart, catapult, balista, trebuchet, ram. Siege Towers?

7. Weapon Variety – What about katanas? Halberds? Bardiches? Scimitars? Tomahawks? Crossbows? There are tonnes of medieval weapons, yet we are very limited to what we can use. Most classes use almost the exact same armour and weapon sets.

8. Guild Partying – An option to show location of everyone in the guild. Similar to the current party system, except maybe they would be an amber coloured dot. Maybe an option that can be set for the guild ranking system, so only higher ranked officers etc can see guildies locations?

Thats about all I can think of just off the top of my head. For alot of people, WvW is the only reason we play this game. For alot of us who play WvW, we feel there can be alot more added to keep people interested and fight off attrition. I totally understand there is a massive amount of work to do, and we may be the minority. But you cant do anything about something unless suggestions are made! So hopefully others read this and add to it, hopefully we can come up with some things that catches the devs attention and they decide they want to help us increase the longevity of the game!


WvW Suggestions?

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.3928


Here are mine:

1. Outmanned Buff should reflect a buff in stats like you suggested. it would prove more useful.

2. Player/Server rankings. Player rankings would maybe help individual players feel more…useful. Especially in situations where they are outmanned and cap a single supply camp only to have it wiped off the map in seconds by the enemy zerg. Their actions are forgotten. YOU know you capped that camp, but you don’t feel rewarded for it. At least i don’t.

If there was a way for me to know how many points I helped accumulate for my server in a play session or throughout the whole 1 week battle, it would help with my morale.

Maybe no mechanics need to be changed/added and all that needs to be done is better player feedback. Show me what I did in this play session or in this week long battle. Because I do not run with the zerg or in a big guild, I often feel defeated because I can kill dolyaks and cap supply camps, but it never lasts. I don’t FEEL like I am helping at all.

I am a good player. I consider myself very skilled with my ranger. However, I just constantly feel defeated due to constantly being overwhelmed, not by skill, but numbers.

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

WvW Suggestions?

in WvW

Posted by: djkittiek.7694


- Squad management with objective icons. Allow commander to assign groups to objectives. Full visibility of all members on the map.

- WvW player ranking system with badge rewards for specific levels. Level 80 Exotics to at lower levels similar to 80 karma stats, Ascended items and precursors for purchase at highest ranks. Finishers, WvW specific back items (ex: Sashimono http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sashimono with guild emblem.) can also be purchased.

- Add skins for WvW that are battle specific, showing rank (from above).

- Auto loot for all bags or change graphic, notification to alert player.

- 6 man limit for yak defense and restore previous reward incentives.

- Jumping Puzzle instanced, when logging in you are removed from the WvW queue.

- Pause on filling queue for DC’d players

- Replace Orbs to area wide buffs only, to be carried into battle (and possibly lost). Fix orb altar to only allow damage when entry is already physically possible. (or lord is dead).

- Guild control of keep allows resource holding (split 1/2 with non guild members) that can be used for upgrades.

- Guild control of keep or tower gives currency rewards to be spent on siege (or just badges).

- Siege account bound.

I have more upstairs… this is more like a wish list

(edited by djkittiek.7694)

WvW Suggestions?

in WvW

Posted by: Baroness.9506


Siege account bound. Cant believe I left that out!

Some great suggestions. Keep them coming. The more people who reply, agree/disagree the better the chance the devs are going to realise how significant the community who follows WvW is.


WvW Suggestions?

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


My suggestion list:
- add an timmer to downed state : i made fun of many enemy’s in wvwvw , just keep them downed for 5 minutes , hiting from time to time when they heal over 70%
- i agree with siege account bound
- we defenetly need better rewards as an main issue in WvWvW maps. I got few stacks of badges , waiting for the day when i can purchase ascended items in WvWvW rewards.
- payed transfers at 2000 + gems . It is ridiculous how many players join the winning side. That hurt the both sides, the server who get new players, that are not used with that server’s tactics and just fill the WvWvW maps with Jumping puzzle players.
- more WvW titles, at diferent ranking, i cannot chose 1 wvwvw title after 10.000 kills on WvWvW but i can take gladiator after few hours spent in sPvP
-Daily WvW achivements in exchange of WvWvW jumping puzzle. :
kill 20 players
assault 3 keeps
defend 5 towers
kill 5 dolyaks
you get 1-2 random blueprinter and 1 repair canister

no.1 WvW kills

WvW Suggestions?

in WvW

Posted by: transtemporal.2158


Hell, I’d be happy if the loot bags were a bit bigger. more obvious and not hidden in the terrain half the time.

WvW Suggestions?

in WvW

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


Pls observe the wvw games. more and more bot teams rampaging on the maps. thats prety nasty when 20 players moving, targeting, shooting together.

Just the WvW

WvW Suggestions?

in WvW

Posted by: Verbaux.6178


I do not believe it, because I did not see the most important thing! Timely first drawing enemies on the battlefield!

Why do I have to die, taking damage from nowhere, then to see that around me 100500 red nicknames?

Give normal graphics engine! The beta test, this was not the same, so why to release and still have this disadvantage, as no other influence on the gameplay, not fixed?

(sorry for my english: google translate)