WvW - Switching servers

WvW - Switching servers

in WvW

Posted by: General Rookie.5973

General Rookie.5973

Dear Arena Net,

Many of us Veteran players have been in the same server since we purchased the game. When I first started up Guild Wars 2, I was asked to pick a server world. I made this decision before getting to play the game, find friends, and before joining a guild. After a couple months of playing, I joined a great guild. 80%+ of all the guild members were on the same server. Now only 15% are on the same server.

This has been a couple years. Guilds and guild members come and go. The WvW experience suffers when friends and guilds are split up over a variety of WvW servers. We stuck to it anyways. We played with whoever we could. We even payed more Gems to switch servers when we lost our friends or when guilds moved.

Since the launch of Heart of Thorns, I find myself losing interest in WvW, like many players have already stated in the forums before. I’d love to get back in to WvW. For me, I don’t play WvW, because my friends cant play with me. I cant participate in WvW Guild Missions, because there are not enough of us on the same server. At this time, I’d rather ignore the entire WvW aspect of the game, than to buy more Gems so that I can switch servers and regroup with my friends.

New players and Free 2 Play players all get to pick servers as they join the game for the first time. Free 2 Play players have the best options. They can test out the game, make friends, find a guild, all before buying the game and chosing the WvW server that suits them best. They get the best deal! All of us Veteran players are still stuck in the servers we chose years ago. We’re asked to pay to switch. We have the worst deal.

I think it would be a very nice gesture by Arena Net to allow all of us Veteran Players who payed for Heart of Thorns, a 1-time server switch for free (or a 1 time per year switch!). Give us a chance to regroup with our friends and guild mates on the battlefield. We are dedicated players, and we are obviously dedicated to the Guild Wars franchise. I think it would be fare to let us switch once for free. I’m tired of being alone in WvW, away from my friends and Guild mates. This gesture towards Veterans who bought the game and expansion over the years, could be the spark to revive WvW for many servers, guilds, and players. Give us a chance to regroup. Help us revive WvW. It can’t be done with programming alone. The success of WvW is because of active players, not the game coding or new maps.

Throw us Vets a bone. Let us switch servers and regroup with our friends and guilds. I really do think its only fare. We’ve stuck with you over the years. We bought the expansion just like a new player. All I want now, is the chance to play WvW with my friends, without having to pay for more Gems.

(edited by General Rookie.5973)

WvW - Switching servers

in WvW

Posted by: StrykerMagnus.4120


Your idea of a “once per year switch for free” seems entirely reasonable. However, anet seems to have demonstrated they aren’t very interested in WvW nor the concerns associated with it. Instead…they are focused on gliding.

WvW - Switching servers

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Mentioned before by others but a free Xfer in the Birthday Gift would be appreciated.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”