WvW: The Poor Mans Game

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


So Im progressively moving over from pure PvE to almost 100% WvW player. For real, my large bank is going south. How do players who only play WvW afford all their expenses? I know there are badges of honor, but the proportional cost of buying stuff from badges compared to what you can but with gold/silver/copper is substantially less and more time consuming. Is this intended? Does GW development team want to dissuade players from purely playing WvW? BRB, preparing for a big weekend of PvE to fund my WvW.

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: DragonXavier.3964


Easy. You dont spend money. I get all my seige from the jumping puzzle and badges. You dont always have to be the one supplying siege to your team.

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


Aye. Supply for your team, but don’t be expected to always do so.

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


The issue with this is that 90% of players don’t place siege .. it’s always the same 10% (commanders, loyal wvw players) who are doing it .. and going broke. It’s nice not to be expected to do it all the time, but you often will not see any siege put down at all if it isn’t done by the regulars.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

We have to do pve to pay for wvw

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


Naw, but you’ll never really ‘gain’ in WvW. I used to never PvE and would sustain around 4gold, but if you want more; you need to PvE. AC a few times usually sets ya right for a while :P

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

I spent over 20 gold to attack SM one time

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


I know the feel Bro… I honestly know that feel <3

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Paul.5032


FotM for $$$.
JP for sieges.
Cap camps, kill dolyaks and claim sentries for karma.

If you are a low lvl, man arrow carts, cannons and ballista for load of badges.

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Every time I get over 1 gold in my inventory, I bank it. Everyone in my guild donates 25s per week to our guild bank to fund all upgrades and siege. A lot of our commanders, officers, and wealthier players from playing the TP donate more. I seldom have to PvE and when I do I am able to bank all of my profits without touching them.

Flipping objectives alone is enough to cover any armor repairs and anything above that from drops and more captures/defenses is pure profit. A percentage of that profit gets spent on siege and upgrades or donations to the guild bank, and everything else gets banked. Rinse and repeat. I save up about 10g per week from WvW. Sadly, I made about 7g from PvE in just 3 hours the other day. You don’t make much in WvW comparing it to everything else, but you can still make money.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM – http://KnightGaming.enjin.com
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Nymph of Meliai.6739

Nymph of Meliai.6739

well I agree with you… I can make 1g per a day in wvw but I spend it just as fast. I farm the materials to sell to top up my balance. I over spent Sunday night so have been bit more conservative the rest of the week.

Nymeria Meliae | SoS
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Naw, but you’ll never really ‘gain’ in WvW. I used to never PvE and would sustain around 4gold, but if you want more; you need to PvE. AC a few times usually sets ya right for a while :P

You definitely can gain in WvW.

You know that zerg you have barreling along? You know those roaming groups hitting camps? You know those scouts checking on supply and contesting waypoints?

You know what they’re all ignoring? Neutral mobs. Neutral mobs that drop T6 mats and the occasional rare. With just the 10% Magic Find guild buff or a MF booster. You don’t even have to sacrifice your gear or your food buffs to do it.

Do you zerg? Pull a few mobs into the swarm and they’ll drop fast. Do you roam? Then you’re probably capable of killing a couple deer in under 15 seconds. Do you scout? Chances are you’re capable of winning a duel, and so chances are you’re capable of beating a deer.

It’s not reliable and it’s not consistent but killing a deer or two every so often isn’t going to slow you down so significantly that you or your team will be in trouble. I very rarely see players do anything with neutral mobs other than run away (or in the case of the lesser races, flip them and leave). ArenaNet added them to WvW as scenery? Fat chance, they’re a resource. Use them.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

Naw, but you’ll never really ‘gain’ in WvW. I used to never PvE and would sustain around 4gold, but if you want more; you need to PvE. AC a few times usually sets ya right for a while :P

You definitely can gain in WvW.

You know that zerg you have barreling along? You know those roaming groups hitting camps? You know those scouts checking on supply and contesting waypoints?

You know what they’re all ignoring? Neutral mobs. Neutral mobs that drop T6 mats and the occasional rare. With just the 10% Magic Find guild buff or a MF booster. You don’t even have to sacrifice your gear or your food buffs to do it.

Do you zerg? Pull a few mobs into the swarm and they’ll drop fast. Do you roam? Then you’re probably capable of killing a couple deer in under 15 seconds. Do you scout? Chances are you’re capable of winning a duel, and so chances are you’re capable of beating a deer.

It’s not reliable and it’s not consistent but killing a deer or two every so often isn’t going to slow you down so significantly that you or your team will be in trouble. I very rarely see players do anything with neutral mobs other than run away (or in the case of the lesser races, flip them and leave). ArenaNet added them to WvW as scenery? Fat chance, they’re a resource. Use them.

No just no. This is wvw not hey let kill this random mob. Pulling those mobs can completely screw up as attack by giving away Ur position or there can be more enemy than u c and can cause a wipe in a few cases

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Naw, but you’ll never really ‘gain’ in WvW. I used to never PvE and would sustain around 4gold, but if you want more; you need to PvE. AC a few times usually sets ya right for a while :P

You definitely can gain in WvW.

You know that zerg you have barreling along? You know those roaming groups hitting camps? You know those scouts checking on supply and contesting waypoints?

You know what they’re all ignoring? Neutral mobs. Neutral mobs that drop T6 mats and the occasional rare. With just the 10% Magic Find guild buff or a MF booster. You don’t even have to sacrifice your gear or your food buffs to do it.

Do you zerg? Pull a few mobs into the swarm and they’ll drop fast. Do you roam? Then you’re probably capable of killing a couple deer in under 15 seconds. Do you scout? Chances are you’re capable of winning a duel, and so chances are you’re capable of beating a deer.

It’s not reliable and it’s not consistent but killing a deer or two every so often isn’t going to slow you down so significantly that you or your team will be in trouble. I very rarely see players do anything with neutral mobs other than run away (or in the case of the lesser races, flip them and leave). ArenaNet added them to WvW as scenery? Fat chance, they’re a resource. Use them.

No just no. This is wvw not hey let kill this random mob. Pulling those mobs can completely screw up as attack by giving away Ur position or there can be more enemy than u c and can cause a wipe in a few cases

I don’t want to be “that person” but you’re simply reading (and possibly playing) poorly then. I never said “always do this hurr durr whirr”. I said “make use of a resource.”

Do you make use of your siege and supply resources by building catapults in empty fields? No.

Do you make use of your cash resources by buying level 5 gear from vendors constantly? No.

Don’t be so black and white, or so narrow minded. You have a resource — make intelligent use of it. Just a tip: ignoring it is not making intelligent use of it.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


organize an event to bring a zerg thru the jump puzzles. abuse portals. have them drop you their siege. theyll thank you for the badges (well, prolly not). thank them by using (some of) the golems for something right then. you know… something fun.

suddenly youre only spending anything on upgrades.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Nemo.6295


Be lucky. I found countless yellows from loot bags. I think I found an orange item once too, then again I might just be imagining it…
Point is, if you don’t overdo it with upgrades and siege weapons, the drops combined with the objective awards should be more than enough to keep your purse from going empty.

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Ireniicus.2167


The point is rewards for WvW suck compared to PvE

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


I buy gems and trade for gold, then buy siege and what not. I’m not gunna lie it gets expensive and frustrates the hell out me when I lay down siege only to find out no one grabbed supplies as we passed through supply camp. I’m not sure how you could afford itif you used the coin you earned in wvw exclusively.

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: zen.6091


It’s pretty much a joke if you want to have multiple characters with multiple gear sets and have little interest in farming PvE for gold. I outfitted my 3 characters and bought a commander tag with gold earned through TP schemes, but even that has become very difficult in the last month or so ,unless you are a plutocrat level trader that camps that TP 12 hours a day with huge amounts of gold to leverage for market manipulation.

I’m sure this is exactly what anet had in mind when they made WvW gear progression a total afterthought. I don’t really have an issue with the siege cost since it gives the pugs a reason not to siege cap everything, but the gear and leveling needs to be addressed with some sort of compromise between pure PvE and the system sPvP and GW1 PvP characters use.

(edited by zen.6091)

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


1 hour of PvE to sustain for several hours of WvW is unfortunately how it works.
100% wvw will always result in negative profit if you are willing to upgrade and placing siege that ISN’T arrow carts or flame rams.

If you don’t like jumping puzzles for what ever reason (like me) then wvw really hurts your wallet after a while.

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

(edited by LieutenantGoogle.7326)

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Brannoncyll.1978


I hate that the WvW setup encourages people to waste so much time in the jumping puzzle rather than fighting, while using up valuable BG slots. It also seriously sucks for people like myself who enjoy WvW but cannot stand jumping puzzles – seriously, I had to stop trying those things because I almost put my fist through my monitor!

I can only hope that the promised WvW changes over the next few months will improve the drop rates of badges of honor from kills (and move them straight into the inventory rather than leaving them scattered about the front lines) such that those of us who prefer Tekken to Super Mario are still able to get siege blueprints to help our realms!

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: tluv.5821


In one week though you can make over 20 gold. That isn’t hard at all. I made 35 gold in one week. Granted I did all PvE. But I am doing PvE right now to fund for my WvW. Once I reach 300, which won’t be hard, I’ll get into full swing PvE. Especially since I’ll have commander.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians
Formerly [QT] Questionable Tactics

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: loopi.7913


It doesn’t seem right that those that wvw have to leave the fight and go pve to fund their wvw costs. The system feels flawed. Sure you can join the mindless Zerg and make a little… But for all the players that guard and defend their territory wont make anything. Especially if your outmanned in your tier the amount of siege that is needed to be put down again and again once you have retaken your towers keeps is a huge gold sink. The jp helps but it’s not enough. Those that regularly wvw can feel the pain of either having to leave to pve, go buy gems with rl money or play the tp game. Grr anet fix this >:( I want to wvw not pve!

Vexinia – Squishee animal wrangler of TC

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Iavra.8510


I’m making somewhere between 3-5 gold every day in WvW. If you play in an organized team, there will be more than enough loot bags for you and while the drops in WvW are horribly bad, you can still make some gold.

Other players i know play the TP in between playing sessions but i seem too dumb to do this…

/edit: I buy my siege weapons with gold and buff food for about 5-10g per week.

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


So as a person that generally avoids PvE like the plague, what is it that people are doing in PvE to get said gold. I’m really curious, buying gems on a weekly basis is putting a dent in my bank account and if I could actually make some decent money in PvE then I might be tempted to spend at least a bit of time doing it.

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Rieselle.5079


It doesn’t seem right that those that wvw have to leave the fight and go pve to fund their wvw costs. The system feels flawed. Sure you can join the mindless Zerg and make a little… But for all the players that guard and defend their territory wont make anything. Especially if your outmanned in your tier the amount of siege that is needed to be put down again and again once you have retaken your towers keeps is a huge gold sink. The jp helps but it’s not enough. Those that regularly wvw can feel the pain of either having to leave to pve, go buy gems with rl money or play the tp game. Grr anet fix this >:( I want to wvw not pve!

If the PvE players have to come to WvW to get their world completion and make their legendary, then it’s not unusual for WvW players to have to go PvE to get money.

It’s all part of a server’s “skill” – the ability to attract and recruit players (especially nighttime players), the ability to organise their players, and the ability to fund their players.

Having oceanic players is an advantage. Having teamspeak and server forums is an advantage. Having players willing and able to generate and donate gold to WvW is also an advantage. Having spies on the other server is an advantage.

These things can help your server succeed in WvW despite being “outside” of the base gameplay. It’s the metagame.

I like that WvW is this kind of open free-for-all. For a more controlled, sports-like experience, we have tPvP.

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: loopi.7913


I love that wvw is open free for all and any level or casual player can join. It is sad though that many pve players come to wvw for world completion and then leave. Maybe if there was more incentive to stick around they might stay.
And To those that daily guard yaks and throw siege down knowing it will be gone sooner or later you are my heros

Vexinia – Squishee animal wrangler of TC

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


It doesn’t seem right that those that wvw have to leave the fight and go pve to fund their wvw costs. The system feels flawed. Sure you can join the mindless Zerg and make a little… But for all the players that guard and defend their territory wont make anything. Especially if your outmanned in your tier the amount of siege that is needed to be put down again and again once you have retaken your towers keeps is a huge gold sink. The jp helps but it’s not enough. Those that regularly wvw can feel the pain of either having to leave to pve, go buy gems with rl money or play the tp game. Grr anet fix this >:( I want to wvw not pve!

If the PvE players have to come to WvW to get their world completion and make their legendary, then it’s not unusual for WvW players to have to go PvE to get money.

It’s all part of a server’s “skill” – the ability to attract and recruit players (especially nighttime players), the ability to organise their players, and the ability to fund their players.

Having oceanic players is an advantage. Having teamspeak and server forums is an advantage. Having players willing and able to generate and donate gold to WvW is also an advantage. Having spies on the other server is an advantage.

These things can help your server succeed in WvW despite being “outside” of the base gameplay. It’s the metagame.

I like that WvW is this kind of open free-for-all. For a more controlled, sports-like experience, we have tPvP.

its Lame, but its the only way,
My guild is the biggest on desolation and needless to say, our cost to upgrade and siege is HUGE, we generally do a farming/gathering session once per week to help fund us.

my whole guild is hardcore WvW and everybody hates to do it, but we dont have an option but to go to PVE to fund for WvW.

I honestly dont know how some people are even making positive gold in WvW, its only possible only if your not upgrading anything or buying no siege at all, in which case, u are no asset to WvW atall.

(edited by salluks.6017)

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

WvW is not cheap. Anet has made a mistake on that part.

People are saying that either they should make repairs free, or increase drop rates or rewards.

A lot of people are avoiding WvW due to the sheer cost of repairs alone! I have only masterwork gear and even then at lvl 80 a single death means around 8s in repairs for only one slightly damaged armour piece.

Macros, you can use them as long as they arent macros.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


I have done lot’s of gold last couple weeks. Sometimes i need to start salvage middle of fight because bags are full.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Rednik.3809


I have only masterwork gear and even then at lvl 80 a single death means around 8s in repairs for only one slightly damaged armour piece.

Emm, what? I pay ~1.9s per damaged item in full 80 exotic.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Desiderius.7259


Sry, Omaris. But a single death means something like ~2s in repairs of exotic gear. That equals 1 or 2 supply camps, nothing more.

Guardian / Ele / Thief / Mesmer
E Q U I N O X [EqnX] – Elona Reach [DE]

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


I don’t PvE all that much, at least nothing that gives good silver income as I don’t run any dungeons etc. at all.
Still I slowly make money by almost only wvw’ing (after the repair costs and upgrades have been deducted).

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Engels.8537


You know what they’re all ignoring? Neutral mobs.

A lot of times during zerg runs and trying to be “sneaky” with a LOT of people asking to not touch anything in the way, I’ve seen people dragging mobs inside the zerg.
I was convinced that they were either morons or spies trying to ruin the move. I know the truth now, thank you.

A couple of months ago I was able to do 1g per 2 hours, running at least 2 JP everyday for blueprints, and donating 20-30 for upgrades.

Now I’m nowhere near that. The drops are junk (I freaking hate spikes, seriously) and I seem to get mostly AC and ballistas from the JP, so I have to spend money/badges for everything else.

Plus it’s completely true that if you don’t drop siege, probably no one else will, they will just stand there, trying to dps a reinforced gate.

Don’t talk to me about toughness and vitality, damage avoidance is all in this game

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


The costs are as heavy as you make them be. I usually just set a specific gold amount I make sure I never go below. Mind you, I never make any money as a result, but I’m not poor either. I’m just constantly hovering around the exact same amount of gold for all eternity.

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


I honestly dont know how some people are even making positive gold in WvW, its only possible only if your not upgrading anything or buying no siege at all, in which case, u are no asset to WvW atall.

I’m a random player (in tiny guild), I regularly buy the smaller upgrades for towers/keeps and any/all upgrades for supply camps, I still make gold though only around 1-2G per evening.
Siege I don’t need to buy, I’ve run the JP daily since launch and shortly after launch I spent all my badges and my first earned gold to stock up on BP’s, had some random dropped BP’s as well so I still have plenty for now (including some superior ones).
Around 1-2G per week I deposit in guild bank for when we claim a keep (which is basically every week) because I feel the guild that claimed it needs to buy the upgrades and pop the guild buffs when needed. But often somebody else buys an upgrade which saves me some money again.
The only thing I need to get from PvE to sustain my WvW is omnomberries for food but that doesn’t cost all that much time because there’s resource maps on the webz.

(edited by holska.4127)

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Puddin Cheeks.8539

Puddin Cheeks.8539

I do a daily WvW puzzle run of all 4 puzzles and have it down to under 45 minutes now to get them all done. It nets me 8 blueprints and enough badges to buy a few more if I want. I have not bought a blueprint with badges or money in over 3 months. I make enough money to get by but barely come out on the profit side since I take on the task of upgrading and defending supply camps for my team. Look at it this way, if you dont place 8 blueprints a day you come out ahead.

In the first couple of night of WvW I may use a lot more than 8 per day but towards the end of the week it slacks off a bit to build back up for the next week. Currently I have 11 arrow carts, 15 ballista, 15, rams, 17 trebs, 15 cats, 5 golems, 2 super rams, and 2 super carts. I have spent a lot more than that but always have them when needed. None of these were bought or paid for except for the cost up making a superior from the free ones i had. You will on average get more arrow carts and ballistas from the puzzles, but some days i get mostly trebs and have gotten 4 golems from 2 puzzles before.

I would really only advise this kind of commitment to the puzzles to someone that is a real WvW junkie though. Once you have the puzzles down pat you don’t miss jumps anymore and its like second nature.

EDIT: Also, don’t forget to hit the high level nodes in eternal battle ground, especially the 2 orichalcum nodes in the puzzle. One day out of the hundreds of puzzle chests I have opened in WvW I got the exotic scepter Anura from the mistwrought chest and almost freaked out over it. So that possibility is there but extremely rare.

- Puddin Cheeks [W]
- [EA] Elephant Ambush
- DragonBrand since 8/25/12

(edited by Puddin Cheeks.8539)

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: IonusX.7905


to be honest i always make profit in WvW i make about 1-4g a day i do a lot of wandering around on my own and i hit up a lot of the events if you can chain enough of them together you can make some serious cash for example ill go and attack a supply then had over to the dredge or ogres or hylek that guard the camp then run to the next supply camp then to the near by sentry rinse and repeat and if im lucky some of my fellow plays have knocked down a wall or 2 at a tower and ill run in and solo the champion and cap it for my server gaining me amazing awards and if some poor saps end up running into me hey free badges the best way for survival in WvW is if you set your character up as a bunker you will reap the benefits later when you fight

{TNT} Tactical Night Techs “We are the last line of defense”Commander Fire Warrior Scout

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Jomg.9061


With upgrade cost, and siege, clearly, WvW does not reward players enought.

Pervx [DEX]

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


There are two intended ways of playing WvW:

  1. Leech off of other players. Do not contribute.
  2. Play PvE (dungeons) for money to spend in WvW.

WvW is a huge money sink and you can only make money in it by basically leeching off of other people.

I love WvW, only do WvW and have basically been forced to become a leech. I never have more than about 1 gold on me. I usually avoid upgrading anything anymore because I just can’t afford it. Even doing all I can to save cash, I still frequently do not have a siege engine where I’d like one. Can’t afford it.

It was especially bad on my guardian, who rarely gets loot bags.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Hyde.6189


I spent over 20 gold to attack SM one time

What on earth could possibly have cost that much? 20 golems? 60 trebs? I can’t see how you could possibly spend half that much before deciding that that there’s better things on which to spend your time and money.

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: MikeT.9428


We have to do pve to pay for wvw

Most players fall into this category. I run dungeons when my funds get low. A few dungeon runs and I’m back blowing money on siege equipment. Plus you can get a nice set of dungeon gear out of this technique :-)

Jade Quarry
Never underestimate an engineer with a wrench
Exploding illusions FTW

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


Well, I always end up in the positive, but the rate of income is slow compared to PvE. I also sell my siege to other players in my server. I’m a skirmisher so I have no use for an omega siege golem or flame rams when they drop. Though some people feel I should donate it, lol. Yeah, that’s why some people are broke. I’ve got a bifrost to make.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Enenion.8127


Doing the jumping puzzles on a regular basis nets you so much siege that you shouldn’t have to buy any unless you need one specific piece. You can get 8 pieces a day from the puzzles, and more can be dropped by guard NPCs. Run them with a full party and you get 40 pieces, more than enough to take down or heavily guard any objective. They don’t even take that much time either, the borderlands ones can be done in less than 3 minutes and the one in EB in less than 10. Spend half an hour stocking up on siege each day and you’ll never have to use money on siege again.

Fort Aspenwood

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: stinkypants.8419


Yeah, it’s definitely can be a money sink. I’ve occasionally come out ahead. A day or two of PvE usually puts some gold in my pocket. It’s also a nice little break to faceroll mobs

(Alvyn | Crystal Desert )

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Obed.7629


I always lose money at WvWvW.

Siege will cost you, but the real money sink is buying upgrades for camps and castles.

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Obed.7629


So as a person that generally avoids PvE like the plague, what is it that people are doing in PvE to get said gold…

Temple raids in Cursed Shore. Heck, sometimes the random NPCs will drop “rare” stuff.

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


So as a person that generally avoids PvE like the plague, what is it that people are doing in PvE to get said gold. I’m really curious, buying gems on a weekly basis is putting a dent in my bank account and if I could actually make some decent money in PvE then I might be tempted to spend at least a bit of time doing it.

The best bet, at least from my experience, seems to be to join with another couple of players to farm mobs and foraging mats in Cursed Shore. Roaming will net you lots of stuff, but there are also some events where tons of mobs will come to you for an extended period of time, and when that happens your bags will fill up quickly. It gets kind of boring, but it works.

Others have said that they can collect even more gold faster from farming certain dungeons, but I hate that whole mechanic and don’t do them.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

I don’t know why everyone is complaining, I can afford my repair bill with all the claws and hooves that drop with the badges.

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

WvW: The Poor Mans Game

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


I spend 1hr a day farming Orr and have all he gold I need.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]