WvW Titles

WvW Titles

in WvW

Posted by: Discordian.5384


I posting this in the WvW Forums instead of the Suggestions forums o get a feel of the Community as well as to refine the Idea if it is well received.

I was thinking WvW should have specific titles that reset every match, but go towards a more powerful permanent title. To me this is Kind of like Nicknames Great Warriors Obtain in Battle such as the Red Baron.

Each title would be linked to certain Accomplishments in WvW. For example If a Player is Constantly Killing supply Dolyaks and gets to a certain amount he/she gains a title, we we call it Dolyak bandit.

now lets say after 10 weeks this player is still killing Dolyaks he has gained the Dolyak Bandit title 9 times so far. he earns his 10th one and instead of Dolyak bandit, He gets a Major Title, Supply Stopper.

Supply Stopper is a Major title that the Enemy can and Will see , Maybe even Instead of Enemy invader/Defender. The title Also allows the Player to hold an Extra 5 Supply However you Can only have 1 Major title. and it starts to reset the more you neglect the activity that got it for you

There would be Numerous Titles for Different Activities Such as Most dmg dealt+Finishing, Placing,Completing and Using Siege Equipment, Taking Supply camps Consitsantly. Defending towers,keeps,castles From Multiple Sieges, Getting NPC help
Killing with Siege Equipment and tons more

There could also be Titles For commanders. although i’m not sure if their activities can be Tracked enough to give them something for there commander without allowing commanders some type of way to mark what they take. But this could be used to help weed out bad commanders as well as help players figure out which commander they want to run with.

And even Guilds could get similar titles if enough of its members had a specific title then the guild as a whole gets it.

What do you guys think?

WvW Titles

in WvW

Posted by: Mouse.4782


What’s wrong with the current titles that are available in wvw? And how is it different from what you are suggesting?

Raichi – Sylvari Mesmer (Strike Force)
Stormbluff Isle

WvW Titles

in WvW

Posted by: Meix.3710


The current titles are for vanity only I believe, what he’s suggesting is that these vanity titles could be reset at certain X intervals, and if you gain the vanity title Y amount of times, you can get a functional title related to that specific achievement.

WvW Titles

in WvW

Posted by: Discordian.5384


My suggestion is a step up from the Current WvW titles, Provides A system for Improving your char thru continuous WvW in Hopefully non Game breaking Ways, Seperate WvW titles from PVE,PVP,PVX titles by placing them where your name is for enemies, which allows newbies to avoid you and the Risk your title represents, extends past.

However the current titles Could just be modified

WvW Titles

in WvW

Posted by: lady lisz.7849

lady lisz.7849

working on my max title for supplies … getting there, soon


Truth and Knowledge are two different things
-Scholar Krasso-

WvW Titles

in WvW

Posted by: Hymnosi.5928


I wish the WvW titles had tiers instead of just ‘ultimate X’

It’s going to take years to get any of those titles.

Hymnosi – Lv80 Engineer
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass

WvW Titles

in WvW

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


+1 on tiered titles. Then most players would have a good selection of titles, but there also wouldn’t have to be a ceiling on titles.

Set up so that you can only choose the highest tier you have of course, otherwise you’d have an excess of options.

Talleyrand, Captain and Commander of the Bloody Pirates
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of http://thisisgandara.com

WvW Titles

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


It’s not letting me quote lady lisz, but:


Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

WvW Titles

in WvW

Posted by: tom.7468


there is already wvw titles but they seem hard to reach maybe they could make it possible to display rank 3 and upwards.