WvW Wishlist

WvW Wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: albotelho.2931


I really love WvW, it has somes issues, but it is the most fun thing to do in this game for me… so I have compiled my personal wishlist to improve it… maybe this post can be used by other players to concentrate suggestions for Anet

1. Rankings – we really need a website, or something inside the game with rank info, similar to the achivements screen we have. Rankings by Kills, caravans destroyed, succesfull sieges, sucessfull defenses… etc. etc. This rank could be by player, server and guild.

2. Armor repair, make it cheaper… I still have to better understand it but it looks like we pay more if we do not have the orbs… I am not sure… but fact is 1 silver and some copper is too expensive…. or at least make the armor last longer.

3. Squads, 100 gold to become commander is way too expensive… we need more organization tools, guilds should be able to create parties with more than 5, or we could see on the map all our members as they were in the same party.

Those are my first thoughts… I am certain there is more to come.

Turig Wolfsbane Norn Guardian
Rangrorn Charr Necromancer
Ultimate Legion [UL]

WvW Wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Sharshar.1907


“1. Rankings – we really need a website, or something inside the game with rank info, similar to the achivements screen we have. Rankings by Kills, caravans destroyed, succesfull sieges, sucessfull defenses… etc. etc. This rank could be by player, server and guild.”

I agree with this, excluding individual player rankings – I would love to see World rankings as detailed as possible though. The reason I do not want player rankings is because it would have the potential to become a within-world competition and argument as to who’s better, and that I feel really doesn’t encourage the whole “World pride” thing.

Having a World ranking by kills, caravans stopped from reaching an enemy keep, caravans that reached your keeps, total time holding larger objectives, etc. would be awesome though.

“2. Armor repair, make it cheaper… I still have to better understand it but it looks like we pay more if we do not have the orbs… I am not sure… but fact is 1 silver and some copper is too expensive…. or at least make the armor last longer.”

Personally I actually like that you have to pay for your deaths (ie, mistakes, poor planning, or just losing a fight), it makes everything feel more real and I know (having talked to people about it) it encourages some players to play more intelligently.

What I would love to see however is people being able to make more money in WvW. Right now in PvE you make enough money to cover your repairs and then some, in WvW you (if you’re really good and/or really lucky) you barely make enough to break even.

While I think lowering the armor repairs isn’t a good idea because it would take away from the experience, I’d love to see more balancing done between rewards in WvW and in PvE. I do realise you can get more from being in an organised WvW group, but making a profit in PvE doesn’t require one – and it’s unfair that to just break even in WvW you do need one.

“3. Squads, 100 gold to become commander is way too expensive… we need more organization tools, guilds should be able to create parties with more than 5, or we could see on the map all our members as they were in the same party.”

I like that it costs 100 gold, in my time playing so far I have seen 4-5 commanders. I feel if it cost any less than like, 90g minimum, we’d start seeing 5+ commanders per map simultaneously. Although that doesn’t sound to bad, the problem would be that the only reason people are marked as a commander is because they wanted to be, and not because they really understand strategy and want to lead the World to victory. The 100g is just to make sure people are dead serious about being a commander, and I like that.

That being said, I have no idea how the squad system really works (the one time I clicked on a commander and said join squad or whatever it is, nothing happened at all) but I do agree that guilds should be able to create groups of pretty much any size they feel like (at least more than 5 <_<), or have guild members show up in a significantly different colour on the minimap.

In order to stop people from just bypassing the commander training however I do believe large guild groups should not allow any of the special commander-like behaviour, Ie. the group leader has to invite to the guild (player’s can’t just join), they don’t get squad chat, and the leader of the group can’t use any of the special “regroup” or “attack” commands exclusive to commanders. Guild groups without a legit in-game commander should literally just be a larger than 5 group. This way the commander training would still be valuable to guilds, as you would still gain special abilities.

WvW Wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


lol 1 silver is too expensive?
i think i pay around 12 silver for a repair

But i find it too low. should be 1 or 2 golds, this way it will fix queue time and grinding joe will go grind elsewhere

WvW Wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.3928


I like the armor repair where it is. It definitely makes me play smarter. I also think the commander cost is good where it is.

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

WvW Wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: tkalamba.2541


I would love to see more siege weapons and defensive siege. There’s alot of cool stuff in the PVE portion of the game that could be used in WvW like the mega lasers and Sonic cannons which look awesome.

Lord Lefteris – Engineer [Sanctum of Rall]

WvW Wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: ReaverKane.7598


“3. Squads, 100 gold to become commander is way too expensive… we need more organization tools, guilds should be able to create parties with more than 5, or we could see on the map all our members as they were in the same party.”

I like that it costs 100 gold, in my time playing so far I have seen 4-5 commanders. I feel if it cost any less than like, 90g minimum, we’d start seeing 5+ commanders per map simultaneously. Although that doesn’t sound to bad, the problem would be that the only reason people are marked as a commander is because they wanted to be, and not because they really understand strategy and want to lead the World to victory. The 100g is just to make sure people are dead serious about being a commander, and I like that.

I disagree with this. I mean i saw commanders around just a couple of days after the game went live. That’s 100 gold, 4-5 days after the game started? What happens is commanders are either people that heavily sold gems, heavily exploited something, or heavily relied on others to pay their command.
I feel commander status should be attained after completing a number of WvW achievements, would work in tandem with a title. Once you got said title from completing WvW achievements, you’d go to a NPC and purchase the commander book for 10-30 gold.

WvW Wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Sharshar.1907


I disagree with this. I mean i saw commanders around just a couple of days after the game went live. That’s 100 gold, 4-5 days after the game started? What happens is commanders are either people that heavily sold gems, heavily exploited something, or heavily relied on others to pay their command.
I feel commander status should be attained after completing a number of WvW achievements, would work in tandem with a title. Once you got said title from completing WvW achievements, you’d go to a NPC and purchase the commander book for 10-30 gold.

I’m fine with that approach too – I just don’t think they should simply lower the cost because we’d have dozens of commanders that don’t understand anything running around everywhere :P

WvW Wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: BlusterWolf.2103


I just wish they find a way to encourage losing servers’ players to join WvW.

Forty Milliseconds…rangers who remember…know…

WvW Wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: hitsauce.1075


1. Bigger WvW content
2. WvW rank and enhancement system (Example: Daoc RvR system)