It has been a couple of years since I have actively played GW2, but now that I am back I am enjoying working a new class from the start, heading towards lvl 80 and then re-exploring WvW. As excited as I am about getting back into WvW, I have read quite a few threads containing much unhappiness with, what I viewed prior to GW2’s initial Lauch, as the main focus of the game for many people.
The main concerns I have noticed were with Server Pop, Night Capping and lack of Contact with enemy forces at times.
The idea that has crossed my, currently not truly up to date on GW2, mind is this:
Why not make each borderland completely unbreachable by opposing servers UNLESS they control Stonemist castle?
Once controlled and the servers banner is placed, (here comes the theatrics) a cut scene (Exit option included) would take over and 2 beams of light (colored for the Borderland controlling Stonemist Castle) would shine forth striking the Portals of the other 2 servers Borderlands. Once struck, the portals would take on the hue of the controlling Borderland showing access for that server to the enemy lands.
Now, ONLY the defenders of an individual Borderland and the oppressors controlling Stonemist Castle have access through those portals. No more 2v1 on a defenders home turf. (STOP, don’t nay say until you have reviewed the reasons for this)
Reason One: This keeps more focus on battling in EB than in the Borderlands prior to first control of Stonemist Castle being established since no one will be able to invade the other territories due to no portal access. This would make pockets of fighting easier to find with everyone on the same map. (Quite a few threads stating people having issues with the lack of enemy contact with everyone spread all over the place)
Reason Two: A controlling server now has some choices to make: Stay and defend their newly ill gotten gains. Split their force into two or three smaller forces to defend as well as take one or two of the other borderlands. Yes, same as before but there will be a noticeable difference, they have the reward of not worrying about defending their homeland as their portal will not allow access for the other two Borederlands to invade unless they first seize control of Stonemist castle.
If they split their force into two to defend and attack one of the Borderlands, the Third Borderland will focus on retaking EB as they cannot invade through the Second or First Borderlands gates. if they focus on a two Borderland front, they may spread themselves very thin and chance being overrun in smaller groups, as the Second or Third Borderlands won’t be sidetracked by making stabbing strikes into each others territories. (Yes, I am capitalizing First Second and Third as well as Borderland in an attempt to show proper nouns instead of adding specific server names as example, forgive me)
Reason Three: An invaded server has only to focus on pushing the First Borderland out without losing territory to the Third as well. With the Third Borderlands forces being barred from entry through the portal, that leaves less forces to sweep up in clearing out the enemy.
Reason Four: This should keep night capping down to being focused on EB, or in the least only dealing with one night capping server at a time, the one currently in control of Stonemist Castle. (Spoils to the victor)
In essence, a forced treaty is imposed on the Second and Third Borderlands, although in EB all is fair game.
In my opinion, and I’m sure everyone will have their own view on this, not having the opportunity to invade an unbreachable Borderland will cut the choices to be made, assisting in more focused groupings towards the main objectives.
This will cut out on Borderland Three hitting Borderland Twos territory after Borderland One has pillaged it, and sucker punching the beaten server for easy points.
Two servers keeping pressure on the oppressive Goliath server may just help balance WvW out.
Now I am not fooling myself into thinking this will knock out the night capping “issue” or correct server pop imbalances, but it may give the underdogs a fighting chance.
Also, this is just a base idea, I have not take into account for WvW game mechanics in any way. World exploration may and completion may be a little more difficult as your server will have to take StoneMist Castle at some point to allow your population to explore other Borderlands. Etc Etc and so on.
I appreciate your time in reading my idea, I apologize if this idea has been brought to light before but it is a large forum and I do not wish to explore it all to make sure I haven’t posted a “Johnny come lately”.
Tweaks and constructive feedback is welcomed and appreciated. The purpose of this post is NOTto “Fix” WvW or “Make It More Fun”. Those views differ from player to player. I a, merely searching for a way to hopefully push the odds in our favor for more frequent encounters without having to traverse each and every map to do so, with a possible result of a renewed interest in WvW for those who have left.
Thank you,
P.S. if you just view it as a wall of text then the topic probably didn’t interest you enough to review the details. :-)