Main: SoS. Alt’s: BG/FA/Mag/SBI/YB.
(edited by Mikeybalz.2089)
How does this guy figure more people log in on a saturday when any server from T1 toT4 almost pretty much Q every map on reset night… Someone needs to get their facts straight.
I always say change is good. But this is just silly to cater to the pve’ers (nothing new) that log in mostly saturdays and mess up your dedicated wvw player/fan base… GG Bois.
(edited by Mikeybalz.2089)
So often people complain and beg for change. But they do not truly want it. They want their version of change Whats good for them.
Often times we do not realize what we ask for and what it really means.
As my grandmother used to always say, you can either move with change or move over and get left behind.
People weren’t thrilled with the time being changed but honestly, we were okay with it, it meant a fresh new group of people could now attend. Quit acting like you speak for majority when you post on here because the majority of people do not post here.
(edited by Nightshade.2570)
I’ve tweeted about this, but going ahead and writing a forum post about it anyway.
This is, to state as bluntly as possible, a terrible decision, although I can understand some of the reasoning behind it. TL;DR to start off with, if you really must change the time for reset, make it Friday morning.
The issue with occasional bug fixes during Friday night reset is frustrating, but understandable and so rarely happens that although we may grumble, it’s really not worth changing the time entirely to save the community that frustration. I do understand the developers wanting that extra time to be able to work – if you really want reset to be within office hours where someone can monitor it, then make it Friday morning/early afternoon.
First, this may actually fix the queue struggles that we deal with on Friday night, and will undoubtedly also deal with no matter what time on Saturday. Although it hasn’t happened in quite some time, we frequently had issues with the frantic, chaotic clicking at the portals and in the WvW tab that occasionally actually broke the queue system temporarily, making it impossible to enter WvW. Making it earlier on Friday would mean guilds can still plan for that impactful Friday night, but players can trickle in throughout the day. OCX/EU, which generally have smaller communities on the NA timezone, will still be around for the big reset time, but undoubtedly it’ll be much less stress on the servers. Queue times will likely go down while the population will stay stable, as people will always be available and willing to play on Friday night.
Pushing things back to Saturday can and likely will eventually kill out a big percentage of the WvW population. Hear me out. Despite the fact that WvW is based around objectives, I would say the vast majority of large guilds – the ones that bring in the WvW population – do not play with the sole mindset of PPT. I’ve been on a lot of servers over three years, and can safely say the attitudes towards grinding out capping things has changed drastically. Yes, objectives are still a focus, keeps and towers are still taken, but with the focus on doing these things to get the fights.
This is why you see a lot more steady population throughout Saturday and Sunday. Guilds in particular do come out on Friday, but it is to make that big impact crucial to setting the pace for the rest of the week, leaving the rest of the weekend open for, yes, still objectives-capping, but also more relaxed fights-oriented guilds to come out to play, and for the actually truly epic fights to happen. Now, Friday will be dead, much like Thursday is now, and although Saturday will have time to cool down into the evening, that full day will be mostly wasted and spent on the intensive objectives goals normally done on Friday. Guilds still do raid on Sunday, but far less so than Saturday, and by Monday, it’s back to the office grind and WvW if there’s time.
You want players in WvW, don’t you? This change in time literally cuts into the available time we have to play, leaving you with fewer numbers in WvW to show your stakeholders. Less and less time will be invested in WvW as this decision has made it less profitable, as you’ve cut into the playerbase’s available time.
It’s Friday night football for a reason. By all means, make reset earlier on Friday if the dev team needs that time to watch over WvW and keep it functional, but the idea that this is going to bring more players into the game is wildly unrealistic. In fact, it pushes a good deal of us out, and not by choice.
So often people complain and beg for change. But they do not truly want it.
People are asking for changes, that incentivise the competitive aspect of the gamemode (You know? PvP and stuff…competitive…not PvDoor night shifts) while ANet does everything to ruin a competitive play, so your comment doesn’t really make sense.
Of course we complain when they do stupid things. What else shall we do?
Anet, please reconsider this change.
The last day of match-up is essentially irrelevant – do you actually want to change a Friday night from being the most fun time to play into a period where logging into WvW is utterly pointless?
Current system – MU starts with a great big Friday evening brawl followed by two full weekend days of play before we have to return to the real world on Monday.
Proposed system – Friday is pointless so go to pub instead. MU begins Sat morning, miss reset because still sleeping off the night before. Sat afternoon – log in to discover whole border is in enemy hands because of daytime PPT blobs; decide to watch TV instead. Sunday – forget about GW2 for the day, decide to grow a beard.
Dear Anet,
Please move reset back to Friday nights (EU)
Friday night is a socially acceptable time to be merry and drink alcohol while playing WvW. Your proposed change means I will have to start drinking at midday on saturday and. Thanks for promoting alcoholism.
A sober(ish) cat
Hello All,
There are a couple of reasons for the change to reset time. One is for the overall quality of the game. The last few years we have been careful to not disrupt the WvW reset time but this has at times made it difficult for our team to address issues during reset day. This change will give our team an extra day of the week that they can use to respond to issues that may occur with WvW or any other area of the game if it is necessary. In the early days we wanted reset to be during a weekday to ensure we had people available to monitor the game at reset time, but at this point we have seen the ongoing stability of World vs. World and resetting on a weekday is no longer necessary.
Another reason is the emergent gameplay that has come from reset. It has become one of the most exciting times for WvW and we would really love for more players to have the opportunity to experience it. We have many more players logging in on Saturday than on Friday which means with this change many more people will be available to experience the rush of claiming objectives for their world during reset.
However, given the concerns posted here we will be moving the Saturday reset to earlier in the day to give most players the majority of the day to enjoy the start of the new match. Immediately after launch the new time will be 11am PDT / 2pm EDT (6 pm UTC) for NA and 11am BST / 12 pm CEST (10 am UTC) for EU. Keep in mind that the following week with the end of Daylight Savings Time / Summer Time the reset times will be pushed even earlier to 10am PST/ 1pm EST and 10am GMT / 11am CET.
Thank you for your feedback. We realize that no time we pick is going to work for everyone but this change is going to benefit even more players overall while at the same time giving us a little more breathing room to improve the quality of the game during the week.
Just when I was about to be happy for a Saturday night reset @ 9 p.m EST
You pull this [kitten] on me !!!
What is this [kitten] 1 p.m reset time ?@!$%^&*
So often people complain and beg for change. But they do not truly want it.
People are asking for changes, that incentivise the competitive aspect of the gamemode (You know? PvP and stuff…competitive…not PvDoor night shifts) while ANet does everything to ruin a competitive play, so your comment doesn’t really make sense.
Of course we complain when they do stupid things. What else shall we do?
You don’t get it. What you want may not be what other people want. Moving the reset night to the most active night of the week as Mr. Corpening pointed out, is not a move to make WvW less competitive. Its a move to gain more activity in it.
I don’t know why people can’t see they are speaking for themselves not, the majority of players. The numbers speak for themselves, they have the data we don’t.
Next they are going to announce that instead of 24 servers in wvw, there will only be 12.
That should effectively end the wvw game mode, along with a Saturday morning reset time for the west coast.
Now we can all go pve , or invade the pvp game mode and actually get rewards for playing .
I wish forums had a button to automatically ignore all comments similar to: “nooo this change is inconvenient for meee siiggh sooob”. This thread would be probably 2 pages instead of 8 with that on
Friday evening was arbitrary and people complained about it. Saturday afternoon (EU) is arbitrary and people is complaining about it. There is no way of pleasing everyone.
I personally stopped enjoying reset time after Season 2, when it became a huge and mindless lag/blobfest. No, thanks.
I understand some people might like that, and I’m sure saturday evening will still be like that, but this change has the potential to give a better picture of the servers relative strength.
The saturday afternoon population (often including more newcomers and casuals than the hardcore reset prime time/night crew) will have a stronger role in defining the PPT lead and I think it’ll feel like a “slow start” compared to the frantic reset evening and subsequent night capping phase we have now.
If you do not understand that we have no posibility to get guilds to start raiding at lunch on saturdays, nor have we the posiblities to ask people to ignore their families or people that overall using saturday to rest and sleep to join us on reset.
For EU it mean that reset will be like any other day in wvw instead of like it is now, were it is the day that every wvw player looks forward too and want to be in on.
Might not mean something for you, but for me that played wvw for 3 years and 6000 hours not really missing that many resets at all, this is a huge deal, and i feel EU just got screwed over to be able to maintain a good start for our servers.
Reset at lunch time? Really, ANet? Head → Wall
And splitting the weekend in half for the matches? I think it was Colin who in one of the recent streams said that you guys see the problem of nightcapping and are thinking about how to solve that problem. And now you make a change that actually strengthens nightcapping servers? Taking away the chance for non-NCing servers to build up a buffer (and the motivation that goes along with that) over a complete weekend?
Congratulations for further destroying WvW through unneccessary changes.
So often people complain and beg for change. But they do not truly want it. They want their version of change Whats good for them.
Often times we do not realize what we ask for and what it really means.
As my grandmother used to always say, you can either move with change or move over and get left behind.
People weren’t thrilled with the time being changed but honestly, we were okay with it, it meant a fresh new group of people could now attend. Quit acting like you speak for majority when you post on here because the majority of people do not post here.
Those who disagree with what the majority of us are saying in this thread are more than welcome to login and post their support for this change. They don’t need you to come and speak for them…
Unpopular opinion: It’s 2-3 hours of the week; I’m actually fine with it. If my guild doesn’t rally, I’ll follow along with a different guild and then rally as normal in the evening. Carry on as normal.
(edited by zhonnika.1784)
Hello All,
Another reason is the emergent gameplay that has come from reset. It has become one of the most exciting times for WvW and we would really love for more players to have the opportunity to experience it. We have many more players logging in on Saturday than on Friday which means with this change many more people will be available to experience the rush of claiming objectives for their world during reset.However, given the concerns posted here we will be moving the Saturday reset to earlier in the day to give most players the majority of the day to enjoy the start of the new match. Immediately after launch the new time will be 11am PDT / 2pm EDT (6 pm UTC) for NA and 11am BST / 12 pm CEST (10 am UTC) for EU. Keep in mind that the following week with the end of Daylight Savings Time / Summer Time the reset times will be pushed even earlier to 10am PST/ 1pm EST and 10am GMT / 11am CET.
I actually like this new reset time ;-)
Maybe its cause I’m on NA Servers playing on an EU Timezone?
I used to have to get up at 2am GMT to play on Fri nights with the NA peeps.
Now at least we’re going to get some late SEA/Early NA/EU peeps playing on the NA Servers – and a good excuse for NA Servers to find EU Players also.
I know the Friday night get drunk thing – I get it !!
Imagine this – NA Players who are not drunk (or can start drinking earlier) may actually play better and the reset will be even more intense and better.
At first I had faith in Corpening to fix some of the WvW issues. Not anymore.
Can we see the data that you’re referencing that show the majority want WvW Reset moved from Friday Night to Saturday Night…I mean Saturday Afternoon?
Let’s see what the majority wants if the numbers get posted. There’s a straw poll thread running at the moment that actually show the opposite btw.
Straw Poll thread:
Only thing making me laugh about this change is your posting of this link:
Shocking interview with Anet WvW developer
Very disappointed with this decision.
(edited by Diku.2546)
Hello All,
Another reason is the emergent gameplay that has come from reset. It has become one of the most exciting times for WvW and we would really love for more players to have the opportunity to experience it. We have many more players logging in on Saturday than on Friday which means with this change many more people will be available to experience the rush of claiming objectives for their world during reset.
Thank you for your feedback. We realize that no time we pick is going to work for everyone but this change is going to benefit even more players overall while at the same time giving us a little more breathing room to improve the quality of the game during the week.
I am referring to the fact that we all do not speak for the majority. What speaks for the majority is the numbers referenced above. That more players log in on Saturday nights then friday.
Its pretty simple. They are making the change based on actual data, something you nor I have.
But now this thread got it rolled back to 11 am. I was personally fine with the saturday evening reset. Which I personally am not fond of but will deal.
People weren’t thrilled with the time being changed but honestly, we were okay with it, it meant a fresh new group of people could now attend.
No WE weren’t ok with it.
The info given by Anet was not a proposition. It is already agreed statement, which will be implemented live soon.
WvW players? kitten off , play what WE want you to play pvp/pve
Anet please wake up at last… when will you realise that your game is the only one with such wvw system?! POLISH it not RUIN it !
I am referring to the fact that we all do not speak for the majority. What speaks for the majority is the numbers referenced above. That more players log in on Saturday nights then friday.
Because queues don’t exist and they only looked at WvW players for this data, like they always do!
I am referring to the fact that we all do not speak for the majority. What speaks for the majority is the numbers referenced above. That more players log in on Saturday nights then friday.
Maybe more players log on for the game as a whole ….but more players do not log on to WvW specifically.
This is very very evident by the queue numbers. All 3 BLs and EB are queued on my server on Friday night. On saturday night, maybe one will be queued.
This reminds me so much of some self-important, new-to-middle-management person thinking they came up with a brilliant idea at work that they manufacture reasons to implement it so they can impress the boss.
Reset is and always has been Friday 8pm CST. People plan around it, guilds schedule for it, and communities prep for it. It’s been the one thing that has continued to inspire excitement in a game mode many have thought was going downhill for a significant length of time. Reset on a Friday is, in large part, responsible for WvW players continuing to put in longer hours on Saturday into Sunday.
This decision will, in effect, invalidate half the weekend. Even changing the reset to noon CST on Saturday is still going to invalidate half the weekend, and will still push WvW players away.
How about this John, “Due to the overwhelming response to our announcement of the reset time change we have decided to put the change on hold until we can gather more data. Reset will return to Fridays as usual on Friday, October 30th. This allows us one Saturday reset to check our metrics, and to decide if Saturday reset is still something we want to follow through with.”
AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Good that I didn’t buy expansion! U just screwed it up. Why? Ok, 1. of all during 12 CEST Saturday a lot of ppl is: sleeping, working( YES, for example in Poland we work at Saturday – about 40% of our population), cleaning house, making stuff in home, even making dinner – IT is f***** 12 CEST, Ppl eat dinner around 13:00 so yeah u need to cook it earlier. Also a lot of ppl is SHOPPING when they get a free day from job / school / uniwersity. For example me, from 8:00 to 20:00 I go to job every second saturday and the other ones are reserved for shopping. Just WTH are u doing Anet?! Ohhhh I know, U want to minimalise lags by letting only 10% of WvW players or less join WvW and don’t make lags. Gj guys best sollution so far! And when I was about ot buy HoT u give me such information
Hope a lot of ppl will stop trusting u now and cancel their preorders
Its pretty simple. They are making the change based on actual data, something you nor I have.
Actually we do have data for WvW. The queue numbers on Friday night compared to the reduced numbers or lack of queues all together on Saturday night speaks volumes.
You are also making a very flawed assumption that the metrics being used are both correct and applicable specifically to the WvW game mode. You are also throwing blind faith at a company that has proven its disconnect with the WvW community for three years consistently and continues to prove how out of touch it is on a daily basis.
GG anet. You took one of my most beloved things in gw2 from me. Not going to buy hot after all.
However, given the concerns posted here we will be moving the Saturday reset to earlier in the day to give most players the majority of the day to enjoy the start of the new match. Immediately after launch the new time will be 11am PDT / 2pm EDT (6 pm UTC) for NA and 11am BST / 12 pm CEST (10 am UTC) for EU. Keep in mind that the following week with the end of Daylight Savings Time / Summer Time the reset times will be pushed even earlier to 10am PST/ 1pm EST and 10am GMT / 11am CET.
So I have tried explaining why certain things are not as bad as everyone seems to think inside of my guild with some of the changes that you have announced. This, however, there is no way to spin this to make this anything other then what it is, a total disregard for an entire game mode. Saturday evening made sense, it looked like it would make matches more fun since the week wouldn’t be decided mid week. You had a nice gap in which servers could organize and make a real attempt to influence the score on a traditionally large WvW night, Friday night and Saturday afternoon for NA prime, and then start a new week on Saturday strong still. Resetting during EU prime on North American servers, even on a weekend, makes so little sense. There have been many changes to this game, and now with this, you may as well retire World Vs World since by all appearances no one at ANet listens to the community that plays strictly World Vs. World.
Unpopular opinion: It’s 2-3 hours of the week; I’m actually fine with it. If my guild doesn’t rally, I’ll follow along with an EU guild and then rally as normal in the evening. Carry on as normal.
You should never feel the need to excuse for your opinion. But I think you are missing the point.
It’s not about the “2-3 hours” of reset. They are not that important. It is about the 24 hours at first, 16 hours now, of meaningful WvW playtime that gets lost by pushing the reset further into the mid of the weekend. This drastically reduces the time of meaningful play during the weekend, aka the prime time of prime times.
Rule of thumb:
(edited by MRA.4758)
This is a horrible idea and I’m just posting here so maybe you’ll reconsider it. Good luck in a few months when wvw numbers are down across the board.
You don’t get it. What you want may not be what other people want. Moving the reset night to the most active night of the week as Mr. Corpening pointed out, is not a move to make WvW less competitive. Its a move to gain more activity in it.
Anyone in touch with the WvW scene, the scoring system, and can at least reason a little fully understand the impact this will have. This change will have the exact opposite effect of what you stated here.
Less people will be in WvW and in the game in general. WvW will become less competitive at a time when more people would have been in the game to compete.
If the reset had to be moved, it should have been moved to Thursday or Wed.
So often people complain and beg for change. But they do not truly want it.
People are asking for changes, that incentivise the competitive aspect of the gamemode (You know? PvP and stuff…competitive…not PvDoor night shifts) while ANet does everything to ruin a competitive play, so your comment doesn’t really make sense.
Of course we complain when they do stupid things. What else shall we do?You don’t get it. What you want may not be what other people want. Moving the reset night to the most active night of the week as Mr. Corpening pointed out, is not a move to make WvW less competitive. Its a move to gain more activity in it.
I don’t know why people can’t see they are speaking for themselves not, the majority of players. The numbers speak for themselves, they have the data we don’t.
You get things very wrong there. While it is true that we are not talking for everyone the opinions of active community members, the only ones that stayed with this gamemode since 3 years, don’t show up in their fancy statistics so they are basically useless imo. Unless you want to tell me that WvW can exist after the active communities stopped playing because they only listen to their fancy data. If I’m in a ts channel together with 100 people and only 3-4 guys like the change I guess you can call that representative. Especially when there are 10 other people describing similar experiences on their server right here.
The removal of the competitive aspect was not specified to this example today, but to your opinion, that we always ask for changes but only complain about what we get. This was meant to adress almost all changes (changes, not fixes of a broken game!) that we’ve gotten in the past.
And it’s only 50% true that we are talking about things we want, because WvW as a matter of fact, is a competitive gamemode and therefore shouldn’t get patches that destroy the competitive aspect. I guess we can agree on that.
If they say “Hey we never wanted WvW to be competitive – we’ve got espoarts” they can PvE this gamemode to the ground. But not as long as they advertise it as “epic battlefield combat”
And anyways…how can this “gain more activity” when the borders are always full already?
I know that personally for me, Saturday morning/midday is better because it gives wvw a chance to settle a little from reset fervor, so for those I play with and how we like to play, this is a better approach. I’m not really sure that there can be any solution to fully accommodate ocx/sea though, as even the friday evening reset wasn’t ideal for those players.
Unless there is to be a change in the queue slots for the new borderland (which itself is a bad idea due to the damage that can result in lower tiers), Don’t really see how more people can really enjoy wvw on a saturday than they can with the friday night reset.
This might be not bad for some of the northern areas in winter , however come summer time , in the nice weather , who is going to play a video game on Saturday morning/afternoon, when the weather is beautiful.
Low pop servers are already about done, so maybe this once again caters to the T1 servers, and not to any one else. Whatever anet has made it clear that they do not really care for the wvw game mode. If you are not happy with the changes and have posted your opinion here that is all we can do right ?
No, we can stop playing wvw. I here there is contests and actual rewards in pvp, lets go do that
How about this John, “Due to the overwhelming response to our announcement of the reset time change we have decided to put the change on hold until we can gather more data. Reset will return to Fridays as usual on Friday, October 30th. This allows us one Saturday reset to check our metrics, and to decide if Saturday reset is still something we want to follow through with.”
Awesome solution!!!
I think I can pretty much see why alot of people do not post here. Any dissenting opinion to a certain crowd, is tossed out and not even considered.
:) I don’t agree with you all but you will argue with me till your blue in the face meanwhile I will just deal with the change and move on.
Good luck with your 11 am PDT that this thread got it moved to.
If that’s actually the reason for the change, it’s definitely not worth losing 16 or so hours out of every matchup every week.
I am not certain you understand. There are 168 hours in every match up, regardless of what time or day it resets.
No he understands just fine. It is your understanding that is lacking.
A typical job/school for the majority of people is Monday through Friday. When he said said that, he was talking about meaningful and enjoyable WvW at time when the majority of people are available to play.
If you actually understand WvW and are more than a casual, you should have a firm grasp on the fact that fun game play dies down for the last couple days of a match up. So instead of those slow days being Thursday to Friday evening, those slow days will be Friday to Saturday afternoon.
Perhaps you can see the issue?
I think I can pretty much see why alot of people do not post here. Any dissenting opinion to a certain crowd, is tossed out and not even considered.
I am ok with you having a different opinion if you at least display basic understanding of the issue and the reality. You failed to do both.
How about this John, “Due to the overwhelming response to our announcement of the reset time change we have decided to put the change on hold until we can gather more data. Reset will return to Fridays as usual on Friday, October 30th. This allows us one Saturday reset to check our metrics, and to decide if Saturday reset is still something we want to follow through with.”
Awesome solution!!!
Ye it is, but do u not see what they(Anet) want to accomplish? They want to minimalise reset lags by cutting down number of players at resets. Ye, it is TRUTH
:) I don’t agree with you all but you will argue with me till your blue in the face meanwhile I will just deal with the change and move on.
Let’s agree to disagree…now let’s move on…got it.
Did you get a chance to see this thread btw?
Straw Poll thread:
This specific WvW Forum is supposed to be the one distilled place on the Internet where ANet can converse directly with the real WvW Community.
1) Person Must Have A Verified GW2 Logon at minimum to Post here.
(edited by Diku.2546)
ITT: Change is evil – except if that change is to implement flat maps with nothing but spawn points so we can “skillfully” GvG zerg.
This is a worse reset time than the original change, 11am reset raids? Not going to happen. Completely kills ocx and sea too.
Why Anet, would you move the reset time off of the busiest wvw time for NA players? We play on NA servers, the busiest time for NA is going to be 8-12pm est. Reset should be during the busiest time for all servers, (no offense ocx/sea/eu), so that all servers have a fair chance to compete coming out the gate.
If you really must move the reset then move it to Wednesday or Thursday nights, so that each and every single WvW player can have the opportunity to enjoy meaningful wvw over the full weekend.
Maybe you guys shouldn’t of made a thread complaining about patches during reset night.. Now reset gets moved to a day where they don’t do much patching.. GG.. you got what you “Cried” for
Or maybe I dunno, they should push a patch half hour before reset and not a half hour after?
(edited by Xenesis.6389)
Biggest slap in the face to the WvW community yet.
We spent years building a culture of WvW Reset and you simultaneously kitten all over it and spit on us while we’re down.
Maybe you guys shouldn’t of made a thread complaining about patches during reset night.. Now reset gets moved to a day where they don’t do much patching.. GG.. you got what you “Cried” for
Or maybe I dunno, they should push a patch half hour before reset and not a half hour after?
Right now I feel like gw2 is one big joke…..I am kittening done.
Short and to the point:
I am an Oceanic player who’s major interest is in the WvW aspect of this game
This change is not conducive to my timezone. End point.
Moving forward, over the next week I will be seeking a refund to a double purchase of HoT on two separate accounts.
One last thing. I havent purchased HoT. And to be honest, WvW is the thing i love the most in this game. After reading all of this and sitting thinking about it, I am not even motivated to purchase it.
Thanx for the fun.
I love WvWers, but man, sometimes you guys drive me batty, lol.
Posting to increase the critical mass of people against this change. As has already been pointed out, the most active and dynamic part of the week for WvW is the weekend (when people don’t have work or school). This change cuts that time by 1/3-1/2, since all of Friday night then becomes irrelevant.
And while there is no way to please all timezones, and it is a worldwide game, plunking the reset in the middle of the day ensures the majority of NA players won’t make it because daytime is for getting RL stuff done.
I think a lot more thought needs to be put into this. The articulated “benefits” in no way approach the negative impact to this will have to the way WvW is played.
It seems like its the time changes it self not that its on an Saturday that is the real problem. Its simply too early for a lot of time zones for ppl. But putting it on Saturday dose give more ppl the chase to go into wvw on reset you do lose the event of Friday but that can become an event on Saturday.
Let try not to blind our self with fear of changes to the point of not seeing the realy problems with the change.
As someone who has been in many WvW guilds and roams when not raiding with my guild, I don’t see why this change is happening. Reset was always something that people were excited for. Gathering at the portals, hyping it up in TS and running into a fresh match up, now because of the time change it’s just a normal raid. Don’t do this to the all the people who have been keeping this game mode going.
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