WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Argos Helios.4965

Argos Helios.4965

At this time, we’re not currently asking for a vote. If we want a vote in the future, we’ll definitely let everyone know. Hey, it could happen, but it isn’t going on right now. (Just to be clear because some are not sure if we’re involved in one.)

I think I said it pretty clearly, but due to repeated questions, I’ll say it again: The reset change initially was set for Saturday evening. There were an initial spate of comments along the lines of “We don’t like Saturday evening, so make it Saturday morning,” and the devs tried to accommodate those requests. Then, as it became clear that the majority of those expressing an opinion in this thread made it clear — between the two currently available options — that Saturday evening was preferable, that’s what the devs went with.

This isn’t a “take your choice from a multitude of options” for reasons that were made abundantly clear in the dev posts in this thread. At the present time, in order to properly manage the game (the whole game, not any single element), in order to properly focus on launch of the expansion pack, and in order to take into account other reasonable considerations, WvW reset will take place on Saturdays. It will take place on Saturday evening to accommodate the requests of the majority of those expressing an opinion here in this thread.

You’re right, this is not a vote. And the Community has been informed about the change and not really been invited to give any input. Would have been better to just keep the thread locked. My take on the thread is simply:

1. This is a convenience change that WILL be implemented by the developers.
2. This is purely for the benefit of developers. There is NOTHING in here for the players.
3. An estimated timeframe for changing reset back to Friday can’t be provided as no-one really knows how broken HoT is. Probably, a LoT on day 1, and that’s why no timeframe can be provided.
4. Broadly speaking, the community is VERY upset with the change, but priorities have been set and while everyone cares; no-one cares!
5. Someone might hope that those who lose interest in WvW due to this change will move to more improved PvE experience. Ask them, how often they go near PvE.

I think it is time for me to say, Thank You Arenanet for INFORMING us; for the sake of it.

Thanks to everyone else who voiced their concerns and tried to provide workable alternatives; but those all might be way too hard for anyone to implement.

Also, next time when you put forward a change like this and support it with some STATISTICS, take a good look at the statistics and interpret them correctly first.

… … …

Thank you Anet for quartering the time I get to have a good WvW experience (OCX weekends).

Worst change since release, really.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Roanwolf.8437


While it seems clear that Anet is interested in listening to the players it also seems clear the the majority want the wvw reset to remain the same on Fridays. I too would add my voice to the Friday majority. I feel that Saturday reset will negatively impact the wvw experience. It will turn most of Saturday into a dead zone in wvw and I think we will find the players who log in on Saturdays will no longer log in at least until the match changes. With the match changing on a Saturday, leaving Sunday as the first day after reset when it has not been stated the wvw population is high seems counterproductive. Please change wvw reset back to Fridays.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: strakul.1826


I haven’t been able to read through all the posts, but here’s my suggestion:
- Look at what are the busiest days in terms of player presence in WvW.
- Set the reset time to be before those days.

While it can vary server by server, I expect that Friday – Sunday are the times when WvW is most populated. Having the reset slice right through that is very inconvenient. It de-incentivizes gameplay on Saturday during the day, interrupts gameplay in the evening, and it can also take a bit of time for the reset to actually take place. If the reset can’t happen on Friday evening for whatever reason, then perhaps the next best thing is to have it earlier in the day or on Thursday. That’ll allow for an enjoyable experience all weekend long with no interruptions.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

Constructive feedback: have more resets so more people can experience reset rush. Also have reset on Fridays, give Anet employees Fridays off and have that extra work day on Sunday. I think those suggestions adequately line up with Anet’s statements.

Thanks for offering a constructive suggestion. But wouldn’t that sort of tilt things, to have multiple resets? I’m not an expert on competitive play, and I’d leave and assessment for the people who are more knowledgeable. But it seems to me there’s a reason for the resets not happening on a more frequent basis.

How do others see this suggestion? (Remember, I have no influence on this, I’m just genuinely curious!)

I just saw this after I posted my view in another thread, so I’ll repost it here. I’m not sure what you mean by “tilt things” but if you mean imbalanced score then I actually think it would be better to have more resets. It would mean less time for the score to become extremely imbalanced.

I think there are three scenarios that could work. Maybe they could be switched up – a month of one, a month of another, etc.

1. Three resets a week. Resets correspond to each of NA Prime, OCX Prime and SEA Prime. (Don’t know if this would work for EU Servers or they’d need different timezones).

  • This would give different people in different timezones a chance to experience reset in their prime time. And maybe get more people in those timezones to play even.

2. Two resets a week. A weekend match and a weekday match. Reset on Friday. Then reset on Sunday.

  • This would be pretty awesome because Sunday would be a great time – battling for the win Sunday afternoon/evening. Then immediately into the next reset.

3. Battle/War Resets. Friday reset is a 24-hour battle. Then Saturday reset is a week long war.

  • This would be awesome too. But might lead to burnout.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Elysia.5019


My suggestion: Offer refunds to people who pre-ordered HoT who are now unable to enjoy the most important aspect of the game for them.

This announcement never should have been made in a forum, it should have been a major topic in the news months ago. “Hey we’re introducing new maps and changing reset night to Saturday evenings”. Not a week before launch – btw we’re going to screw up you’re entire weekend in WvW, deal with it.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: volpenvieh.3201


I have one little questions. What will happen if we will get a major bug during the reset like last time where everbody was friendly?
Will be there somebody who would fix the bug or will we have a whole weekend where nobody could play WvW?

That’s indeed a very important question. Has it already been answered?

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Shayko.4960


@Gaile Gray


The matchups will be count for this week on the leaderboards? Thursday to thursday?

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Surprised I didn’t see this thread sooner.

Yea, this is a really stupid thing to change, especially given the fact that this is a change to player-game scheduling on something they have no control over. We’re talking about free-time accessibility, here and promoting fun and interesting play. While it might open up “more” access to WvW, the quality of the experience is definitely going to be lessened. As it stands, the days after the reset are largely the most action-packed, and attracting a higher player density – especially in larger and more mechanically-difficult borderlands maps – is something that really is desirable.

I was really excited to see population booms in WvW after HoT to keep fights interesting. Not only with the expansion comes new PvE content and thus less players at the start, though, any surge to WvW will be short-lived once people start burning out, and will only make the weekends less fun and make people less willing to play the game.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546


A kind word to ANet Developers…

The loyal & hardcore player really love WvW

The huge outpouring of emotions…though negative…should tell you that WvW really is that important to us.

Please translate this huge amount of negative emotions…as the opposite.

If the WvW community didn’t care…this thread would have had zero replies.

We’re very upset, but don’t let some things that are being said in anger bring you down on what you’re doing.

ANet & the WvW Community needs to learn how to better communicate with each other…that is apparent. This is very much like a marriage…the road will get bumpy…and sometimes one will say something the other didn’t mean to…and sadly can’t take back.

Just keep in mind that the work you do with WvW is that important to the Community…

If you equate the level of emotions that’s being expressed…that’s how important it means.

Please take that view…

From this hardcore Wvw player…do what you have to do…and let’s work better on our communications skills.

GW2 & WvW still Rocks!


WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546


I’d still like to suggest the following solution for the future:

Use the WvW Forum here to create the question & define the choices.

Setup a NPC that will spawn in a Home World’s Primary Spawn Point that gathers Votes from WvW players on Decisions that will impact the WvW or Home World Community. Free Accounts are not allowed to vote.

We could use this mechanism in the future in helping to decide other things that impact the WvW Community.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Dinas Dragonbane.2978

Dinas Dragonbane.2978

Please try to control your emotion people. You’re just giving more DATA that says the WvW forums will react with anger to nearly any heads up to anything you ever try to change about WvW.
If we as a community actually had the potential to be a bit more open about change I bet this along with actual improvements we WANT would have gone through long ago. Instead we fight and argue about nearly anything any Dev states on these forums. Real productive, that.

Dinas Dragonbane, the Danger Ranger
Tri-Lead of Ascension [WAR] of Borlis Pass

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Melanion.4892


I mean, as much as we complain about changing Friday reset, Anet seems intent on changing it to Saturday night. It won’t change for a long time, if ever.

At worst, the game mode dies and we don’t have to deal with it. At best we get used to it. Either way, it’s not likely to change. Let’s all save our breaths for something that we can change.

Claude – Pink Fairy Mesmer

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Puck.9612


Why not move reset to monday?

Patches are usually on tuesday so you have all week to fix problems.

The last couple days of a match are usually pretty dead but since most people have more time on the weekends we might start seeing some good action and last minute comebacks.

It doesn’t split the weekend.

If there is a problem with reset we don’t have to wait all weekend for an anet employee to discovery it/anet employees aren’t spending their weekends at work.

During unbalanced match ups the weekend is usually when 1 server takes a huge lead and the fairweathers from the other servers give up for the week. Putting the weekend at the end of the match might help it remain competitive a little longer.

I’m sure this doesn’t apply to everyone but friday/saturday are traditionally date nights or days to go out with friends. Switching to monday might help improve some peoples social lives.

I’ve said my piece, go ahead and flame away at how this is the worst idea ever and it will destroy WvW.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

(edited by Puck.9612)

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Siphaed.9235


I’d just like to point out that the Friday reset was always a horrible design, especially for T1 servers. Why do I say this? PEOPLE HAVE JOBS! That’s right, for those that work for a living on a M-F 9-5, the Friday reset was horrible. Especially true for those that had a commute to get home. By the time of getting off from work, getting home, putting food on the table and in the bellies, it would be well after 6pm. And from then it would be queue, queue, queue all night long trying to get into the maps.

This new change is appreciative of those folk and allowing them a more equal chance of participating in the weekly WvW ‘map reset rush’. Sure there are those that work weekends and others who have sporadic schedules that will clash, but the old saying of “can’t please all the people all the time” comes into play. Although I’d really like to have seen Plan B kept in play for allowing more of Saturday to matter to the players on the NA server (6pm PST is 9pm EST!), the overall reset change is still much appreciated.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174



You are PST, you should be queued up to come in to replace the EST players when they log for bed. You did not sit in a Queue for over 3 hours. Which means you have been able to play on reset earlier in the evening, relative to your time zone, than EST players. Which means you also had more time to play on reset than the EST players whom have 9-5 schedules too. All that while being on a T1 NA server.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: PariahX.6970


John indicated the Friday nite reset was never something meant to continue beyond the first few months of the game. That gives me the impression that the reason it was Friday 5pm PDT was only because that was the end of the work week for ANET and some poor dev actually had to do something manually at first or just babysit the reset switch for 30 minutes before heading home for the weekend. This could have especially been true initially when they were running 48hr resets to settle the glicko.

Then it just became habit so they left it there until now when it was no longer convenient to them. While others have been pointing that the lack of game updates that happen on Friday afternoons the number of them has been increasing lately and the WvW crowd was getting pretty upset every time there was a patch right after reset. Maybe ANET knows something we do not.

Maybe they foresee increasing the number of patches on Fridays. GW1 has weekend events all the time and a lot more frequent holiday events, maybe GW2 post HoT launch is going include more holidays and weekend events. Maybe data mining issues are making it harder for ANET to pre-patch as much of their content for such events. I would happily trade Friday resets for more weekend events . . . the right kind of non-golem like events of course

~Xylla~ [oG] on Ehmry Bay [PiXi]
Xyleia Luxuria / Sweet Little Agony / Morning Glory Wine / Precious Illusionz /
Near Fanstastica /Ocean at the End / Blue Eyed Hexe / Andro Queen / Indie Cindee . . .

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Firelysm.4967


Just glad I didn’t spend the money on hot.
Same old Anet, making changes that the player base doesn’t want.
Please hire at least one employee that actually plays WvW on a regular bases to be our voice within the company.

Yes, this.

Wish I could get back to GW1.. PvP-GvG. It feels like we are outcasted, not desired or rewarded..

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546


Just glad I didn’t spend the money on hot.
Same old Anet, making changes that the player base doesn’t want.
Please hire at least one employee that actually plays WvW on a regular bases to be our voice within the company.

Yes, this.

How do you apply for that position & what’s the pay?

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


Just glad I didn’t spend the money on hot.
Same old Anet, making changes that the player base doesn’t want.
Please hire at least one employee that actually plays WvW on a regular bases to be our voice within the company.

I am glad you didn’t as well. I would hate to see you enjoying the new Elite specs. You seem to confuse a very very small subsection, of complaining vocal minority, with the actual player base.

The problem though, it that most posters seem to prefer being angry over the option of being logical. What 500 posters (that is a high estimate of how many posters have complained) hatefully demand they think they want, and what the game as a whole and the other 3.5 million players who bought NA and EU accounts need, are not the same.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


What 500 posters (that is a high estimate of how many posters have complained) hatefully demand they think they want, and what the game as a whole and the other 3.5 million players who bought NA and EU accounts need, are not the same.

Ah yes, the silent majority fallacy.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


What 500 posters (that is a high estimate of how many posters have complained) hatefully demand they think they want, and what the game as a whole and the other 3.5 million players who bought NA and EU accounts need, are not the same.

Ah yes, the silent majority fallacy.

I do not believe “fallacy” means what you think it means.

When we know how many accounts exist, and we do. At least approximately. And we can see how many posters complained in the thread. Which we can. It is actually very factual to state that it is a very small subsection of the GW2 owing community that are voicing an opinion.

So to address what your saying, it is actually a “fallacy” to suggest the majority of the community is unhappy with it.

I can link evidence of the 3.5 million GW2 copies being shortly after release. Now can you link evidence to 1.75 million plus offering negative feedback to support any claim of a majority?

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

Not sure how I feel about polls and all that stuff, on the one hand many of us, including myself criticize anet for relying on metrics/numbers to implement changes and features into wvw rather then using more firsthand experience, so why would we just want to throw more numbers at them that by the way dont measure the feelings of every player, and will not actually paint an accurate picture.

My suggestion for anet is to make a better effort on the part of their wvw team to actually get into wvw and mesh with guilds, militia etc during different parts of the day/week, and ALL tiers, to get a better feel for what we want/like, dislike, and consistent issues/problems that we have to deal with. Also please, work on your communications, nobody wants this kind of backlash, nobody wants a war between anet and the players.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


What 500 posters (that is a high estimate of how many posters have complained) hatefully demand they think they want, and what the game as a whole and the other 3.5 million players who bought NA and EU accounts need, are not the same.

Ah yes, the silent majority fallacy.

So to address what your saying, it is actually a “fallacy” to suggest the majority of the community is unhappy with it.

As it is a fallacy to suggest that the majority are happy with it.

By no means am I claiming any sort of majority of opinion. I’m simply pointing out the illogical conclusion coglin is making.

I’ll go one step further and say that those of us who post here are much more highly invested for whatever reason in this game than those who remain silent. We bother to provide feedback. Those who remain silent quit this game without bothering and without feedback, Anet would never know why.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

(edited by Chaba.5410)

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

What 500 posters (that is a high estimate of how many posters have complained) hatefully demand they think they want, and what the game as a whole and the other 3.5 million players who bought NA and EU accounts need, are not the same.

Ah yes, the silent majority fallacy.

I do not believe “fallacy” means what you think it means.

When we know how many accounts exist, and we do. At least approximately. And we can see how many posters complained in the thread. Which we can. It is actually very factual to state that it is a very small subsection of the GW2 owing community that are voicing an opinion.

So to address what your saying, it is actually a “fallacy” to suggest the majority of the community is unhappy with it.

I can link evidence of the 3.5 million GW2 copies being shortly after release. Now can you link evidence to 1.75 million plus offering negative feedback to support any claim of a majority?

Just because they dont post on forums, does not mean they are happy with this. I have many friends/guildies that do not post on forums and are very unhappy with the direction wvw is headed.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


What 500 posters (that is a high estimate of how many posters have complained) hatefully demand they think they want, and what the game as a whole and the other 3.5 million players who bought NA and EU accounts need, are not the same.

Ah yes, the silent majority fallacy.

I do not believe “fallacy” means what you think it means.

When we know how many accounts exist, and we do. At least approximately. And we can see how many posters complained in the thread. Which we can. It is actually very factual to state that it is a very small subsection of the GW2 owing community that are voicing an opinion.

So to address what your saying, it is actually a “fallacy” to suggest the majority of the community is unhappy with it.

I can link evidence of the 3.5 million GW2 copies being shortly after release. Now can you link evidence to 1.75 million plus offering negative feedback to support any claim of a majority?

Just because they dont post on forums, does not mean they are happy with this. I have many friends/guildies that do not post on forums and are very unhappy with the direction wvw is headed.

I agree, as I never even remotely suggested they were happy with it. So I am glad we agree on that. What I am suggesting, is that it is not honest of posters to proclaim that the majority of players are against the change.

Now if your friends dislike the change, perhaps they should express that. I could share that I have several friends that are fine with it, and essentially could care less what day it is on, as they are no more free on a Friday or Saturday then a Tuesday. The difference is, I speak for myself and do not attempt to claim to speak for others, as it is not productive for an honest discussion.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

Its equally as dishonest to say the majority is not against it

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


Its equally as dishonest to say the majority is not against it

I agree. Though I am unclear why you would post that when no one has suggested such a thing. Though there are multiple post and poster proclaiming claiming the majority are against it. So I am glad to see you agree they are being dishonest.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Kanebrake.6192


I’d just like to point out that the Friday reset was always a horrible design, especially for T1 servers. Why do I say this? PEOPLE HAVE JOBS! That’s right, for those that work for a living on a M-F 9-5, the Friday reset was horrible. Especially true for those that had a commute to get home. By the time of getting off from work, getting home, putting food on the table and in the bellies, it would be well after 6pm. And from then it would be queue, queue, queue all night long trying to get into the maps.

This new change is appreciative of those folk and allowing them a more equal chance of participating in the weekly WvW ‘map reset rush’. Sure there are those that work weekends and others who have sporadic schedules that will clash, but the old saying of “can’t please all the people all the time” comes into play. Although I’d really like to have seen Plan B kept in play for allowing more of Saturday to matter to the players on the NA server (6pm PST is 9pm EST!), the overall reset change is still much appreciated.

Because people have jobs is exactly why Friday nights is the perfect reset time. Reset was at 9pm EST which is more than adequate time for those in EST, CST, and MST time zones to get home and ready. And it doesn’t put the PST folks all that far behind schedule either. I know as I’ve played WvW while living in EST, MST, and PST timezones.


WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


What 500 posters (that is a high estimate of how many posters have complained) hatefully demand they think they want, and what the game as a whole and the other 3.5 million players who bought NA and EU accounts need, are not the same.

Ah yes, the silent majority fallacy.

So to address what your saying, it is actually a “fallacy” to suggest the majority of the community is unhappy with it.

That would be true if I actually said anything even remotely close to suggesting what the majority wants. To address what I actually said, you’d need argue that coglin did not make a logical fallacy or clarify his argument using sound logic. That is all.

Like, to point out that a subset of players ‘hatefully demand’ while excluding the posters who have provided positive feedback implies there is a difference of opinion by the silent from those who post here.

Recognizing that posting on this forum is a form of self-selection bias, if Anet were to hold a randomized poll in-game, a relatively accurate gauging of silent majority opinion could be derived from the minority. This isn’t like some new territory. See http://www.people-press.org/methodology/sampling/why-probability-sampling/ Also note the paragraph there on non-probability sampling, which this forum is.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

(edited by Chaba.5410)

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Please try to control your emotion people. You’re just giving more DATA that says the WvW forums will react with anger to nearly any heads up to anything you ever try to change about WvW.
If we as a community actually had the potential to be a bit more open about change I bet this along with actual improvements we WANT would have gone through long ago. Instead we fight and argue about nearly anything any Dev states on these forums. Real productive, that.

Why are people angry though? Its because they are making a change that is clearly for the worse for the majority of the playerbase, a change announced at the last minute with no consultation. And its a change that further marginalises segments of the population that are in severe decline. I get sick of people saying that we shouldn’t get angry when we are treated poorly. The fact that so many are angry tells anet something. If they just close their minds to it because player are angry then its their loss.

The CDi threads along with recent communcation about lag and siege tells you that people will discuss issues without anger if its communicated right.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Kaiser.9873


Just glad I didn’t spend the money on hot.
Same old Anet, making changes that the player base doesn’t want.
Please hire at least one employee that actually plays WvW on a regular bases to be our voice within the company.

I am glad you didn’t as well. I would hate to see you enjoying the new Elite specs. You seem to confuse a very very small subsection, of complaining vocal minority, with the actual player base.

The problem though, it that most posters seem to prefer being angry over the option of being logical. What 500 posters (that is a high estimate of how many posters have complained) hatefully demand they think they want, and what the game as a whole and the other 3.5 million players who bought NA and EU accounts need, are not the same.

True, but it’s the sample they have. Decisions are often made from smaller sample sizes than this. Extrapolation from smaller sample sizes often deviate from the norm, but not by as much as you might think. There are a few players white-knighting this change, but far, far more complaining. Some are complaining more vociferously than others, but all in all the take-away anyone rational would gather from the response is that the change is a large negative for the WvW community.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Anet could keep wvw closed couple months after HoT so players have time farm all HoT stuff.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


Anet could keep wvw closed couple months after HoT so players have time farm all HoT stuff.

Why would anyone need time to farm?

I have primarily played WvW since release, got some great rare gear, and built up gold, and I have never seen a need for WvW to be “closed” for me to accomplish that.

Perhaps they should put a poll in the launcher, so that players who do not visit the forums, must vote on a preferred day of the week for reset, before logging in. That would basically ensure a larger sample of the player base. Just a thought anyway.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Dinas Dragonbane.2978

Dinas Dragonbane.2978

Why are people angry though? Its because they are making a change that is clearly for the worse for the majority of the playerbase, a change announced at the last minute with no consultation. And its a change that further marginalises segments of the population that are in severe decline. I get sick of people saying that we shouldn’t get angry when we are treated poorly. The fact that so many are angry tells anet something. If they just close their minds to it because player are angry then its their loss.

Okay fine then, get as angry as you want, I don’t think it’s doing much good :P

Dinas Dragonbane, the Danger Ranger
Tri-Lead of Ascension [WAR] of Borlis Pass

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Solomon Darkfury.3729

Solomon Darkfury.3729

Remember folks… Anet “data” has led them to the determination that their are not players who spend all of their time in WvW. That is straight from an interview with Colin and Mike…


Sooooo do you REALLY honestly think anything we do as WvWers will impact their decisions regarding this?

Honestly I could tell from the start it was HoT pve xpac related. That’s the priority. The sooner realized the less often you will be let down

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: displayname.8315


Remember folks… Anet “data” has led them to the determination that their are not players who spend all of their time in WvW. That is straight from an interview with Colin and Mike…


Sooooo do you REALLY honestly think anything we do as WvWers will impact their decisions regarding this?

Honestly I could tell from the start it was HoT pve xpac related. That’s the priority. The sooner realized the less often you will be let down

I sure hope they keep the game as diverse and healthy as it is now.

You should be thanking them really. If they weren’t catering to the PVE cash cows you wouldn’t have WvW updates at all.

WoW proved you can put a sparkly star horse on the gem store and make hundreds of millions in a single day.

JQ subsidiary

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Solomon Darkfury.3729

Solomon Darkfury.3729

Remember folks… Anet “data” has led them to the determination that their are not players who spend all of their time in WvW. That is straight from an interview with Colin and Mike…


Sooooo do you REALLY honestly think anything we do as WvWers will impact their decisions regarding this?

Honestly I could tell from the start it was HoT pve xpac related. That’s the priority. The sooner realized the less often you will be let down

I sure hope they keep the game as diverse and healthy as it is now.

You should be thanking them really. If they weren’t catering to the PVE cash cows you wouldn’t have WvW updates at all.

WoW proved you can put a sparkly star horse on the gem store and make hundreds of millions in a single day.

I’m sorry I’m totally confused… aside from what is coming in the xpac (which you will have to do TONS of pve just to have access to things wvwers already had ie +5 supply), what WvW updates are you referring to? Golem week? Lolololololol

Oh and btw I’m what you would call “a cash cow” and I would designate myself pvx so not all of us “cash cows” are pve… just sayin…

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Rongy.2569


Hi Anet,

At what time roughly would the servers be taken down on Thursday besides “morning” as middnight Thursday is 6pm in most east coast cities in Australia and would like to have a last fun rally. Also it seems from the post, WvW will be down until reset is meant to happen on Saturday to prepare the new maps?

Stalker Ryc
Eternal Phalanx [EPX] | Co-Leader

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Siphaed.9235


Remember folks… Anet “data” has led them to the determination that their are not players who spend all of their time in WvW. That is straight from an interview with Colin and Mike…


Sooooo do you REALLY honestly think anything we do as WvWers will impact their decisions regarding this?

Honestly I could tell from the start it was HoT pve xpac related. That’s the priority. The sooner realized the less often you will be let down

I sure hope they keep the game as diverse and healthy as it is now.

You should be thanking them really. If they weren’t catering to the PVE cash cows you wouldn’t have WvW updates at all.

WoW proved you can put a sparkly star horse on the gem store and make hundreds of millions in a single day.

I’m sorry I’m totally confused… aside from what is coming in the xpac (which you will have to do TONS of pve just to have access to things wvwers already had ie +5 supply), what WvW updates are you referring to? Golem week? Lolololololol

Oh and btw I’m what you would call “a cash cow” and I would designate myself pvx so not all of us “cash cows” are pve… just sayin…

Completely new replacement to Borderlands as a fix against the current stagnation and design flaws in the Alphine one.

New siege in the form of the Siege Generator to help with defensive situations more.

Guild perks especially related to keeps, towers, and so on so that holding them is far more valuable than flipping constantly as well as making it easier to hold them.

A rework of the upgrade system so that it is no longer a gold sink that most players avoid due to the lose of money compared to the potential for the keep to flip. Also along the same lines is the supply/Yak system to prevent the constant griefing from Thief characters against an entire server at multiple locations.

Adding new Legendary crafting items to the WvW loot table that are exclusive to that mode to make it both a trade resource against PvE players or as a self-kept resource.

Supposed new loot table and rework of the loot system to help promote defending beyond just objective flipping that is the current ‘meta’.

They’re doing a lot for WvW this expansion. At least it does seem far more than sPvP, which is just getting some new reward tracks, a single new map and mode and…well, that is it. Hmm.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: joneirikb.7506


Why not move reset to monday?

Patches are usually on tuesday so you have all week to fix problems.

The last couple days of a match are usually pretty dead but since most people have more time on the weekends we might start seeing some good action and last minute comebacks.

It doesn’t split the weekend.

If there is a problem with reset we don’t have to wait all weekend for an anet employee to discovery it/anet employees aren’t spending their weekends at work.

During unbalanced match ups the weekend is usually when 1 server takes a huge lead and the fairweathers from the other servers give up for the week. Putting the weekend at the end of the match might help it remain competitive a little longer.

I’m sure this doesn’t apply to everyone but friday/saturday are traditionally date nights or days to go out with friends. Switching to monday might help improve some peoples social lives.

I’ve said my piece, go ahead and flame away at how this is the worst idea ever and it will destroy WvW.

Like this one.

Then again I never cared for which day reset is on, it’s too zergy for me anyways.

Elrik Noj (Norn Guardian, Kaineng [SIN][Owls])
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Solomon Darkfury.3729

Solomon Darkfury.3729

Remember folks… Anet “data” has led them to the determination that their are not players who spend all of their time in WvW. That is straight from an interview with Colin and Mike…


Sooooo do you REALLY honestly think anything we do as WvWers will impact their decisions regarding this?

Honestly I could tell from the start it was HoT pve xpac related. That’s the priority. The sooner realized the less often you will be let down

I sure hope they keep the game as diverse and healthy as it is now.

You should be thanking them really. If they weren’t catering to the PVE cash cows you wouldn’t have WvW updates at all.

WoW proved you can put a sparkly star horse on the gem store and make hundreds of millions in a single day.

I’m sorry I’m totally confused… aside from what is coming in the xpac (which you will have to do TONS of pve just to have access to things wvwers already had ie +5 supply), what WvW updates are you referring to? Golem week? Lolololololol

Oh and btw I’m what you would call “a cash cow” and I would designate myself pvx so not all of us “cash cows” are pve… just sayin…

Completely new replacement to Borderlands as a fix against the current stagnation and design flaws in the Alphine one.

New siege in the form of the Siege Generator to help with defensive situations more.

Guild perks especially related to keeps, towers, and so on so that holding them is far more valuable than flipping constantly as well as making it easier to hold them.

A rework of the upgrade system so that it is no longer a gold sink that most players avoid due to the lose of money compared to the potential for the keep to flip. Also along the same lines is the supply/Yak system to prevent the constant griefing from Thief characters against an entire server at multiple locations.

Adding new Legendary crafting items to the WvW loot table that are exclusive to that mode to make it both a trade resource against PvE players or as a self-kept resource.

Supposed new loot table and rework of the loot system to help promote defending beyond just objective flipping that is the current ‘meta’.

They’re doing a lot for WvW this expansion. At least it does seem far more than sPvP, which is just getting some new reward tracks, a single new map and mode and…well, that is it. Hmm.

I do believe I said… aside from the xpac…

Oh and not to mention… you have to claim a guild hall, gain enough favor and mats to upgrade it to the point it has a war room, setup someone who is scribe and they have to level scribe, said scribe then has to create the schematics (which I am sure will cost mats) for your wvw upgrades you want, then they have to process themselves into creation… rest assured, to ANYONE who does ANYTHING in WvW this kind of time sink is nothing more than a detrimental annoyance.

(edited by Solomon Darkfury.3729)

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: displayname.8315


I’m sorry I’m totally confused… aside from what is coming in the xpac (which you will have to do TONS of pve just to have access to things wvwers already had ie +5 supply), what WvW updates are you referring to? Golem week? Lolololololol

Oh and btw I’m what you would call “a cash cow” and I would designate myself pvx so not all of us “cash cows” are pve… just sayin…

If you want some examples well off the top of my head..

You used to be able to banner keep lords, with a banner rotation you could stall almost indeffinetly.

Nametags of the dead used to stay red.. I still remember how much harder it was to fight without the grey tags of the dead.

EoTM was another update.. could have been a great one but meh.

Siegerazer was another one.

WvW mastery’s was an update, and has been updated several times.

Lots of other little things from the damage of siege equipment to the supply cost of equipment.. quality of life changes and so on.

I guess I should thanking you then for spending some cash on the game. I don’t have a big budget for computer games. The buy to play model is what got me into it.

And thanks Anet for the beautiful game and a great model for online gaming.

JQ subsidiary

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Solomon Darkfury.3729

Solomon Darkfury.3729

I’m sorry I’m totally confused… aside from what is coming in the xpac (which you will have to do TONS of pve just to have access to things wvwers already had ie +5 supply), what WvW updates are you referring to? Golem week? Lolololololol

Oh and btw I’m what you would call “a cash cow” and I would designate myself pvx so not all of us “cash cows” are pve… just sayin…

If you want some examples well off the top of my head..

You used to be able to banner keep lords, with a banner rotation you could stall almost indeffinetly.

Nametags of the dead used to stay red.. I still remember how much harder it was to fight without the grey tags of the dead.

EoTM was another update.. could have been a great one but meh.

Siegerazer was another one.

WvW mastery’s was an update, and has been updated several times.

Lots of other little things from the damage of siege equipment to the supply cost of equipment.. quality of life changes and so on.

I guess I should thanking you then for spending some cash on the game. I don’t have a big budget for computer games. The buy to play model is what got me into it.

And thanks Anet for the beautiful game and a great model for online gaming.

90% of the stuff you listed was QOL stuff that should have been that way in the first place lol

EOTM is the ONLY thing on your list that was an effort at an expansion onto WvW and it just ended up a Ktrain… again, watch the video. They are so out of touch with reality when it comes to WvW it borderlines on sad

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: displayname.8315


90% of the stuff you listed was QOL stuff that should have been that way in the first place lol

EOTM is the ONLY thing on your list that was an effort at an expansion onto WvW and it just ended up a Ktrain… again, watch the video. They are so out of touch with reality when it comes to WvW it borderlines on sad

You asked about updates and several of them were game changing. EoTM is a free expansion but I thought I’d include it anyway.

JQ subsidiary

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Entenkommando.5208


Well you could at least count siegerazer to the list. It would work without but is a very nice mechanic they’ve done. Yet it didn’t take much effort to implement one event.
WvW ranks would count, if they expanded it to a point where not 50% of the regular wvw players could buy them twice and if the rewards for the amount of playtime you need for the ranks were adjusted. Not to mention the eotm farm…

But any other addition was either fixing their game (OK grey names were nice, let’s count that as well) or stupid things like eotm and ruins.

R.I.P Kodasch Allianz [KoA]

All we wanted was a GvG.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: LetoII.3782


Remember folks… Anet “data” has led them to the determination that their are not players who spend all of their time in WvW. That is straight from an interview with Colin and Mike…


Sooooo do you REALLY honestly think anything we do as WvWers will impact their decisions regarding this?

Honestly I could tell from the start it was HoT pve xpac related. That’s the priority. The sooner realized the less often you will be let down

I sure hope they keep the game as diverse and healthy as it is now.

You should be thanking them really. If they weren’t catering to the PVE cash cows you wouldn’t have WvW updates at all.

WoW proved you can put a sparkly star horse on the gem store and make hundreds of millions in a single day.

I’m sorry I’m totally confused… aside from what is coming in the xpac (which you will have to do TONS of pve just to have access to things wvwers already had ie +5 supply), what WvW updates are you referring to? Golem week? Lolololololol

Oh and btw I’m what you would call “a cash cow” and I would designate myself pvx so not all of us “cash cows” are pve… just sayin…

Why do people keep saying the gems are bought by pve’rs?
WvW is full of gemstore skins, every BWE the elite specs were everywhere..
It’s not like that at the world boss/silverwaste. At least not the ones I’ve been in.

And the Pve people are definately not spending 1800 gems to transfer server every few months.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Fellfoot.8156


Here’s what I understand this reset change to mean.

So, basically, moving to a Saturday reset will eliminate population, multitudes, etc of players from deciding the score for the week in the first 24hrs?

The heart, core, quintessence, etc. of Guild Wars 2 (guilds, friends, server, community, etc.) reset night has been … ? … I don’t know; I’m at a loss for words there, …ruined, redefined, shaken?

Ha! The irony of the title, Heart of Thorns…

>edit: WvW has been my primary game time for about the past year or so. The very few Friday night resets I have been able to play have always been, kitten many have previously stated, THE most fun time of the entire week in WvW. I completely agree with that from my limited personal experience. I have even less of a chance to play a reset on Saturday. The change makes me sad, for myself and the WvW player community as a whole.

[AIR] Henge of Denravi aka Pink Abu, [BAMA] RollTide
chopping wood one day, dropped a piece,
all I could say was, “…fell…foot…”

(edited by Fellfoot.8156)

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


I think the entire system has to be revised:
- Each 4 hours the server that has made the most PPt and PPK should be rewarded (smaller reward)
- At the end of each day you should receive a point if you make the most PPT and PPK (medium reward).
- At the end of the week scores would be something like: 3-2-2 and the winning server would get a larger reward. In case of a draw there should be a 1 hour long TDM fight in EBG where only PPK counts (all gates removed).

Servers should have rewards for proportional to their accomplishments. Even a losing server could win some days and score on the scoreboard.

PPK should be changed to 3 points for losing server, 2 points for middle server and 1 point to the winning server.

(edited by Xillllix.3485)

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow.3475


I still think you should remove tick points and only give points for active playing, server get points if you take/defend a building, server get points for upgrades and kills were you get 1point / kill + 1-4 point if you stomp the enemy, 1point if you have no bloodlust then +1 for ever bloodlust your server have.
Set the value off capping building on how upgraded it is and how many is defending it, same with defense more points the more attacker there is, no different on points on upgraded for defense.
Then it don’t matter with day reset is.

One other thing is if you get bronze, silver, gold should be what you done, if you done 1-10% damage wall/gate bronze, 11-25% silver, 26% + gold, killed 1-4npc bronze, 5-9silver 10+ gold (lord is npc) and bronze if your in the ring when you cap it. If you get 2bronze=silver, 3bronze=gold, 1bronze+1silver=gold.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyr The Tainted.5962

Zephyr The Tainted.5962

Firstly I’d like to say that these changes are an absolute joke tbh.
I mean what did you expect the reaction on such a topic to be to this after pretty much at least 12 months of minimal contact between the developers and the community? Please LOOK at your customer relations before it is too late!!!

Q1: Why can’t at least there be a clear answer YES or NO to reset being changed back to a Friday PM (EU) within the next 1-3-6-12months (or even a reviewing process of reset times)?

Q2: Would it not of been better to write into a contract that after release of such an expansion an employee would be expected to work 1 extra day for a period of time?

Q2 is simply to ensure there is minimal disruption to the customer/player and I wouldn’t say it is out of the norm for a business to ask that of an employee in such a busy time within the company.

Lastly I would like to say thank you to whoever decided to have an active forum communications member in this section of the forums.

(P.S please look at the poll)