WvW changes and GvG implemtation

WvW changes and GvG implemtation

in WvW

Posted by: Funkmachine.9815


Im one of those guys that has been playing wvw since the beta’s of this game and havnt missed to many resets.(sadly) Ive been tired of the same unchanged thing over and over. So i’ve adapted and changed my reasons for playing this game along time ago and got down to the true essence of it and that’s fights, rivalry, and competition, especially “few against the many” type of warfare.(no seige)

So anyway heres some ideas on how to make wvw more interesting, comment if you also have anything to add.

-Each week could be a differnt game type for WvW instead of PPT

-1 week could be no seige
-1 week the bloodlust nodes could do somthing differnt that influences more fights in the mid map or influences more roamers.
-1 week certain structure’s can be moved or replaced or taken out.
ex: Garrison is in near the mid map and only keep on map, influencing 3 way fights and gives home BL defenders a wild experience.
-1 week do ppt

I dont know be creative anet, break down your walls. These are just examples.

GvG: This needs to be its own game type with a que system where u can match against other guilds and have its own leaderboards within its own zone (guild halls maybe) kind of like the mist is to spvp.

-Game types need to be added (gw1 had some good ones)
– Ranking systems need to be added
– Maybe even weight system like boxing ex: glassy spec comps vs other Glassy and/or mixed up like heavy comps vs glassy. may depend on how you want it blannced or ranked.
-Rewards, titles, and gear would also be legit. somthing anet isnt familiar with, i know.

Overall rewards should be a thing, ive put alot of hrs in this and played for nothing but fights and the thrill and is getting hard within my own guild to keep ppl interested in this game. There is a good link with great ideas talking about rewards here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/wuv/wuv/A-thankless-job-no-more/first#post4272041

Thanks for reading.


(edited by Funkmachine.9815)

WvW changes and GvG implemtation

in WvW

Posted by: CptnDrunk.8361


1: Id like to see new map designs. Each borderland should be different. Have extra maps to rotate in the rotation kinda like Spvp to keep each week refreshing. total of about 6 maps but with only 3 active per week. EB could use a few changes.
2: Personally i do not participate in GvG but id like to see a structured zone for guilds to do it in. Sanctum was a joke…
3: Static defense siege like arrow carts and ballistas. Similar to canons and mortars to cap out siege in the area. Siege warfare is pretty lame.

Tone Deaf [TUNE] | Yaks Bend
Doctor Love – Mesmer
Captain Awesome – Warrior

WvW changes and GvG implemtation

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


I wouldn’t mind seeing one week with nothing but camps, SM and Garri. I don’t know if it would be better but it would be different.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

WvW changes and GvG implemtation

in WvW

Posted by: Funkmachine.9815


I wouldn’t mind seeing one week with nothing but camps, SM and Garri. I don’t know if it would be better but it would be different.

HA!, man screw camps the whole system of supply slows down the fun in this game and anet has to know about it. With a high rank each player can now hold a max of 20 supply which already changed the meta and focus of wvw players. Then again i dont like seige. It gives power to the economy of this game to determine wvw victorys in a way.( from the buying and selling of superior seige and control of the market.)yay…………………….-_-

WvW changes and GvG implemtation

in WvW

Posted by: CrimsonNeonite.1048


You don’t even need to take away siege as most uses it out of choice, I don’t see them taking out elements out of WvW just because people envision it differently, we already have EoTM if you don’t like the state of WvW and vice versa really.

Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.

(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)

WvW changes and GvG implemtation

in WvW

Posted by: Funkmachine.9815


You don’t even need to take away siege as most uses it out of choice, I don’t see them taking out elements out of WvW just because people envision it differently, we already have EoTM if you don’t like the state of WvW and vice versa really.

EoTM solves nothing except a place for new players to karma train without ppl raging at them for rezing the enemy when they die. I don’t understand your last sentence there.

WvW changes and GvG implemtation

in WvW

Posted by: CrimsonNeonite.1048


My point is EoTM is an alternative, there is no incentive to defend so you can make it as you want, the only problem is it’s just make it a Karma Train map unfortunately.

We can’t expect WvW to change how we want it without risk losing WvW and it’s purpose other than pvp of any scale, as pointless as PPT may be in most match ups.
Maybe make stomps count for more or something?

Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.

(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)

WvW changes and GvG implemtation

in WvW

Posted by: Ulion.5476


Well changes that should be made with wvw. Make fighting players more meaningful than holding more points. How about making zerg fight add instantly to ppt. Orange sword fight should be worth 25ppt, make white sword fight add 10ppt. White sword will not appear on the mini map only on the big map (10players attacking). Outmanned (35% instant ppt), size of the enemy zerg (1v2 100%more, 1v3 150% more ppt) will increase the reward. Outnumbering your opponent will decrease the reward by 50% if it is a 2v1, 0% if it is a 3v1. The dynamic event effect for the zerg fight would take into account the number of players on both side during a 30s period. The winner will be determine by which side has the most players double down. If you completely destroy the enemy zerg(50-75% of the enemy down) you should get more instant ppt(50%). Some type of system like that would help.

Then split wvw into a weekday and weekend match-ups to enable weekend warrior a change to feel like they are contributing. Playing knowing you can not win a game is very depressing even if you are having fun. Next change would be bloodlust make it effected by ppt or outmanned. The server with the least amount of people on have bloodlust and make the node only effect if your server has the stat increase not the point per stomp.

Ele – Tarnished Coast
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF

(edited by Ulion.5476)

WvW changes and GvG implemtation

in WvW

Posted by: Zakuti.4672


1) Anet dont give a horsepoop about “GvG”/WvW aka “the dev team is very small”
2) sPvP get some love with a new gamemode
3) Why does this game even called Guild Wars 2?