WvW chests Once per account?
Wow…what a bad BAD change…for pretty much all the varied reasons listed above. Not impressed at all!
Yak’s Bend!
Because eb jp was too op …
It’s all about the gems people, they want you to buy gems, leave this stupid game while you can. ESO, ESO…
Is ESO subscription based?
Does this limit apply to all 4 wvw chests as a group or individually?
ie: can I still do all of 4 them once a day? or is it any single one of them once a day?
You can still do each one once per day.
^Try to say that name while drunk
And yet again people with alts are being punished. Instead of removing the ability to port people all the way up. They decided to nerf drops.
Why didn’t they just remove the jp all together as it serves no point now. Thank you whiners you succeeded again.
Well, I wouldn’t go THAT far. The jumping puzzles still serve a purpose. You can still obtain far more badges from doing those every day than you can from simply fighting in large battles. It took me over 2 hours last night to obtain 13 badges from fighting. I ended up with 24 just from doing 3 of the 4 jumping puzzles. Clearly the puzzles are still highly profitable as far as badges are concerned.
I do agree that it sort of feels like people with alts are being punished when it comes to chests. I’m not sure this is necessarily ArenaNet’s intent, however. But this has been the case since they changed the way you can loot world boss chests to once per day per account. This change is simply more consistent with that change. It doesn’t mean I like it of course.
It’s all about the gems people, they want you to buy gems, leave this stupid game while you can. ESO, ESO…
Pass. I love Guild Wars 2. Good luck with ESO, though.
They probably made this change because mesmers were making too much bank from porting people to the end.
Those must have been some lucky mesmers. I’ve ported people up to the top of the EB puzzle for hours and managed to make a whopping 20 silver from tips (exactly 2 people out of at least 30 sent me something). People weren’t even giving me siege blueprints. I can make a lot more money in 15 minutes in PvE than I can from porting people. I suppose I could just have really bad luck with tips. You’d think people would want to tip the super cute mesmer. But I guess not!
Hopefully this change was made due to that rumorous map north of the WvW map thats been floating around reddit.
What rumor is that? I can’t stand reddit and have no idea what this is referring to…
Is ESO subscription based?
I don’t think it’s known yet. My guess is that yes it will definitely be subscription based. I’ll be very surprised if it uses a F2P model.
Here’s a thought, don’t do the JP
you are wasting server space, you want siege and badges? go out on the battlefield and kill an invader; Flip Camps, do something useful.
my guild would collect siege for commanders, and it helped a lot, but come on go kill something useful
Have you even read the complaints in this thread? It doesn’t sound like it based on your condescending, elitist response. I personally do the jumping puzzles because it’s the only reliable way to obtain badges for a Gift of Battle, which is required to create a legendary weapon. Do you know how many hours of playing WvW it would take to obtain 500 badges from getting kills? I certainly don’t. But based on how slowly I earn badges even when fighting in large battles, I suspect it would be a rather high number.
Regardless of that, creating a legendary weapon is a PvE goal, not a WvW goal. Most of the people doing the jumping puzzles are likely doing them because they want a legendary weapon. Even if you hate WvW, you still need to map all of the borderlands and obtain 500 badges of honor to create something for PvE. The jumping puzzles are a great alternative for people that intensely dislike WvW. Now they’ve been nerfed and those that don’t like WvW will have an even harder time than before obtaining 500 badges. There is simply no other way to get a legendary weapon. The Gift of Battle is required, and going into WvW is necessary for that. This is fine if you like WvW and PvP in general. It’s absolute torture if you hate it.
(edited by Zedd.8239)
It’s all about the gems people, they want you to buy gems, leave this stupid game while you can. ESO, ESO…
Is ESO subscription based?
If it is I’ll pay it, cause I’m sick of f2p games with all kinds of promises that they don’t keep, and Anet did just that. At least with a subscription based game you can expect them to add content all the time, and not have them take it away from you, and not add stuff to the game that you have to buy off some stupid micro store but it will be in the game cause they make money via subscriptions so imo it’s totally worth it in the end.
Micro stores kill games.
Välkyri – 80 Warrior
JQ[Lulz] – Kill fur Thrillz…
Is it too much like real life for some people? Having to actually work to get something…
I hope it will help larger servers with WvW queue issues. Now people won’t be eating up player count just to get free loot in the JP with all their alts.
Sorrow’s Furnace
+1 to increasing WvW rewards. I need to play PvE in order so I can lose money playing WvW. That makes me much less dedicated to WvW than I would like to be.
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
Is it too much like real life for some people? Having to actually work to get something…
It’s a game. It shouldn’t be exactly like real life. As has been stated many times already, the issue isn’t that it takes a while to get something. This just forces people to grind for badges if they want to use them for a PvE reward. This change punishes people that dislike WvW but are required to play in it if they want to obtain a PvE reward. I’m not sure why this is such a difficult concept.
I hope it will help larger servers with WvW queue issues. Now people won’t be eating up player count just to get free loot in the JP with all their alts.
You seem to misunderstand the concept behind jumping puzzles. So let me explain it. The concept behind the jumping puzzles is simple. You get to the top and you open a chest. The chest is your reward for completing the puzzle. The loot isn’t “free.” You have to get to the top of the puzzle to obtain it. It may not be the most difficult thing in the world but it’s the reward for getting to the top. Other than the badges and possibly the blueprints (if you’re into WvW), the “free loot” is horrendous. It isn’t like people were getting super rich on the 2 blues and possibly a green they were getting from the chest. People do the puzzles for badges of honor and blueprints. The puzzles are a PvE concept that have been thrown into a PvP environment.
It’s all about the gems people, they want you to buy gems, leave this stupid game while you can. ESO, ESO…
How do gems have anything to do with this?
Eso will be subscription based. Anet have done an ingenious system with their server and downtime for patches. So with Eso expect to sub and have a half day downtime while they rebuild for patches. The alliances are already unbalanced (in beta). i’m not saying anet have got everything right (far from it) BUT eso is not going to be the game its cracked up to be. . . . So when you’ve paid for eso and paid for 6 months sub and realize how ‘bad’ it is then maybe you might understand what a gem of a FREE to PLAY game this is (AND this is NOT a Pay to Win game – like so MANY other free games).
strange,.. this can go many directions negative and less positive im sure , one positive is people that don’t want to WvW will actually have to bide some time to their server and actually help out lol,. as much as WvW players have to choke down them awfull dungeons , (admitting, fun and its more like a treat.) I think best thing to do now is add more siege , most times people will donate to their favorite commanders, or whom ever set the stage for portals. watch and see how it plays out possibly more strategic ways to place siege, Anet can gain more monies by selling more gems for gold to our heavy golem crafters, point being , its tightening the screws on WvW players,. I personally will not purchase gems for gold to buy tons of siege , so best to allow ample siege in the bl puzzles,.,, Also lately seen quite a few people that only come in to WvW just for the badges via puzzle, and trying to sell their siege, once they have enough stockpiled. them people just need to donate that stuff ,.
MAn up , its time to fight , Rofl , Cheers ,.. it really isn’t that bad , be done in no time a lot less time than grinding 77 clovers , or 250 of every t6 item or map completion , 500 badges is a lot quicker , one month tops you be done ,
As someone who loves to play alts ALOT I must say Anet is starting to ruin the game quite hard.. And I’m not talking about farming one event over and over..
It’s a good change. If possible badges should come from player kill only and more siege should add for JP.
[DKJ] – Jade Quarry
It’s all about the gems people, they want you to buy gems, leave this stupid game while you can. ESO, ESO…
How do gems have anything to do with this?
Eso will be subscription based. Anet have done an ingenious system with their server and downtime for patches. So with Eso expect to sub and have a half day downtime while they rebuild for patches. The alliances are already unbalanced (in beta). i’m not saying anet have got everything right (far from it) BUT eso is not going to be the game its cracked up to be. . . . So when you’ve paid for eso and paid for 6 months sub and realize how ‘bad’ it is then maybe you might understand what a gem of a FREE to PLAY game this is (AND this is NOT a Pay to Win game – like so MANY other free games).
Gems is all this game is about to Anet don’t you get it, there isn’t an update that has actual content in it but every update has something for the gem store. This game has been a joke from the beginning, should have left when half the population left, now I feel left out.
Välkyri – 80 Warrior
JQ[Lulz] – Kill fur Thrillz…
Finally, at least all the badge JP farmers are going to head of to their beloved PVE and leave the WvW slots to someone who actually give a kitten about WvW instead of whining in team chat “invaders in JP” or asking for mesmer portals.
Finally, at least all the badge JP farmers are going to head of to their beloved PVE and leave the WvW slots to someone who actually give a kitten about WvW instead of whining in team chat “invaders in JP” or asking for mesmer portals.
That doesn’t make sense. If they’re farming for badges, they still have to queue WvW.
Ah, yes! More of the ‘if it’s fun or beneficial to the player, lets nerf it’ mindset.
Way to go Anet. Following in the footsteps of every other game development studio out there. Absolutely ground breaking game you have here.
I think it’s rather normal that if they buffed the power of siege (ac’s dmg, treb’s unblockable etc) then they would have to also limit the amount of siege that you can obtain and make ppl think a bit more where and how much is needed, instead of spamming it everywhere The despawn timer also has it’s part in it, and as a whole it makes quite significant change in gameplay.
… However the “amount” of players still wins
This nerf is nothing more than extending the gear grind and enhancing the gold sink. Also, it’s quiet unfair to those whom already have legendaries to those whom may have just begun.
Finally, at least all the badge JP farmers are going to head of to their beloved PVE and leave the WvW slots to someone who actually give a kitten about WvW instead of whining in team chat “invaders in JP” or asking for mesmer portals.
That doesn’t make sense. If they’re farming for badges, they still have to queue WvW.
To add to this ‘non’ argument – here in T3 at least queues are now very VERY rare.
Doesn’t matter – until Anet removes the 2 Ori nodes (which I now expect soon) I’ll still run my 6 characters through (since it takes all of 2 minutes with a port).
Just goes to show how concerned they really are with WvW. When a change like this came to PVE – the chest contents were buffed – and you were guaranteed at least a rare once per day
Yak’s Bend!
Regardless of that, creating a legendary weapon is a PvE goal, not a WvW goal. Most of the people doing the jumping puzzles are likely doing them because they want a legendary weapon. Even if you hate WvW, you still need to map all of the borderlands and obtain 500 badges of honor to create something for PvE. The jumping puzzles are a great alternative for people that intensely dislike WvW. Now they’ve been nerfed and those that don’t like WvW will have an even harder time than before obtaining 500 badges. There is simply no other way to get a legendary weapon. The Gift of Battle is required, and going into WvW is necessary for that. This is fine if you like WvW and PvP in general. It’s absolute torture if you hate it.
How is a Legendary a PvE only goal?
I can farm the wood and the ore needed for certain Gifts in WvW maps, I get plenty of skill points in WvW to buy the Bloodstone. Loot bags will drop T6 mats on my level 80 professions. Yes, there are a few things I can only get in PvE, but there are very few that require it.
Look, I absolutely loathe PvE dungeons, but I have to spend time in parts of the game I do not enjoy in order to create. I can’t stand TA but guess where I have to go to get my 500 Deadly Blooms for Gift of Thorns for my Ranger bow. I’d rather bash my head against my desk repeatedly than try and pug that place.
A legendary is just pretty packaging saying “I spent a crapload of time and gold to look cool in LA.” We all have to do stuff we hate in order to create one. All’s fair. I get tortured in dungeons, you get tortured in WvW. At least PvE’rs have the JP’s as an option instead of having to PvP in WvW maps. I’m just screwed and have to dungeon run.
We both suffer equally!
Too Drunk To PvP[LUSH]
Standing United[STUN]-TC
To those who are doing JPs just for badges to get legendary:
Assuming you get about 5 badges in each of the BL JPs, you could get all 500 Badges in 33 days if you did it once per day. Unless you are very rich, it will take you a lot longer to get a legendary (speaking from experience, I still don’t have one and I have been working on it for many months.)
To those who cannot seem to get badges outside of JP:
My advice is to get a character with decent AOE (Staff ele, longbow ranger, etc) and log on after reset on Friday. I am able to get ~150 badges in 90mins on a good reset day just by spamming barrage on zergs. Jump on an arrow cart and get even more I would imagine. Reset nights are usually the most bloody/active (at least on our server). Also, any NPC with the “Guild Claiming” in their name (ie: the people you have to kill to take Camps/Towers/etc) often drop 1-2 badges when you kill them.
For people complaining about having to buy more siege:
Yeah that does suck…although doesn’t being repeatedly ported to the end by a mesmer hurt your “its so unfair!” argument? Just a bit? If everyone actually jumped it on all of their toons then yeah, I am with you all the way…you actually did the work. I am just saying….(and this is coming from a guy who ports my guildies to the end of many JPs….mainly bc they suck at jumping lol)
King Arcturus X~80 Ranger | Suki Serra~80 Thief | Count Charon~80 Necro | Regulus Leo~80 Ele
HoD since launch
I have 9 character slots (8 level 80’s and a blank slot). I am not a PvEer, I enjoy frellin poodoo up in WvW on a regular basis. I have leveled 4 of my 8 toons entirely in WVW. I use to run all the jump puzzles (completely by myself, no ports) in WvW every 2 days as not to ovlerlap my times. I did this to obtain badges and siege to distribute to other commanders in my guild that do not have the time to do so and to save them some money since they spend boatloads on upgrades anyway also to use the badges to gear my other toons. am not gonna cry and say ’ i’ll go back to wow if you don’t fix this" lol, but I will say that I do not like this any, it should be changed back to the way it was before. other than that I like the other recent changes. Would also like it if a system was implemented to reset your wxp rank points, maybe use 250 badges to reset with a week cooldown on it, but thats just a thought.
This has been changed to once per account per day.
Can we get confirmation on when this resets. Does it reset with the daily achievement clock (which for me resets at 6pm???) or at midnight?
This has been changed to once per account per day.
Can we get confirmation on when this resets. Does it reset with the daily achievement clock (which for me resets at 6pm???) or at midnight?
Its on a 24 hour clock, so 24 hours from time you did it last. Well thats when they reset before and fairly sure its on the same cycle. So no set time, just 24 hours after you did it last.
This was kind of timely. I know someone who has 8 level 80 characters (and that was a few months ago) who ports himself religiously daily up to the chest (with a friend helping). That’s like more than 100 badges a day just getting ported up for him (log in, run to portal, run to chest, repeat).
Those people didn’t magically acquire 8 level 80’ies. Most of them spend a hell of a long time leveling their 8 toons (1 of each class), and mapping waypoints in pve, etc and so on. So they didn’t just ‘portal’ up to EB JP with several toons – they invested a lot of work to do it (at least I did).
Although I know some people paid to craft to level 80 (but I do think that is a stupid game mechanic to be able to craft yourself from level 1 to 80).
is it still 24 hours or does it reset with the daily?
Well there were people who would create new characters multiple times a day to farm that chest… No, this isn’t the right way to fix that issue but since when has Anet fixed anything in the right way?
This has been changed to once per account per day.
Very-very bad.
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)
People saying it’s a move against WvW – I really don’t think it is.
There were occasional (not frequent, but occasional) queues because of the numbers in JPs. As someone who ran them 3-4 times daily at one point, I can also note that it was not uncommon to find 4-5 people who simply stood around to make sure their side wasn’t bullied, especially in EB.
I think this update was more focused on getting people in and getting them out. And since drop rates have been increased, it’s trying to entice more people to get badges/siege from fighting. Unfortunately, that’ll cause more zerging, but… that’s another point entirely.
Good move? Not really, but I don’t see fault with them for trying. If nothing else, I feel like they’re experimenting, because little else has worked for them so far.
Duct Tape Applied [Charr Ranger]
A Roll Of Duct Tape [Human Guardian, Commander]
For those complaining about WvW not giving enough rewards. Don’t worry. I do high end fractals, sometimes taking up to 2-4 hours, and still don’t get crap.
It’s because we’re not standing afk in front of a meta event spawn point or playing the market or waiting for dusk to drop off of a rabbit.
This has been changed to once per account per day.
Very-very bad.
Agree – this is going to make it very very very difficult for the non-pvpers to get their gift of battle. The jumping puzzles were a risk as it is in wvw by doing a task within a ‘warzone’, so before anyone jumps all over me, I’m just saying I think there are other things that could have been done first (like making it impossible to portal people up in EB, or doing a DR type of thing, or reducing the number per chest). By removing them totally, it’s going to make it extremely difficult.
I have to agree I really dislike this change and see it as being rather unnecessary. If anything they should have just found a way to prevent the free portaling in tkitten puzzle. Now with this change you rarely see people go into the jumping puzzles.. I used to run the JP when our entire zone was flipped from a massive zerg and there was nothing else you can really do solo(yak slapping maybe). Now I and everyone else just shrugs and logs out since nothing to do.
I can also agree with those who are going for a legendary that this is a unfair nerf when this option was open to people since day one.
80 Engi / 2×80 Ranger / 80 War / 2×80 Mesmer / 80 Necro / 80 Thief / 80 Ele / 80 Guard
To all those jumpers, please pick a proper time to jump, don’t do it when two guilds are fighting and rage about it on map chat, thanks.