WvW common suggestion compilation

WvW common suggestion compilation

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


Some of these have been floating around and I’ve added some of my own that would make the game a little bit more interesting. Please feel free to add onto the list! Who knows, maybe a developer will look at it.

Also remember to add an intelligent “why” to your argument.

I’ll start out with the following:

Bring back 24 hour matches for a while in order to rebalance servers because of the mass transfer before the paid xfers. That way the servers who lost population and would otherwise spend weeks and weeks getting stomped have a chance to be put into a correct match up. Let’s face it, the rankings are really skewed right now and no one wants to wait months for them to be fixed.

Manual adjustment of the wvw ranking system. That way, especially for tier 8, the losing servers don’t get repeatedly stomped by just enough to play the same opponents and get stomped week in and week out.

Specific character bindable items that can be crafted for use in wvw, because, let’s face it, crafting doesn’t do much for wpvp besides oils and food.

Armorsmith – portable shield that can block siege damage in a small radius up to X amount of damage
Weaponsmith – doorcutter that is a type of handheld ram doing less damage and reducing mobility when when it is equipt
Huntsman – single shot sniper rifle long distance, one shot and a super high cd that can be used to shoot or stun players on siege or on walls
Leatherworker – Wearing animal skins – turn yourself into an NPC neutral npc on the other player’s screens such as coyote or warg / rabbit (scouting and ambush)

more to come…

Separated towers keeps / further apart – siege not being able to reach towers to keeps or keeps to towers because, as someone on the forums stated “in real sieges the defender doesn’t siege from the comfort of his own castle”

Buildable forts – defenses such as wooden walls which can be built anywhere on the map to make a “siege camp,” walls being a lot weaker and vulnerable to player damage

More quests – have an event that if you collect enough badges or parts of players killed you can summon a special npc to go on “patrols” with you or an NPC army that can help you take objectives etc (could be only usable in your own borderlands) because killing players and more diversity would be a great addition

Rotate maps – three different maps for first second and third place in a match up, the third place being more easily strategically defensible than the first place map because if a server is in third place they are most likely already fighting the odds

Customizable NPCs – When you claim a tower keep you have the option of outfitting the guards with your own guild’s personal armor / weapons to make the keep look and feel more like it’s yours. Also, allow guilds to customize or pick from templates as how the walls of the tower / keep appear once claimed. i.e. guild A claims tower and has a gothic template selected so the walls of the tower appear in a gothic fashion and when upgraded becomes “cooler looking.” You could also use guild influence to “buy” customizable weapon skins (with or without adding better stats) for the guards to the keeps or towers you claim.

All in all I think those would make world vs world feel more like a “war” instead of cookie cutter.

Feel free to contribute your own thoughts here!

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

(edited by SniffyCube.6107)

WvW common suggestion compilation

in WvW

Posted by: Khanswrath.1032


Needs more ambush holes….

Khanswrath-80 Thief [ODN]
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "

WvW common suggestion compilation

in WvW

Posted by: Fjandi.2516


Why should i suggest something that will never be implemented in game? I like your enthusiam, i really do, sadly i doubt anet does care about your suggestions.

WvW common suggestion compilation

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


Post them anyway fjandi. It never hurts and if someone flames you then so be it… it’s just a game, why not at least suggest how to make it better. Games are about having fun.

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

WvW common suggestion compilation

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I like outspoken aardvarks idea about dynamic map populations …. So that another server can at best have 15-20% more population on map than their opponents, otherwise there’s a queue, but I can see problems with player harassment happening —- the so-called elite players yelling at the more casual ones to get out if WvW to make room. However, maybe this idea can be fleshed out more … It’s at least one stab at trying to get server balance, which makes for no fun gameplay for all involved if one server has significantly higher numbers. Any thoughts on how to tweak this?

L’enfer, c’est les autres

WvW common suggestion compilation

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


also this is not a “nerf class X” thread so please refrain from that :p

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

WvW common suggestion compilation

in WvW

Posted by: Kiexcolo.2416


Remove the *************** Commander book and refund everyone their 100G.

If you want a Commander Icon in PvE, call it something else; like “Please look at me” book that you can buy for 100G but is not usable in WvW.

For WvW, they should have a ranking system based on your kills, how much you build/repair, how much you heal/buff your team, how many objectives you capture. When you reach a certain rank, you can choose to be a specialist. Like a siege specialist get bonuses when using siege, a commander gets his commander icon/def buff, a supply specialist can carry more supplies and gets movement buff. And whatever else you can think of.

Bottom-line is I want commanders to have some real experience in WvW before they are allowed to carry that icon.

WvW common suggestion compilation

in WvW

Posted by: Immolator.5640


Very much +1 to the 24 hour match up idea; would really be good to balance the servers again without weeks and weeks on end of rolling down match ups for a Server.

Take Arborstone, whom we are currently facing, along with Augury Rock, they have absolutely no players, seen a 20 zerg once, in their borderlands, I took a screen shot, to prove it happened, as was the same with many of the people there, had never seen so many arborstones at once.
Because of this, it being WvW rather than WvWvW, despite being able to turn the tables completely at our prime time, AR have more overall coverage and spend every night upgrading Arbor’s zones and ours they have capped whilst we slept, to T3, and then we spend the majority of the day until prime time trying to recap them.
A very slight difference in populations or online times will completely skew a match-up, especially when a Server isn’t there to fight. Arbor on the way down through 5 more tiers will be having the same effect, causing a week of suffering and bad WvW for every server it comes to, and not to mention the effect that would have on the few people I’ve seen in Arbor.

This is happening on many servers, therefore to mitigate damage, suffering, boredom and general pain, please swap to 24hour match ups during this transitional phase, for all our sakes.

Probably on the Crafting proposed bonuses in this thread, I don’t see why crafting should be compulsory to doing well in WvWvW, you would have people coordinating super-door taking down, insta-gibs with sniper rifles, and warg zergs.

I very much like the idea on claiming making the place more guild-focused then just the banners, armour on the Lord and shields on the guards would be epic

Commander Ezekiel The Paladin
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/

WvW common suggestion compilation

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


About the commander, I was thinking maybe every few ticks of the score there is a vote on the commanders on the map. That way, the larger guilds could get their guy on the map and the smaller guilds with well respected or known commanders that are trusted could also get on the board. Although this could lead to griefing issues.

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

WvW common suggestion compilation

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


For WvW, they should have a ranking system based on your kills, how much you build/repair, how much you heal/buff your team, how many objectives you capture. When you reach a certain rank, you can choose to be a specialist. Like a siege specialist get bonuses when using siege, a commander gets his commander icon/def buff, a supply specialist can carry more supplies and gets movement buff. And whatever else you can think of.

Love these ideas!

L’enfer, c’est les autres

WvW common suggestion compilation

in WvW

Posted by: silverfire.2547


Rotate maps – three different maps for first second and third place in a match up, the third place being more easily strategically defensible than the first place map because if a server is in third place they are most likely already fighting the odds

Technically, EB at least was intended* for Green (first place) to have defensive disadvantages having to fight uphill to SM with attacker-advantage ridges, front facing water gate relatively unguarded by NPCs compared to the other keeps, Rogue’s quarry having the least defensible outer chokepoint compared to Danelon/Pangloss, no outer ring tower bridge/gully terrain (Anzalias/Durios defensive advantage) an obstructed neutral camp approach to an outer ring tower, and a couple other intended* defensive disadvantages.

Blue team has a neutral camp within siege coverage of a tower (easily defensible), a mild downhill approach to SM with defender-advantage outer walls (easier treb placement), a narrow outer ring supply camp chokepoint (but open ground inside to partially mitigate defensive advantages).

Red team has the highest elevation keep on EB with defender-advantage wall placement, the easiest to defend inner supply camp, a tower/camp/keep layout that places the inner ring closer to spawn and other reinforce paths, clear approaches from all neutral camps to spot for surprise attacks to outer ring towers.

All these map features are intended* to put green at a slight defensive disadvantage for outer ring objectives, neutral inner ring, and slightly more vulnerable keep. Blue is supposed* to get a neutrally defensible keep, a slight defensive advantage for outer ring towers, neutral defense camps, and neutral inner ring towers. Red is intended to have a slight defensive advantage at outer ring towers, clear defensive advantages at their chokepoint supply camp, and the most difficult to assault keep (that curved ramp is murder even for golems, and the water gate does not bypass that defensive feature).

For each side to win, it pretty much plays out like this:
Red: defensive stance can maintain the status quo + ranged siege pressure for center control
Blue: balanced stance can maintain their outer ring objectives + attacks of opportunity since siege placement for SM is fairly limited
Green: almost required to constantly be on the offensive to keep pressure off of outer ring towers due to the lack of chokepoint control at inbound routes + lower elevation on SM approach means siege placement has to be closer to hit.

The reason why that was littered with asterisks is because some of these things don’t play out the way ANet (presumably) intended.

In my experience,

  • Very few people take the side spawn exits to bypass a spawn camp — green’s side exits lead to pretty much open field, blue’s exits have valleys/water to help sneak out, red’s take you pretty much right up to towers.
  • 5 people can hold Pangloss against a far larger force especially with ogres and vets because of the tunnels and small inner chamber, but more often than not, it’s completely undefended. Superior ballistas and one or two arrow carts are great force multipliers.
  • One of each side’s outer ring towers only has one destructible wall that faces away from SM. Very few people combine that defensive strength with the bridge chokepoint to force attackers to take the long way around what could be a killzone around the red team Anza vista or the gully/river/hill features around the attack path to Durios.

It might just be because I’ve been on Sorrow’s Furnace since early access and haven’t ever been on a T1 server, but I feel a lot of the map complaints would be addressed if people know how to use terrain to their advantage and realize that the three colors are suited to different sets of tactics. Doing the same thing week after week despite your current team color shouldn’t work.

TL;DR: Map is designed to give 1st/2nd/3rd place respectively increasing defensive advantages on EB. Use them properly and you can outsmart a numeric advantage in many cases.

Mira Alluvion (Me) | Hanna Bulwark (W) | Sophie Dusthaven (Th)
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift

WvW common suggestion compilation

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


My comment was more directed at each individual borderland to give them a unique feel as opposed to a copy paste 3x

as another person stated, we could add different terrain and more hiding places – great idea btw

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

(edited by SniffyCube.6107)

WvW common suggestion compilation

in WvW

Posted by: Lionheart.7345


I have had a huge issue with getting kills due to the downed state. I lost count how many times I get somebody downed just to have somebody kill a random animal walking by and them getting up and either escaping or then killing me if i’m low enough on health. In my opinion this has NO place in WvW. (I don’t even like down state in general in a competitive sense)

WvW common suggestion compilation

in WvW

Posted by: Tom.8571


looks like the part about the match ups is going to happen because they are going to reset the ratings but I would love to see some of these suggestions put into the game guild customized towers and npc armor would be epic

WvW common suggestion compilation

in WvW

Posted by: Dutchares.6084


System for most big problems:
- Add a commander NPC in the myst for sign up for WvW
- You can sign up not for your server but for…lets call it a kingdom. So you get piken square1, piken square 2 etc..
- Signups are always for after the next server reset
- A kingdom has a max cap of about 1000 accounts(so that cap is for the whole week; even if there is only 1 person in wvw at a crazy time. If 1000 accounts already signed up the kingdom is full and you cant join it)
- As soon as one kingdom get about 60% of the max accounts a new kingdom will be created.
- Guildleaders can sign up all members at the same time.
- players will automaticly be signed up for the next week, if they have played for that kingdom this week (so you will stick with the same guilds/players mostly on a kingdom)
- if you dont play in a week in wvw , you wont be signed up automaticly for the next week and you could loose your spot to someone else.
- guildleaders get messages the day before server reset of guildies who will not be signed up automaticly. The guildleaders can sign then up before, new players can sign up. So guildies who are on a vacation or something dont lose their spot in a kingdom.
- if a kingdom falls below a 50% signup it will be removed.(except one kingdom so new players can always sign up)

This system will probably fix all these problems:
-night capping: having a 100 man night cap guild will mean you have 100 people leass during prime time.
-not fighting the same servers all the time in the same tier: because of a lot bigger ladder, the gaps between servers/kingdoms will become smaller.
- much harder tier fights: because of smaller gaps you wont have 1 server dominating all borders for a whole week.
- you cant have in every border 2-3 larger zergs. So you are forced to split up you big zerg: in smaller groups to get a good zone coverage
- lesser large zergs means: you will remove a lot of problems zergs give like lag issues, and massive AOE damage etc…
- No server hopping to the last weeks best kingdom. The best kingdoms will be full.
- PvEers only in borderlands to do their monthlies will be on the lowest rank kingdom of the server (their own kingdom)
- even maxed out servers will have during off hours about the same number of people active in their kingdoms as low pupulated servers.

And option to dont see names of death enemy players