WvW department fell out with the company?
i think somebody at anet lost a bet while drunk and the golemweek is the result of that.
classic PUI (programming under influence)
Isle of Kickaspenwood
I’ve done some of my best coding while buzzed.
Anet does seem to try to nudge people into places they want them to go. Obviously Mike O’Brien wants more people in PvE and not playing WvW, so what does he do? HE tells the devs to make WvW unplayable for a week to get some new metrics to validate his opinion.
Didn’t work though, because instead of forcing people into PvE he just encouraged them to go do something else in the real world for a week.
Well the target atm is clearly the asians (with the chinese release) and asians mostly want PVE grinding mmos.
Furthermore Nexon is now a big shareholder of Arena Net so it is very likely that it won’t go in the right direction.
Silverwastes / EoTm / HoT. May examples that at least point towards a company pve direction
I’m just happy that I didn’t buy hot yet.
I have to admit that I was very close to buy it but with the actual WvW development they will have to do something really mindblowing to actually get me buy that piece of kittens.
In the state it is right now, I don’t see my future in WvW and with that in gw2.
All we wanted was a GvG.
There is nothing like a WvW department, there have been persons in charge of wvw which changed frequently from release till now. They only had one thing in common which is absolutely no knowledge of how wvw works and what wvw players do and like. It is simply not on their priority list, paired with their super strange information and community work, et voila you have things like a golem week.
I am glad I preordered HOT, it will bring a new borderland for wvw as well and this is a game that brought us countless hours of fun while costing absolutely nothing after the buying costs. Not buying the expansion doesn’t improve anything, it makes it less likely that there will be any improvement, especially as they know what players preordered and what didn’t and thus know what players give them funds to improve and develop the game. If there are no wvw players buying the expansion, then why should they put funds back into there?
The golem week was something that seem to have been intended for bringing fun to wvw. It wasn’t successful, but it was an effort, and that is something. It is a lot of work to make such events, they aren’t made to ruin anything and I am sure they learned from it. I hope it’s fixing bugs faster and not never to try to adjust anything in wvw ever again…
I am glad I preordered HOT, it will bring a new borderland for wvw as well and this is a game that brought us countless hours of fun while costing absolutely nothing after the buying costs. Not buying the expansion doesn’t improve anything, it makes it less likely that there will be any improvement, especially as they know what players preordered and what didn’t and thus know what players give them funds to improve and develop the game. If there are no wvw players buying the expansion, then why should they put funds back into there?
The golem week was something that seem to have been intended for bringing fun to wvw. It wasn’t successful, but it was an effort, and that is something. It is a lot of work to make such events, they aren’t made to ruin anything and I am sure they learned from it. I hope it’s fixing bugs faster and not never to try to adjust anything in wvw ever again…
Your blind faith is impressive. I’m selling a car that will do 500mpg, pre order now. Pretty sure you will order one- after all, you want to see it developed, give us the funds first.
Wvw players have been ignored for years- why would any but the most gullible want to give them cash before they have done anything to improve it?
You don’t need to buy HoT to get access to the new WvW map, btw…
Wvw players have been ignored for years- why would any but the most gullible want to give them cash before they have done anything to improve it?
But look, they acknowledged there are issues! https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/devon-carver-on-the-future-of-world-vs-world/
A fix is coming any day now….
Yup… aaaaaany day now…
Wvw players have been ignored for years- why would any but the most gullible want to give them cash before they have done anything to improve it?
But look, they acknowledged there are issues! https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/devon-carver-on-the-future-of-world-vs-world/
A fix is coming any day now….
Yup… aaaaaany day now…
“In order to achieve that, we will continue to make tweaks to the scoring system to properly reward smart play and to make it possible for a server to prevail over superior numbers with superior tactics.”
Would have been nice if they did any of it, but that was back in June 2013, 2 years ago.
Wvw players have been ignored for years- why would any but the most gullible want to give them cash before they have done anything to improve it?
But look, they acknowledged there are issues! https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/devon-carver-on-the-future-of-world-vs-world/
A fix is coming any day now….
Yup… aaaaaany day now…
“In order to achieve that, we will continue to make tweaks to the scoring system to properly reward smart play and to make it possible for a server to prevail over superior numbers with superior tactics.”
Would have been nice if they did any of it, but that was back in June 2013, 2 years ago.
" The zerg is an important part of the game, but it shouldn’t be the best strategy for victory."
’nuff said
All we wanted was a GvG.
The thing is, what I am trying to stress at, is, we didn’t design WvW. Anet did. We enjoy this side of their business. Now they are trying to kill their own product because there is no gem flow.
The fact that they couldn’t incentivised themselves gem wise through WvW is Anet’s own fault. I don’t care how they do it, if it can minimise the feeling of Pay 2 win (because everything really is pay 2 win in life, petrol, food what have ya) while WvW, I’ve got gems.
The thing is, what I am trying to stress at, is, we didn’t design WvW. Anet did. We enjoy this side of their business. Now they are trying to kill their own product because there is no gem flow.
The fact that they couldn’t incentivised themselves gem wise through WvW is Anet’s own fault. I don’t care how they do it, if it can minimise the feeling of Pay 2 win (because everything really is pay 2 win in life, petrol, food what have ya) while WvW, I’ve got gems.
I have no idea what you mean by this.
Your wvw performance is directly based on your character’s build. It’s completely within foresight a player here and there would easily purchase a few gems to get a few things their character needs to top off a build, or even build a character from scratch.
Imo, wvw easily and readily contributes to ‘gem flow’ because more impatient and employed players will purchase gems, and the rewards suck in wvw which helps encourage that behavior…
The problem as I see it is this:
ANet wants WvW to be PvE with added (minor) PvP side effect that makes the player want to move on to play PvP (yay e-sports).
The players there want WvW to be PvP with a VERY minor (lords etc) PvE effect and many could care less about moving on to PvP.
So long as the devs and the players are on separate sides of this we will sadly be forced to do things their way as we have no control over their decisions.
edit: clarity
(edited by Tommyknocker.6089)
The problem as I see it is this:
ANet wants WvW to be PvE with added (minor) PvP side effect that makes the player want to move on to play PvP (yay e-sports).
The players there want WvW to be PvP with a VERY minor (lords etc) PvE effect and many could care less about moving on to PvP.
So long as the devs and the players are on separate sides of this we will sadly be forced to do things their way as we have no control over their decisions.
edit: clarity
Yes but WvW has always had PVE in it. Just because some players do not want PVE stuff in WvW doesn’t mean removing PVE stuff will make WvW better. Since WvW has always had PVE in it, isn’t it more like the players are the ones on the other side since this game mode has always had PVE in it?
Way I look at it is WvW is every single game mode all wrapped up in one.. Players have the freedom to do what ever they like in WvW. WvW was always based on taking over PVE objectives.
If they removed all PVE stuff it would no longer be WvW. Seeing as some players just like to take objectives, while others just look for fights. Most fights I’ve had are over objectives. Remove those objectives and well say goodbye to your fights. Not everyone is into open field fights and spamming skills to see who dies first.. Some people like to fight to take over stuff.
I did not say to remove all the PvE elements. What I was saying is that many players that I have talked to, would prefer it if it was kept to the objectives such as you mentioned.
Whereas other events such as scarlet were not ever brought into WvW again. Sorry if this was unclear.
I did not say to remove all the PvE elements. What I was saying is that many players that I have talked to, would prefer it if it was kept to the objectives such as you mentioned.
Whereas other events such as scarlet were not ever brought into WvW again. Sorry if this was unclear.
Ahhh Ok I got ya. Yea that Scarlet part was nothing but annoying if you ask me..
I did not say to remove all the PvE elements. What I was saying is that many players that I have talked to, would prefer it if it was kept to the objectives such as you mentioned.
Whereas other events such as scarlet were not ever brought into WvW again. Sorry if this was unclear.
I don’t mind PvE elements that blend into the WvW portion of the game. I do mind forced PvE elements that just don’t make any sense.