WvW fix no one has thought of!

WvW fix no one has thought of!

in WvW

Posted by: saratoga.4872


I think this might be a WvW fix that I have not seen posted or at least not read….. I do not claim to be an expert or whatever….. but since I love this game I thought I would share an idea that may make almost everyone happy….or at least I think it might.

There are many reasons but one BIG reason people love EB so much… epic fights over towers and a super fortress (SMC)……. the normal BL maps offered the same thing but on a smaller scale……

My advice is to remove the Bloodlust and the sPVP map they dropped into the center and replace it with a smaller SMC keep in the middle with two or more looooong bridges (can only be entered from land or the keep) crossing the lake (with its krait and quaggan nodes all there again) to the keep’s gates…. make it so NO seige can be built on the bridges….giving this center keep a MAJOR defensive advantage….. make the center keep multi level with Lords room up top and make it so seige at the higher levels CANNOT reach any of the towers that are anywhere near the lake (like briar).

If the maps need to be enlarged a bit to make this work then why not do it…..

Finaly, if people like the sPVP points (which I personally do not, but some maybe do) then SPREAD them out to the remote Corners (meaning ONE per corner or whatever so they are far from one another). If some buff is to be given out, how about a MF bonus, gathering bonus, or some unthought of Economy boost, or even access to some special area (Dungeon maybe or something…but it would be a seperate instance that would not count as part of the BL population such as how the EB JP is handled and when you exit it would put you in Lions Arch…if you are DCd or something you could log back in for so many minutes after the DC). The POINT is that these changes would give something SPECIAL for the sPVP points but would not Affect the actual WVW battle in any way….IE is BALANCED!

Anyways if Anet likes this idea please feel FREE to use it…..

WvW fix no one has thought of!

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

On behalf of all of those who avoid and despise EB because we don’t like beating our faces against heavily fortified keeps, or being part of a giant clusterkitten with skill lag and arrow carts everywhere for hours and hours on end..


WvW fix no one has thought of!

in WvW

Posted by: saratoga.4872


On behalf of all of those who avoid and despise EB because we don’t like beating our faces against heavily fortified keeps, or being part of a giant clusterkitten with skill lag and arrow carts everywhere for hours and hours on end..


….and yet the Queue is usually for EB and not the other BLs on a regular basis with exception of reset night of course….

WvW fix no one has thought of!

in WvW

Posted by: RiWiJo.7502


Personally I like the idea. I would add one or two deep underwater complicated entrances.

I like the Idea of Nodes being more separated into the corners of the map, that would definitely eliminate the zerg on the them.

Oh well, just a dream.

WvW fix no one has thought of!

in WvW

Posted by: Prime.8792


How is this a fix? Cut and paste more EB? It’s a suggestion to have more game types that you enjoy, but this is not a fix and not an original idea.

More maps would be nice though.

WvW fix no one has thought of!

in WvW

Posted by: mako.2431


The zerg is the problem, period. There is absolutely zero chance to employ tactics when you have a world war z style zombie zerg plowing over you, even if your zerg is close to their strength. The first one to get their 100 overlapping aoe rings down to insta’deth everyone wins. It is absurd really.

I don’t know what woudl have to be done to cut the population on these maps, but I think it would have to be 1/3 what it is now.

WvW fix no one has thought of!

in WvW

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

On behalf of all of those who avoid and despise EB because we don’t like beating our faces against heavily fortified keeps, or being part of a giant clusterkitten with skill lag and arrow carts everywhere for hours and hours on end..


….and yet the Queue is usually for EB and not the other BLs on a regular basis with exception of reset night of course….

1. Someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing is going to go wherever the biggest, laggiest clusterkitten is so they can blame their deaths on that instead of learning to play. (i.e. 3 way SMC fights). By extension, most pugs go to EB, so there are more people trying to get in.

2. There’s 3 identical borderlands. The guilds that choose to play on maps where they can do things besides autoattack (most of the time) are spread out across 3 maps. Pugs that want to try something besides pressing 1 while aimed at the center of SMC for 5 hours are also spread across 3 maps. If you had 1 borderland (condensed the population from all 3 BLs into one) the queues for that would probably be much worse than the queues for EB.

tl;dr: Still no.