WvW idea
I think if you split based on rank, lower ranks will not have the experienced peers to learn from and they will not know the game the same way. I feel you need to jump in with both feet and keep fighting, it’s the only way to learn
Who are these people? It must be hard for them being so good that they have to wonder about how to fence off everyone else, all the while struggling that those poor noobs will suffer without basking in the pros’ light.
Well it sort of already happens now doesnt it? Gold league Silver League and Bronze.
This suggestion just mirrors an already existing system of play it only expands upon it to have grades of skill/rank lvls within the server itself.
You will have only your grade A class of veteran WvW fighting another servers Class A WvW team, if you want to substitute the A with Z you can its only a letter :P
It may appear elitist but this already happens in WvW as Ive said before, Im suggesting to go further. This way I hope, we would be able to play other servers not just the same Tx ones we currently do now.
What happens when the noob players gain the wxp to go up to the pro level? and there is only people who don’t WvW a lot and new incoming players in the lower tiers? As there isn’t such a big influx of new player like when the game was released the noob tier would be so underpopulated that it would be no fun and would make the newer players not want to play WvW anymore therefore eliminating the need for a second tier.
Yea decline is inevitable, we have servers alredy under represented in wvw as it is, and having them split up into yet smaller groups would be a problem for them.
Can add other conditions to this by perhaps adding alliances with other servers that are under represented, Im not sure how that would end up working, perhaps add different maps from the main or limiting targets that can be taken based on the population that is currently playing, Im not sure, just brain popping rambling now :P
Well it sort of already happens now doesnt it? Gold league Silver League and Bronze.
Nope. Having fought servers from every tier on my former server and my current one, this is not true. The proportion of “Pros” is about the same on any server, the higher tiers just have more because they have more people in general. Some of the best players i’ve fought are on the lower tier servers. The higher tiers tend to be better at zerging, as they are able to pull more people together more often, and thus get more practice with zerg tactics, but in terms of player skill, there is no difference between the leagues.
This is what Im hoping for, servers at the moment are stuck in their tiers whether they want to or not.
Having diversity is the spice of life, which is what I would like to see more often, right now you have a mix of noob fairweathers ap hunters, with veterans. if you can separate them so that vets fight vets noobs fight noobs, wouldnt it mean that those lower tiered servers get a chance to fight the higher tiered servers?
Population is always of concern, but you can have well populated servers with a low representation in wvw because the masses in that server arent interested in wvw, because why?
“Oh we came to try out wvw and got smashed over and over, It wasnt fun”
“I want to crush them for doing that to us!, wheres the support! help us!”
“Sick of these Fairweathers infesting our Queues, theyre only here to get karma, ap”
“I tell them over and over to get on TS/Raidcall/Vent they just dont listen”
“That guy is draining our keeps supply to repair the gate and wont stop no matter how much we tell him not to”
“Those A retentive jerks keep yelling at us to conform”
“Hey your guild should be more pro active in WvW we can use your help”
“That troll commander is confusing our sheep”
“What do I do here”
“Wheres the karma train at?”
“Hey guys we need siege built, guys?” “whats siege”
“Im sick and tired of players stopping to cap the F%$#!! vet guard!!”
“God we need more of our people to get in that knows wtf theyre doing!”
Im sure you have come across this, or similar type of thing, the wide variety of gamers who enter wvw come for their own reasons without consideration for anything else other than what they want out of it.
Players who wish that they had more reliable players who will do the necessary tasks, players who will listen and follow strategies, this isnt a guarantee that u will get players of x skill level doing whats required, because Im sure there are plenty of players who will do what they want regardless of skill/rank/wxp