WvW is a joke.

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Tassadar.8576


Whats the point of playing when the largest group your server can get together is may 30 max and by the time you 50% a gate 50 members of the server come and kill you all.

Leveling up in WvW is a joke, if you can’t get anyone on your server to get past the gate you can’t get any reasonable experience for time. WvW so fun waiting an hour to get 30 people together to wipe against 50 people. Must be fun for the winning server waiting for no one to try to take a point.

To only worsen the problem everyone who wants to WvW and is in a trash WvW server will migrate to the top WvW servers and this cycle will never end.

There should be some serious rubberbanding for the two competing servers in WvW when a single server owns 99% of map. This lets those of us in trash WvW servers at least get to take points and get some experience even if we cant defend it later on.

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Takoyaki.2148


There is always structured PvP… points the other way

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: jbb.9571


Stop crying and find yourself a good coordinated guild. 10 coordinated people can take on 5 times their numbers… hell just the other night my guild with 8 ppl defended the zerg attacking the door from a zerg of 80.. Running with the masses isn’t anywhere near the bright thing to do.

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: BlackDeath.8106


Yea 80 first timers and no siege weapon maybe. Let me see you defend a tower or keep from 80 veteran players with your 8 pro/elite/ veteran people. And 80 omg which server are you on? i was never in a group more than 30.

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: jbb.9571


Read my post dipkitten anyone who runs in a zerg isn’t smart. I clearly state that so… I doubt I would ever face 80 “veterans” because they would be smart enough to not run in an uncoordinated zerg.

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Emnel.1537


30 people you say?
That means you should have enough supply to place 7 rams that d take door in about 20 seconds.
Jokes aside place 2 or 3 rams if you are trying to take a keep and expect huge enemy presence and they will come while you are already sitting on ramparts laughing at them.
If you try to take down the keep without siege weapons you deserve everything that happens to you and then some.

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: albotelho.2931


You can have fun even in a loosing server, you dont need a zerg to have fun just get organized.

Turig Wolfsbane Norn Guardian
Rangrorn Charr Necromancer
Ultimate Legion [UL]

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


Fine. Good something else and stop crying.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Smallpoxx.6935


HoD / SB / JQ have been going back and forth and it has been a blast all 3 servers are evenly matched thats why you dont see one server with a 300k lead on either of the other 2.

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: albotelho.2931


Fine. Good something else and stop crying.

Columba? From AION?

Turig Wolfsbane Norn Guardian
Rangrorn Charr Necromancer
Ultimate Legion [UL]

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Fishstxx.5809


HoD / SB / JQ have been going back and forth and it has been a blast all 3 servers are evenly matched thats why you dont see one server with a 300k lead on either of the other 2.

Lol? Didn’t you just say on another thread that you were DOMINATING SBI and JQ and had a screen shot…

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


Yes, Columba from Aion, lol.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: albotelho.2931


I knew I would find you one day here on the forums… I played as Asmodian on Israphel as well… we did one or two Dredgions together but you will not remember me… my nick was Yamahashi (Chanter from Demon Jokers).

What server are you? Devoted Legacy came to GW2? Vortis (BR Gladiator from DL) is playing with us in Darkhaven.

Turig Wolfsbane Norn Guardian
Rangrorn Charr Necromancer
Ultimate Legion [UL]

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Hah Columba (angryranger), I have been playing the same games as you for years now. Are you on TC by chance?

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


It is a joke inded… Worlds vs gates vs npc at night time is the way to win… No need skills or tactics

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

1) Join a proper WvW/PvP guild.
2) Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, hear the lamentation of their women.
3) ???
4) Profit!

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


It’s a side effect of persistent world PvP. If you couldn’t do that it wouldn’t feel persistent. You should be glad they force a max # in the borderlands because IMO there should be no max, let everyone join the party and who cares of it’s uneven, that’s what world PvP is all about.

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: albotelho.2931


Hope they will not do that… I know queue sucks but if they dont control the numbers the WvW will turn into a complete mess. Looks like Elyos mentality… lol… nice to see you here too Angryranger.

Turig Wolfsbane Norn Guardian
Rangrorn Charr Necromancer
Ultimate Legion [UL]

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Hah not Elyos mentality but DAOC mentality. There was real persistent 3 realm PvP. No limits other than the server crashing from too many people in one place and it was amazing.

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Mog.1589


So basically OP you are saying “I had a bad experience thus WvW is a joke”.

Nice try man. How about rather then raging on the forums you just play a different part of the game or take a break.

[LGN] Legion For We Are Many – a Blackgate guild

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: albotelho.2931


Hah not Elyos mentality but DAOC mentality. There was real persistent 3 realm PvP. No limits other than the server crashing from too many people in one place and it was amazing.

Never played DAOC… it would be cool not having queues… but I cant imagine how would they balance it… Insance PvP for sure… yeah it could be cool to have a place for this… but keeping the other controlled areas as well so people could choose… massive insane PvP or regular PvP.

Turig Wolfsbane Norn Guardian
Rangrorn Charr Necromancer
Ultimate Legion [UL]

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


If you played Aion is was similar to DAOC. There was no limit to the number of players who could go into the Abyss.

It leads to imbalance sure, but it also leads to “realm” (world) pride and movements to get out and take keeps. It is a social game that requires leadership to succeed as a world.

With queues, you can’t really do that as well. You could rev your side up all you want, but if there is no space, your organized group isn’t going to make a difference because 80 people are trying to do their daily jump quest keeping you out.

DAOC had huge “Call to arms” driven by the players that were organized through guilds. Everyone would stop doing whatever PvE and go to the realm to defend whatever was being attacked.

A lot of the problem is the rotating world system. It helps balance but makes it feel less persistent and you don’t feel the same connection to your enemies that you do in a game like DAOC or Aion. I think it still has the potential to generate a good Meta game though.

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Daish.6139


Whats the point of playing when the largest group your server can get together is may 30 max and by the time you 50% a gate 50 members of the server come and kill you all.

Leveling up in WvW is a joke, if you can’t get anyone on your server to get past the gate you can’t get any reasonable experience for time. WvW so fun waiting an hour to get 30 people together to wipe against 50 people. Must be fun for the winning server waiting for no one to try to take a point.

To only worsen the problem everyone who wants to WvW and is in a trash WvW server will migrate to the top WvW servers and this cycle will never end.

There should be some serious rubberbanding for the two competing servers in WvW when a single server owns 99% of map. This lets those of us in trash WvW servers at least get to take points and get some experience even if we cant defend it later on.

if you take 30min to group up that may be the main reason your loseing

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Teknobug.3782


WvW has been the most fun I (and most of my guild) has had in years since early days of SWG (player faction bases and random mass pvp anywhere in the galaxy).

As the others says, don’t run with the zerg if your server is failing, sneak around and find a keep to take behind the defender’s back and try to separate the defenders up.

PS- I recognize Angryranger & Columba… I forget what my screenname was in Aion. lol

Yak’s Bend WvWvW’er [Mount Phoenix Imperials]
Intel i7 3770K @ 4.5GHz | 8GB G.Skill DDR3 1600 ram | Gigabyte R9 280X 3GB (14.2)
Win 8 Pro 64bit

(edited by Teknobug.3782)

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Convenant.7092


WvW is definitely NOT a joke. Maybe it’s your mentality or playstyle. Maybe you call everything a joke?

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Frice.8746


Ehmry Bay: 301,020 VS Borlis Pass: 42,130 VS Ferguson Crossing: 37,912

What is this garbage and why haven’t they fixed this yet?

Instead they make it worse by making the rotation last an entire week. I get to look forward to seven days of getting slammed by a team with ten times our numbers… what the F.

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Frice.8746


It IS a joke when servers are tottaly outmatched and they do seemingly NOTHING to fix it.

I have been slugging it out for nearly a month in WvW and it is only getting more IMBA… not less.


WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: NoizeMaker.8367


Go DB! Go DB Go DB! Im sure a lot of you hate Dragonbrand right about now. Its not a outnumbered problem. Its the fact that Some server like DB are working together and running strats to take over everyone easily.

If you work together you will have no problem stomping these so called Outnumbering servers. Its all a part of team play and most of you need to learn it. Be it a zerg of 30 -50 or a few group of 5 taking supply camps to damper the other forces. It will work wonders if you just try and work together as a full force team.


Commander Ovi Bell: 80 – Guardian
Commander Skigoboom: 80 – Engi
Protocol WvW Lead [PRO] Dragonbrand

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfus.4531


It IS a joke when servers are tottaly outmatched and they do seemingly NOTHING to fix it.

I have been slugging it out for nearly a month in WvW and it is only getting more IMBA… not less.


Sorry but i think your server is a joke, in the times that the servers matchups were 24hrs and you got rofl stomped on each matchup that is what we call the common variable. What do you expect 24 servers go into the mix only 8 can come out on top. Is this epic illusion syndrome starting to kick in where your server is just so epic there should be no reason you are losing?

WvW is a joke.

in WvW

Posted by: mohtools.4312


I’m from Ferguson Crossing. Everytime I log on WvW I find my server greatly out numbered. Last sunday I logged on almost the whole day just to see what is going on and again we are out numbered. Everywhere my guild went we would encounter at least 8 to 10 Ehmry bay players.

Is there a way to see the number of people on every side?

Today I asked a guild member to go into WvW and the reply was what’s the point we will wast our time. We will lose and we will not get anything out of it.

Once the dominating servers go head to head at some point they will realize that the power distribution is not equal from the start and then you will “cry” and say its a joke.