I hate WvW, not as a concept but in it’s current implementation.
For solo play, information on what to do is unavailable.
For group play, objective flipping is boring and grindy, while keep taking is grindy and unimaginative. Keep defending is one of the most boring things I’ve ever done, ingame or out.
Fixes are fairly straight forward, most involve simple gameplay adjustments to encourage competitive behavior instead of mindless objective zerging, while inserting stratagy and order in to what is currently a mindless and chaotic mess.
1) Supply Causes Static Defense
1a) Spawn Supply Dolyaks at Keeps instead of Camps
1b) Make unescorted Supply Dolyaks always fail (spawn light npc ambushes)
1c) Make Dolyaks require a 10 second interuptable (with damage) finish move after their softdeath that cannot be bursted through.
1d) Keeps decay over time without supply, rather than using supply to upgrade their facilities.
Current keep defense is incredibly static as a scout it forced to sit in a keep or roam in a pattern in order to keep intel relevent for keep defense. No gameplay element, designed correctly, should force people to do boring things in order to play properly.
Spawning Dolyaks at keeps means that defenders have a chance to escort Dolyaks on their runs. Making unescorted dolyaks fail, and make supply important to keeping keeps defendable means that defenders must escort the dolyaks. Spawning light npcs means that even if no players engage the dolyaks the escorts are still not mindlessly boring. Making Dolyaks require a finishing move means that bursting down a Dolyak is no longer viable, a group needs to defend the Dolyak, but they also need to be completely defeated (or be pushed back) by the attacking side in order to fail the supply run. Keeps degrading rather than upgrading moves people out of the static position of designated keep upgrader, and instead focus players on open map control. This will also lessen the nightcapping issue, as fully upgraded keeps no longer will be an expensive endevour requiring 24 hour support, but instead a starting point which over time- due to lack of maintenance, falls apart.
2) Supply escorts are meaningless for attacking sides
2a) After being Finished Supply Dolyaks respawn on the killing persons side, as either a supply if the opposite objective is owned by the killing realm, or an attack Dolyak that spawns items similar to the recently implemented Last Stand mechanic (free siege, semi powerful npc) if both neighboring objectives are owned by enemy teams.
2b) Repeated flipping of the caravan leads to an increasingly powerful Dolyak/Caravan up to a reasonable cap and balanced against exploitative flipping.
3) Supply Favors the winners
3a) Total supply grantable by Dolyaks is a fixed amount across all available Dolyaks
3b) Supply loss of keeps is fixed, meaning more keeps requires a higher amount of total supply
3c) To maintain a whole map at full upgraded status a side must successfully capture every Dolyak every time.
Currently winning sides continue to win, and it becomes easier and easier for them to do so. This continues until a new batch of players log on and the old ones log out. Losing feels hopeless, because winning sides have more supply, more weapons, and bigger zergs.
If a side owns one keep, by ensuring that escorting their 1 Dolyaks keeps that keep upgraded fully means that they are unlikely to be stuck flipping one keep the whole night, getting more and more bored and disheartened. Forcing the winning side to escort more and more Dolyaks to keep Keeps upgraded means that either the losing sides can take degraded keeps easier, or that winning sides truly require superior play and communication is order to dominate, not just higher numbers.