(edited by Szmer.9602)
WvW is dead for Fissure and Underworld
Szmer.9602 Sorry for my english…
Learn this …… shooo “Hacktide” kitten…..
Let me explain that video to you the easiest way;
I’d suggest removing the link and their name from your post unless you want infractions and your post or this entire thread to be deleted for naming and shaming.
(edited by Ajax.4970)
kitten even with a hacker on our side we can’t win XD^^
That is how doomed we are.
FYI we’re “crying” because there is no one to play with. Even if we “start playing” (I don’t see how I can start WvW when me and my guild already spend 90% of our time there…). There is nothing left to do than just let you guys go up and hope you stay there.
Until Anet decides to bless us with something.
kitten even with “trapper runes” on our side we can’t win XD^^
His link showed no proof of hacking, unless he has more any more evidence it’s just a ranger hiding in a tower with trapper runes.
WOW if you think trapper runes are hacking then no wonder you’ve been threatening us regularly for speedhacking.
We use something called swiftness
It’s a buff you can get that makes you run faster.
If you need more explanations on our various “cheats” please don’t hesitate : )
EDIT: Sarcasm in my previous comment Ajax ; )
yes i and i have done this many times ….its just a trapper ranger…..it looks like he disappear like a Hacker..but its the 3 sec stealth that does it ….i just didnt wanted to try to explain that to the “hacktide” poster …jeezzzz thx Ajax
this just shows how stupid theese guys are ..unbelievable…well 2hours left till they shoo
this just shows how stupid theese guys are ..unbelievable…well 2hours left till they shoo
Well.. if he’s been playing for just 1 month how was he supposed to know?
Anyway, he made agood point about how hackers like low pop servers and while they’re currently on BT(mostly) I wouldn’t be suprised to see more of both UW and FoW hackers in the coming months.
Also I’m not suprised that he’s not seen any BT hackers. It’s much harder to find hackers on your own server than it is to find enemy hackers.
(edited by Kungsmurfen.2861)
Like i said, im playing gw2 for a month. Yes, it was my mistake… i’ve removed this video and im sorry. But i dont understand why you guys are so rude. You act like this guys i mentioned before. You are good only in insult other people…
Nice bullkitten UW and FoW…
I’m playing GW2 for a month… first time i heard about cheaters in this game from UW nad FoW players who insulted me on whispers (1 guy from UW and two guys from FoW) just for defending keeps. One of them even called me a cheater.I hate cheating so i decided to do something with that. I decided to play gw2 at night and have my ShadowPlay almost always ON. After two weeks of hunting i didnt saw any BT hacker, instead of this i saw many active BT players who have worked all night to cap and defend camps and castles. There are almost no active UW/FoW players at night.
And at the daytime the situation is similar. We have everyday few active big groups on wvw but there is no one to fight. Sometimes guilds like Jd, Zerk, Dare show up with bigger numbers… but it is just “sometimes”. I have to admit – the fights (especially with Jd) are awesome! Wish i could fight with you guys everyday.Yes – there was two cheaters on BT but they just ruined this server. Simple logic – BT was losing with cheaters, and now without them we are winning. There came a lot of new players, there are some organized guilds, they cooperate and that is the main reason you are losing… not cheaters or spies.
I’ve spent lot of time reading this forum and spying problem is everywhere. Someone’s stilling your golems? It’s because you are not organized and you let them to do that. Or stop building that stupid golems!![]()
And this is not only my opinion but players from UW and FoW says so in other topics.So that is what i saw after this two weeks of cheater hunting.
Sorry for my english…
Bt player after a month of playing gw : " I didn’t see any bt hacker in two weeks of hunting, that means there are no bt hackers…all of you saying that there are bt hackers and spies, and post videos and play this game for years you are wrong…. my long month in the game made me an expert"
Good one, lol
(edited by Elia.7193)
shoo szmer eikkk
We all know Kungsmurfen is a Blackgate spy telling his server our most amazing strategies so they can stay on top.
We all know Kungsmurfen is a Blackgate spy telling his server our most amazing strategies so they can stay on top.
Excactly…..and thats why hes the most fantastic tagplayer of the year so skilled beond believe…I think i will call the Queen to get him announced “Knight of the smurfs”
King “Hacksmurf”…loool
1 hour 45 min left
Bt player after a month of playing gw : " I didn’t see any hacker in two weeks of hunting, that means there are no hackers…all of you saying that there are hackers and spies, and post videos and play this game for years you are wrong…. my long month in the game made me an expert"
Good one, lol
I didn’t say that you’re wrong. But i’m saying that the hackers are not your biggest problem. Like many ppl from your server says – you dont have enough WvW players.
That your problem. I’m not defending hackers, i’m trying to do something with that… even if i did some mistakes. Actually i wanted to help you to bring more evidence against hackers.
Maybe I shouldn’t do anything… I’ve never been so insulted in any game… i rather play on “hacktide” than playing on same server with so many rude ppl. Maby one day i will catch the BT hackers but there is no hope for so pathetic people like meltdown.
to “Hacktide with Love”
You do realise that hakers haven’t been on because there is nothing to cap, right?
Since we decided to stop playing vs the cheats, especially our night shift which refuses to be cheated. however i know that they are all on fow still and waiting for a legit MU, the cheaters have had nothing to do. so why come to hack a few sentry s? thou i wouldn’t put it past them seeing as BT sink so low at times with the endless idiot who camps our wp’s, kills our golems, reports our position to your server and spams chat with ridiculous " join hacktide messages".
there is a reason BT is most well know server for hackers and its not by accident
Bt player after a month of playing gw : " I didn’t see any hacker in two weeks of hunting, that means there are no hackers…all of you saying that there are hackers and spies, and post videos and play this game for years you are wrong…. my long month in the game made me an expert"
Good one, lol
I didn’t say that you’re wrong. But i’m saying that the hackers are not your biggest problem. Like many ppl from your server says – you dont have enough WvW players.
That your problem. I’m not defending hackers, i’m trying to do something with that… even if i did some mistakes. Actually i wanted to help you to bring more evidence against hackers.Maybe I shouldn’t do anything… I’ve never been so insulted in any game… i rather play on “hacktide” than playing on same server with so many rude ppl. Maby one day i will catch the BT hackers but there is no hope for so pathetic people like meltdown.
We are not rude, we are very friendly server. And stop the drama. I appreciate that you tried to help but maybe you should realise that a month doesn’t qualify you to know everything and posting that hackers doesn’t exist in bt because you didn’t see them. I agree is not all down to hackers, is also down to your spies and the huge numbers that you have. You will realise more when and if you find yourself in the position uw and fow is atm. Anyway gl to us all , I hope this week will be better
Elia.7193 ……. huge numbers that you have.
cant be more wrong …thay catch them in EOTM…
and do quick runs with the KING of SMURFS
Most of the time its just mister Smurf and the fabulous Szzzzzmer who are online ..they feel like heros posessing all maps…lool…shooooooooooooooooooooooo
have to repost this
1 hour left ………………….
OMG what have we done to suffer another week of this???????
UW WvW player – TooT !
lol well another week of just hacktide vs hacktide vs hacktide…gg anet
Yup, cu next week guys /cry
meltdown.5870 u will cry 1 more week no1 cant pay that fell when u cry like 0 skill noob
meltdown.5870 u will cry 1 more week no1 cant pay that fell when u cry like 0 skill noob
UW WvW player – TooT !
infractions using humiliating words like noob
Somehow i LOVE Anet for leaving theese ….pukables with tier 9. let them sit and pump their clowns for a week ..i go do something useful
Enjoy brilliant servers
Who care?
Not me for sure
So lets stop cry and have some fun on good wvsw fights
See You on the field !!
(edited by KlausKNT.9302)
nope you wont……..
yay.. dark side is back.. more hackers <.< unless that’s an old screenshot.
yay.. dark side is back.. more hackers <.< unless that’s an old screenshot.
Underworld – [ZERK]
this shows how hicktides behave …this smurf …signing in as Zerk member ..this is hacktide
yay.. dark side is back.. more hackers <.< unless that’s an old screenshot.
Underworld – [ZERK]
this shows how hicktides behave …this smurf …signing in as Zerk member ..this is hacktide
Any of the old Underworlders will laugh if they heard that…at least i did
Rest assured Kungsmurfen isn’t from Hacktide
Seems we dont have to fight another week our sweeties with lil hacking habbits.Saw that new video of invisible thief killing your peeps,gosh,hope we dont meet bt soon.Still got in fresh memory that duo which got deleted,but it seems some ppl are immortal
GL to you uw and fow for now,WSR got another nice week of normal zerg wars.
Seems we dont have to fight another week our sweeties with lil hacking habbits.Saw that new video of invisible thief killing your peeps,gosh,hope we dont meet bt soon.Still got in fresh memory that duo which got deleted,but it seems some ppl are immortal.
GL to you uw and fow for now,WSR got another nice week of normal zerg wars.
OTAN guild,WSR server
yeah this is unbelievable….FoW and Underworld are stuck with theese kittenheads for another week …well.. we cant do kitten about it ,,and WvW is no longer an option to plays in GW2……………welll good “thing” is …..“hacktides” will kitten around for a week playing the big heros of GW2 ..and we have spare time to make that ascended weaponds
Rest assured Kungsmurfen isn’t from Hacktide
Rex Arnel : Ranger
hes from hacktide …..no more trolling
Rest assured Kungsmurfen isn’t from Hacktide
Rex Arnel : Ranger
hes from hacktide …..no more trolling
im not trolling,
If he were from hacktide, he would’nt have helped us when we were fighting vabbi and fort ranik
Next time you claim something like this, have some proof to back it up
Rex Arnel
heyyy igo away troll…rex is a cool guy and u must kitten
one wish before silence …..
theese things didnt mak it up..again thx Anet ..for not letting theese things move up….
All u players out there(specially addressed to higher tiers) who realy hates cheaters like hacktides and who wants to show theese pgs………,,,
Gather up join Fissure or Underworld to show theese pgs ..that WvW is for fun not for exploiting and cheating and beeing a lowtide no good player in GW2….
Use the few gold thats needed to show theese pgs ..that we(dedicated WvW players) do NOT accept this behavior in GW2…. vaya condios,,,good luck,,,Cyaalll8m8`s
take down a hacker ..just for the fun of it ^^^**
im so so so sad for …this hacktide behavior .everything is dead now ……..please please ..you big guys ..show theese hacktides how to not behave ..unpunished in WvW….spend the few golds and time if you are bored for a joint venture against “hacktides”…please join Fissure or underworld …just for a visit to show theese pgs
Best WvW ever ……………….. all maps are hacktides ..noone is playing … great game
great fun ..great nothing ……….loool….collective suicide …due to hacktide players behavior………………..please come and show theese cheeses how to behave in WvW ..its free ..cause they suck
Those screens above…what am supposed to see on 3d and 4th?
meltdown.5870 go play pokemons because guild wars is not ur game in this game u cant cry u ned to get balls and do something and u are not that kind of guy
Those screens above…what am supposed to see on 3d and 4th?
That we’re evil hackers because somehow we managed to place siege at the edge of spawn.
Therefore insta-teleporting in towers to kill lords for them is ok^^
Arrow icon
meltdown.5870 go play pokemons because guild wars is not ur game in this game u cant cry u ned to get balls and do something and u are not that kind of guy
And you realy need to go to school and wash your mouth with soap hackkitty
We don’t hate you (Bt), we hate the hackers/trolls/clueless that sadly are part of your team(and some on the forums apparently).
Our only line of work here is to not WvW until your toxic players get bored. We’re sorry for the honest blacktide players who want to play but it’s the only thing we can do as players since Anet is not doing anything on their end.
Pure and simple.
Once they leave you “should” still be abble to be competitive since you have numbers and numbers are THE strength in WvW. The experience you will get by facing more powerful servers who will force you to be more crafty.
But until then
Take some time to do some pve or spvp and get a breath of fresh air.
We hope it will get resolved soon
Those screens above…what am supposed to see on 3d and 4th?
That we’re evil hackers because somehow we managed to place siege at the edge of spawn.
Therefore insta-teleporting in towers to kill lords for them is ok^^
I get that, I was asking for the other two screens
meltdown.5870 go play pokemons pls and cry in kindergardern