WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: Deified.7520


The idea for this was great. I was really excited for this and the PvP. Every time I played WvW i get really annoyed, frustrated, andkitten off. I eventually end up leaving because the cons are way to much.

First part, the way PvP in gw2 is made. It seems most of the skills, and damage is based around AoE. I really don’t like this because most battles are >dodge snares>finally get snared> tons of AoEs. This is the same with support spells. They all seem to be AoE. Personally I think it is a lazy way of making skills. In WvW it is even worse with the sheer amount of people and arrow carts.

Second, despite what can be initially thought, the AoE setup promotes zergs. So WvW turns into a big AoE zerg fest in battles. I have never idea what is going on because there are so many red circles, so many people dodge and randomly blocking because of some skill. I’m just trying to get as many people as i can into little green circles of spells hoping one of them does something.

Third, WvW is a snowball game. What is meant by this is when someone starts winning, they just keep getting stronger and stronger. This is evident with orbs of powers and other unlockable upgrades. It also works this way is when one server starts to lose, people leave. So then you have one server who is full and dominating against other servers who are missing people and don’t have all the buffs.

Fourth, I take this, it is retaken within seconds. I find this very unfun. When originally hearing about WvW, I imagined taking a fortress, fortifying it, and occupying/defending it with my guildies and then organizing with the other people at other fortress when to attack at once. Instead what I got is a tug of war between two zergs. Our zerg takes this, our zerg doesn’t have as many so when their zerg comes we die, they take it back, rinse and repeat.

Fifth, teaming up, and spies. Every time our zerg gets into position to do something, their zerg comes out of no where. Also I see teams team up with each other. So it becomes 1v2. How do I know this? Well besides both their zergs attacking us at once, the borders between them don’t even change. They literally sometimes don’t’ change from default.

Sixth, Pricing. My god this is a money drain. With repair cost and seige cost, you will spend a lot fast. Because of this you have people expecting others to buy stuff so nothing gets done. Most people get their siege off of chest and don’t bother buying stuff. Then you got repair cost. The main reason i eventually quit is because i dont want to lose all the cash.

Seventh, these matches are supposed to last a week, but it is just a constant zerg rush attacking. Seems way to fast paced for what it is supposed to be.

Finally, the rewards suck. The amount you get for doing events is just bad. There seems to be no point in WvW except it is kinda fun if you’re on the winning team. If you’re losing everyone just ignores the zone and doesn’t play it.

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: Deified.7520


Now some possible fixes with their respected numbers.

1. Give us more direct and creative spells and abilities. There seems to be no synergy or skill in WvW. It is purely about numbers and money, and that angers me a lot. Especially this is the pvp event where you can get stuff and show off (sPvP is fun, despite the AoE spells, but you can’t really take anything with you into the real world. GW had special emotes and what not, this has nothing it seems. Besides titles)

2. Some how give players a reason to split up. I’m not sure how you’d do this, but put side objective type of things; beside supply camps. Something small groups and split off from and take, but still make a difference. The supply camps and the little NPC type of guys are cool, but they dont seem to make a whole lot of a difference.

3. Don’t give the winning teams so many buffs. I would say turn WvW into small instanced battles instead of this big zerg fest, but that kinda defeats the hype.

4. Give a cooldown time of when you can attack and when you can take places. Maybe when you take a keep you have to wait 10-20 mins before it can be retaken. Another thing is putting a debuff on players that when you log off or exit, it can’t be destroyed or removed. IT last 30 mins and makes it so you can’t capture areas for 30 mins or till the game is up. This will cause players to slow down, and actually organize and think about their attacks. This can also prevent teams from steamrolling an entire team and taking all their land, then causing snowball to come into affect and just screw a team over. The debuff can be given to players in a range around an area when it is taken or like how events record stuff. So when you attack and do all this stuff, and leave the area. The game still realizes you were there and when it gives you an event reward, it gives you the debuff.

5. This is a tough one to counter. First he free world changes need to be turned off to counter the spies. How to make sure two teams don’t just steam roll one team? i really don’t know. The attack debuff from 4 might help.

6. Just removed repair cost. It pisses me off more than anything. The seige is alright, but the rest i can’t stand.

7. attack debuff would work here.

8. Just make the rewards better. They should be 3x or 4x what they are now. Especially if you can’t do this stuff ands team roll a team.

One last thing, just make it so big groups can join at once. There is so many possibilities in WvW, but instead people just run around in a big zerg following predictable straight line patterns.

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: Silker.3261


what are you doing standing in the aoes? they are soo easily avoidable all you do is move out of them? What else would you expect from a war like pvp enviornment? small groups fighting each other? no they’re going to be zergs. split up and take other areas if their zerg is on one keep.

As for the money and siege equipment once your higher level it isn’t too hard to make money to purchase the siege equipment you can even buy them with the coins that drop from players.

You should stick with sPvP from this post it sounds like thats more your playstyle and you’ll probibly enjoy it more then WvW or just uninstall the game

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: Deified.7520


I do dodge, plenty. I try to get out of AoEs. But there are just so many snares and so many red circles, its tough.

Don’t try to defend zerging. I think it is a large design flaw because it supports a system based around numbers rather than skill, quantity over quality. I think this should never happen in any video game.

Personally the coins drop vary rarely for me, especailyl when running in zergs. I may get 2-6 in an hour. I was thinking about saving up for the armor, but im thinking of giving up on that.

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: Silker.3261


there are so many ways to counter the aoes not just dodging. there are utility skills out there that let you escape. zerging is how it works though isn’t it? You want a large scale pvp battle ground of course your going to get a zerg because well its large scale right? I don’t see how complaining about it is going to help anything. Just find a way to defeat the zerg. Me and a couple of people about 6-8 of us vs around a 15 – 20 zerg came rushing to get a supply camp from us. We were like oh kitten were going to die theres a kitten ton of them but do to our coordination we ended up wiping them out. That being said it was a tiny zerg but none the less you can still defeat a zerg you just gotta play it right. you see a zerg coming towards a tower fight in the keep/tower and use your siege weapons. Don’t engage out in the open. Use choke points etc etc. The good ol pincer maneuver works too. Just gotta coordinate man and keep your head up.

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: Deified.7520


I get your point. There are a lot of escapes for AoE. But still, escaping and going out of range of DPS just to escape a AoE is bad imo. True, choke points can offer some amazing advantages. But I find very few of them on the map. Bridges, a few tunnels, and gate entrences are the only ones I can think of.

and im not complaining pointlessly. I’m hoping they will take my feedback. Even if it is a rage, they should still consider the feedback. Everytime someone comes on here and critique something and then people say “Go quit the game then, they don’t need you”, or "Quit whining we don’t want to hear ", then it turns into games like SWTOR or Star trek, or some other failed mmo. I’m looking on these forums and there seem to be more complaints about WvW then anything. This being said, saying WvW is fine where it is at is a fatal mistake, clearly something is wrong. I may be wrong with what I think, but something is wrong for sure.

Now people constantly say “X amount of allies stood up against Y enemies because of coordination (or some variation of the word)”, but what does that mean? What did you do? Was it a pug or a group of guildies? Did you time combos or just were in a party and could watch each others dots? People constantly say this and never explain what they mean. It may just be my server, the two biggest guilds i never see doing big groups in WvW, maybe 2-3.

(edited by Deified.7520)

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: Caramel Ham.4891

Caramel Ham.4891

I generally agree with all your points. WvW is not as fun as it sounds on paper.

The main thing i wish there was in WvW is no repair costs. This by itself, makes players not want to take many chances and just stay in the winning zerg. After the winning zerg gets defeated….it usually follows a mass exodus of players out of WvW. In general, there should NOT be any monetary investment in WvW. All those siege stuff should be stuff you can collect in the world. A self contained world. Maybe have a new currency in place. When you kill enemies, take objectives, defend objectives….you get currency you can spend towards buying siege stuff.

Also, i would like to point out that there really isnt any reason to stay and defend keeps. Just go ahead and attack attack attack, then get bored and leave. Defending keeps should be as important, or even more important than attacking keeps. I feel like Anet really dropped the ball with the design for WvW. Will it turn into another Swtor Ilum or Aion’s Abyss? If Anet does nothing….it very much will.

Mainly my main critics of WvW are:
-Pointless (no actual winner, except for what you see in the numbers)
-Money pit
-Tug of War boring zerg fest (fun for a while, once shiny is not so shiny anymore….boring)
-Map is waaay too big for the amount of players able to get in. (Make it smaller, make it faster paced, make it more interesting)

Or better yet. Please oh please let us have a pvp game mode similar to WvW for only like 60 players. One team defends, the other tries to take. Basically give us the Alterac Valley of WoW…but GW2 style.

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


I do dodge, plenty. I try to get out of AoEs. But there are just so many snares and so many red circles, its tough.

Don’t try to defend zerging. I think it is a large design flaw because it supports a system based around numbers rather than skill, quantity over quality. I think this should never happen in any video game.

Personally the coins drop vary rarely for me, especailyl when running in zergs. I may get 2-6 in an hour. I was thinking about saving up for the armor, but im thinking of giving up on that.

Then you must not have heard how we defended a keep with 10 against 50 with the gates down. I don’t even remember what match it was anymore.

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: Deified.7520


There is an example of what i was saying earlier. Give me some details. Which map, which keep, what were the keeps upgrades, what level were you guys, what was your team comp, were you all in a party/knew each other. How many arrow carts did you have, what was your general strategy? Things like that. People clearly must be doing something wrong since you guys can do this stuff, help us understand what we are doing wrong instead of just bragging.

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: aeroh.8930


I just would like to see incentives to attack the winning realm instead of ganging up on number two or three. That’s the whole point of three realm RvR system, right? so that if any one realm gets to be too powerful, the lesser two will focus on it and more or less ignore each other? That’s not happening. The orb bonus isn’t helping matters much. Get rid of it. Now. Disable it for a week or two and see if anything changes.

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: mifbifgiggle.6713


i disagree with the snowball-effect statement. If two equally-skilled teams went at it, this would be true, but each team is not going to have the same skill level. So if you’re better than the other team, you’ll win.

Mr Flintlock, lvl 80 Engineer
Jade Quarry Crusader
rock the elixirs.

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: Silker.3261


i agree with mifbifgiggle. the better team will win regardless of size. Just coordinate. is it that hard? use the buffs your guild gives you when you claim a tower for your guild. they help out alot. alot of the time a zerg is usually facing one direction they don’t look behind them. Just coordenate a flank and you should be able to take out that zerg. Depending on there level and equipment/traits is also a factor.

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: Deified.7520


I just would like to see incentives to attack the winning realm instead of ganging up on number two or three. That’s the whole point of three realm RvR system, right? so that if any one realm gets to be too powerful, the lesser two will focus on it and more or less ignore each other? That’s not happening. The orb bonus isn’t helping matters much. Get rid of it. Now. Disable it for a week or two and see if anything changes.

I agree with this. There really isn’t a point to winning. Sure you have the upgrades, but I still don’t feel rewarded when I do something or capture something or when i’m winning. I only feel bad about the orbs because i know that server is probably going to be owning. I think orb bonuses should apply to outside of PvP. Like more MF, more karma, etc; for everyone on the server.

i disagree with the snowball-effect statement. If two equally-skilled teams went at it, this would be true, but each team is not going to have the same skill level. So if you’re better than the other team, you’ll win.

Thats not really true. One team starts to win on either side. They get the orbs that futher buff themselves. They then start taking keeps and supply camps. They have more supplies while the person they are beating are getting less and less, making it harder to comeback.

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: Jorjeis.2169


Re 2v1, it is a natural part of the 3 way battle.
A attacks B. C can attack either A or B. Either way someone is getting double teamed.

Member of [KnT] – Blackgate

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: Lemonseed.8751


>damage is based around AoE

High ranked servers do fortify their keeps and hold out against wave after wave of assaults
It’s the low rank servers that win and lose their positions all the time

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


It’s not my fault my aoe dmg is more than my single target dmg even if only 1 guy is in the aoe.

It’s because aoe has delay on them making them easily Dodgeable.

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: Erenax.2354


WvWvW is great. Brings back a lot of memories playing DAoC. If you don’t like Zerg PvP, go play in the sPvP environments and leave the rest of us to our castle/tower sieges.

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


damage is based around AoE: This is a sensible way to build for Mass PvP.

the AoE setup promotes zergs: Single target spells would make zergs harder to combat.

WvW is a snowball game: Good winning should be rewarded. We have oftem come back from 3 orbs down to holding 3.

Fourth, I take this, it is retaken within seconds.: this is not the case. Often I have seen keeps held without doors by a samller force with one or even two other servers attacking.

Fifth, teaming up, and spies.: Good knowing what the other team is doin is very powerful.

Pricing: Money comes easily from looting.

these matches are supposed to last a week, but it is just a constant zerg rush attacking. Seems way to fast paced for what it is supposed to be: That makes it exciting

The rewards suck: I consider them generous.

There seems to be no synergy or skill in WvW. It is purely about numbers and money, and that angers me a lot: this isn’t true at all. There is tons of synergy. Control the space, control the enemy, aoe the enemy. A force can beat a force up to 4 times it size.

Some how give players a reason to split up: This exists, people just choose not to do it. Good groups already do this.

Don’t give the winning teams so many buffs: Winning should be rewarded

One last thing, just make it so big groups can join at once: I agree

It seems that you are just not a fan of mass PvP. That’s ok.

The way to prosper in mass PvP is to coordinate.

This game is delivering what Warhammer promised but failed to. Mass Pvp is great fun. It rewards the coordinated, cooperating server and groups.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: Silker.3261


damage is based around AoE: This is a sensible way to build for Mass PvP.

the AoE setup promotes zergs: Single target spells would make zergs harder to combat.

WvW is a snowball game: Good winning should be rewarded. We have oftem come back from 3 orbs down to holding 3.

Fourth, I take this, it is retaken within seconds.: this is not the case. Often I have seen keeps held without doors by a samller force with one or even two other servers attacking.

Fifth, teaming up, and spies.: Good knowing what the other team is doin is very powerful.

Pricing: Money comes easily from looting.

these matches are supposed to last a week, but it is just a constant zerg rush attacking. Seems way to fast paced for what it is supposed to be: That makes it exciting

The rewards suck: I consider them generous.

There seems to be no synergy or skill in WvW. It is purely about numbers and money, and that angers me a lot: this isn’t true at all. There is tons of synergy. Control the space, control the enemy, aoe the enemy. A force can beat a force up to 4 times it size.

Some how give players a reason to split up: This exists, people just choose not to do it. Good groups already do this.

Don’t give the winning teams so many buffs: Winning should be rewarded

One last thing, just make it so big groups can join at once: I agree

It seems that you are just not a fan of mass PvP. That’s ok.

The way to prosper in mass PvP is to coordinate.

This game is delivering what Warhammer promised but failed to. Mass Pvp is great fun. It rewards the coordinated, cooperating server and groups.


WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: Vulpix.4580


Zergs happen in big server matches NEWS AT 11. It’s a natural thing to happen, that’s how wars work. Why the heck is this even a surprise, it happens in any war game.

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: Brawl.9214


Well as always seems that everyone has their opinion and no one opinion is better than the other so the game will stay as it is. My opinion? WvW is a Zerg Fest no room for melee … sooo… just level a ranged AoE’er and have at it if thats your thing. All others report to sPvP.

(edited by Brawl.9214)

WvW is not very fun. Here is what i dont like and some possible fixes.

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


Balance the numbers of players in battleground for the 3 servers will solve all this, also ppl will join the less populated servers cause right now the numbers make u win, not tactics or skill.
Simple fix