WvW is to much walking

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Magyman.9758


I play quite good don’t die often, do kill players, but sometimes on bad luck or bad play you die like in every game.

But after i die:
I need to walk like 5 minutes back to the spot where i was.
Every time the same boring route with wolfs running after you who slowing you down or always have to think about what are the shortest ways to go down without falling death to the ground. Its frustrating, its boring, its not fun when you want to fight vs players and want to have fun when you want to play a game.

Sometimes there are no commanders and i don’t see all players on the map, so often when i finnaly reach a spot players have moved to an other spot so the 5minutes i mention before might be 10 or 15 minutes which can lead to get overuned by 10 players or a group of 3 thieves who isntandly kill me.
Result: redo everything what i just mention.

When i play a game as a pvp lover, i want to do pvp allot, and i don’t like arena’s as its often to much the same. Im a person who love world pvp like you had in WoW before battlegrounds/arena’s where made. So WvW is something i do like, just the walking/running part makes me having a feeling i don’t have fun and thats something i want when playing this game.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Meest.2748


If anything there’s not enough space and run and port times are too cheesy and easy to get back out there. You should fear dying not just respawn and charge out constantly over and over.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


If there was less running, there’d be endless reinforcements as soon as anyone died anywhere. It’s already sometimes, depending on who’s assaulting/defending what where, that they get back much faster than anticipated or hoped for.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: StugLyfe.2134


I actually had a couple friends leave the game over this. Modern MMOS require no walking and that is what they are used to. They were like “wtf dose this game not have mounts” “it take forever to get back to pvp after you die”

I don’t feel this way but then again I played games with naked corps runs…….

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


apparently the concept of needing some sort of travel time between a spawn and a keep siege is flying way over some peoples heads.

this is why people complain so much, because they have no idea what they want, they just want everything that sounds good at the time without thinking what it means.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: RayneOfChaos.9856


Sometimes I agree right there with you in saying there’s too much walking, but then I realize it is WvWvW, not sPvP. You’re not suppose to walk a whole world in 10 minutes. To reduce run time, make better strategies and alliances

Sik Stormz – 80 Elementalist
Yak’s Bend

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: lcpdragonslayer.7895


I understand that it’s frustrating how far you have to go to get back to the action, and by the time you get there – whoops, everyone’s moved on to a different supply camp. But can you imagine having a waypoint right next to all the camps and towers?

A) Oh, I died. But the closest waypoint is contested since, well, that’s where I died from the other server trying to reclaim the territory. In fact half the waypoints on the maps are contested since this is WvW and not PvE.

B) Oh, I died. The closest uncontested waypoint is half a minute away. I’ll just respawn and run back in one minute and keep abusing the waypoint for its infinite resurrections until I’m naked and win back the camp/tower.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Surbrus.6942


That would completely kill the strategy of cutting off reinforcements if you could magically get right back into the action. Also, the punishment for death in this game is already mild enough in many people’s opinions.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Mojo.2691


I thought they was planning on adding a Player Camp. You would buy them like siege equipment and have to build it with resources. Once it’s built nearby players could rez there.

Enemies would have to find the camp and destroy it to prevent the constant supply of reinforcements.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


No one likes walking but what are the alternatives?

I don’t appreciate complaints that have no better solution posted, and having “mounts” just isn’t it.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Mojo.2691


No one likes walking but what are the alternatives?

I don’t appreciate complaints that have no better solution posted, and having “mounts” just isn’t it.

I don’t want mounts although I think an alternative could be having a stable at supply nodes. You can get a horse and ride it for a price but lose it when you dismount and knocked off when attacked.

They could just give a speed buff similar to what they do in cities that goes away if you’re attacked.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Tito.3270


actualy it’s too less running, there is no point in dieing if you can just teleport back to where you died.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: jaegerx.1693


You know what else, since we’re talking about completely useless stuff here. I hate defending keeps/towers. Can Anet make bots to defend keeps/towers for us so we can fight in the field for no reason?

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Healingpistol.5829


You know what, I hate building siege. Can Anet make all the siege build itself in towers/camps/keeps. You place it and 2 workers spawn also, and start building it.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Odaman.8359


The zones are too small as it is. I hope if they make new wvw maps they’ll consider making them larger to make travel time impact zergs. That said, I wouldnt be opposed to dead bodies warping to a type of siege construct as long as they have to be rez’d by a player.

Odaman 80 Mesmer

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


Ok, I have to agree walking all the way to the top of the map is a little tedious, but there is a point. A valid point at that.

When you die, that is less people on the battlefield, less people on the battlefield means your enemy has an advantage, that advantage pushes your force back or demolishes them completely. Each kill raises that chance.

Now, if the enemy is attacking you near your home base which means your respawn point is extremely close than this essentially helps your team. Think about it. In this situation, your server is already losing, and your enemy is winning. Well, since the enemy has pushed you back to your respawn point than that means they are FAR from theres! You die = you go right back into action rather quickly. They die = far distance to travel which means they have to either A. Regroup up or B. Come at you one by one and die one by one. This gives your team an advantage.

The distance to travel and the amount of time to travel is intentional. It helps keep balance on the playing field.

EDIT: Forgot to mention. This also reduces the whole kamakazi style of game play. A player has to actually think, “hmm, should I jump into that huge zerg?”. Rather than jump, attack, die, warp back, rinse and repeat. The long distance traveled will annoy this players play style rather quickly, and you will be left with a group of individuals who focus on tactics rather than suicidal bomber runs.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

(edited by DivineBeing.2086)

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Mojo.2691


The zones are too small as it is. I hope if they make new wvw maps they’ll consider making them larger to make travel time impact zergs. That said, I wouldnt be opposed to dead bodies warping to a type of siege construct as long as they have to be rez’d by a player.

Dude, that would work well with a player camp idea. Players buy a camp like they would siege, then they would have to build it with resources. When people die they can go to that waypoint but they are rez’d dead. The area would resemble a war medic center with beds in a line. Players defending the camp would have to come by and rez them manually.

(edited by Mojo.2691)

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


I don’t want mounts although I think an alternative could be having a stable at supply nodes. You can get a horse and ride it for a price but lose it when you dismount and knocked off when attacked.

They could just give a speed buff similar to what they do in cities that goes away if you’re attacked.

So.. how would other people attack you while you’re traveling from your Base to wherever you want to go?

So.. how would other people attack you while you’re traveling from your Base to wherever you want to go?You wan’t to eliminate half of WvW and just leave the trench warfare.

So.. how would other people attack you while you’re traveling from your Base to wherever you want to go?You wan’t to eliminate half of WvW and just leave the trench warfare.Basically what you’re suggesting is this: let’s have 10×10 square meter big map, tower on one side, tower on the other. Instant respawn and enemies duel it out in the middle.

So.. how would other people attack you while you’re traveling from your Base to wherever you want to go?You wan’t to eliminate half of WvW and just leave the trench warfare.Basically what you’re suggesting is this: let’s have 10×10 square meter big map, tower on one side, tower on the other. Instant respawn and enemies duel it out in the middle.That’s not WvW. You want another mode that’s called Clusterkitten.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Mojo.2691


So.. how would other people attack you while you’re traveling from your Base to wherever you want to go?

So.. how would other people attack you while you’re traveling from your Base to wherever you want to go?You wan’t to eliminate half of WvW and just leave the trench warfare.

So.. how would other people attack you while you’re traveling from your Base to wherever you want to go?You wan’t to eliminate half of WvW and just leave the trench warfare.Basically what you’re suggesting is this: let’s have 10×10 square meter big map, tower on one side, tower on the other. Instant respawn and enemies duel it out in the middle.

So.. how would other people attack you while you’re traveling from your Base to wherever you want to go?You wan’t to eliminate half of WvW and just leave the trench warfare.Basically what you’re suggesting is this: let’s have 10×10 square meter big map, tower on one side, tower on the other. Instant respawn and enemies duel it out in the middle.That’s not WvW. You want another mode that’s called Clusterkitten.

What’s with the repetitive questions? It’s just a suggestion man, calm down. If you don’t like it post why and move on.

IMO it would be nice to have some sort of movement speed increase even if it has heavy restrictions. I understand that WvW has a lot of dependance on distance and traveling time, I’m just throwing out possible solutions.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: jaif.3518


To the OP, for instant action PvP, try sPvP. I know it gets a bad rap by forum elitists, but it’s actually quite a bit of fun when you only 15-30 mins and just want to kill people. You’ll have to deal with the occasional unbalanced game, but otherwise it’s what you’re asking for – you jump in right away.


P.S. I love WvW and play it often, but when I’m sick of the walking I’ll jump into sPvP.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Ways to avoid walking:
- don’t die.
- have a guild or team who can rez you.

It’s very good design that you can push back your opponents to waypoints, that way you can advance.
If we could use many spawns it would be too faceroll.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Adonis.5096

Dark Adonis.5096

love love love love the idea of buildable player camps !

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Richard.2318


How to solve this? Get more organized, don’t die. Zerg problems would be a lot worse if people didn’t have to travel long distances. They do have waypoints on keeps if you upgrade them. Don’t be lazy. Don’t play WvWvW if you don’t like it.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Sundial.9015


" I understand that WvW has a lot of dependance on distance and traveling time, I’m just throwing out possible solutions."

There isn’t a solution if there isn’t a problem. The amount of running is tame compared to other games. If there was any less running you could just endlessly respawn and zerg again. You already have plenty of handicaps to unorganized zerg with including:

1. AoE limit of 5
2. No raid groups
3. Downed state

Pick your fights wisely, know when you are overextending. You can already nearly completely mitigate travel time from spawn by simply not running like a lemming into a zerg repetitively.

Another reason travel time is there is to balance the map between attackers and defenders. Defenders have a huge advantage taking towers/keeps close to their base because their spawn is closer by.

How would you like it if you killed a zerg attacking your garrison only for it to show up 10 seconds later?

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

(edited by Sundial.9015)

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Gankfest.4965


The maps need to be bigger and more dynamic rather then small and exactly the same in every way.

Gankfest™ ~ <PRX> ~ JQ
80 ~ Thief/Guardian

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: dooger.2640


Warhammer made the mistake of making the maps too small, I do agree the run back death sucks but its the correct and only successful design choice.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Junkkis.5137


Dont die.
stick with ranged weapons/skills.
more zerg.
Zerg get wipet? run!…. or just teleport base.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Gisei.5749


It’s called using swiftness. =/ or teleports, or leaps, or whatever gets you from Point A to Point B quicker.

If I’m in for a big run, I’ll switch out some utilities or weapons and switch back before I reach my destination. There’s risk in doing so, but that’s the price of the added convenience. It sure won’t take me a whole 5mins to get to where ever I’m going.

Also try to run next to classes who tend to give out AoE swiftness, like mesmers and rangers.

And travel time is absolutely crucial and should not be reduced too much, if any.

~Sorrow’s Furnace~

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Grumpdogg.6910


Sounds like you need the E-exercise.

“I swung a sword, I swung a sword again, oh look I swung a sword again!”
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: tluv.5821


Cry more about something. If you are going to complain, at least spell check.

Two, speed boosts. I have no problem getting from one end of the map to the other. So what if there are no mounts. I’m actually HAPPY there are no mounts.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians
Formerly [QT] Questionable Tactics

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Radiodread.8469


There is not enough space. I think the borderlands are much closer to how it should be but still not quite spaced far enough apart.

EB on the other hand is just a zerb merry-go-round. You can spit on one tower and splash the next.

Radiodread, Guardian [Os] NSP
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

The cost timewise when you die generally makes immediate sense to old school DAoC/WAR players but possibly not so clear to those that have played small instance PvP in other games such as WoW, SWTOR and Rift.

Its an important part of allowing the side that is killing to actually win some progress because it puts the recently deceased quite rightly into a more difficult position as they lose forces in any given pressure point and become more susceptible to losing in that area they were fighting, rather than being an endless flow of kill kill kill without any change in the shape of a given battle.

I do not want this aspect of WvW to change.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at http://www.youtube.com/feed/UCRhCtfrF9GhxU1CoeZSN0kQ/u
Midnight Mayhem

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Wulfe.8092


I agree with Roo. In fact, my only complaint is that it doesn’t take long enough. DAoC had it right. If no one can rez you, you should be out of the fight for an extended period of time. This allows smaller groups to use strategies to whittle down a zerg force and still win against larger numbers. Even now in Wv3, its basically a numbers game as reinforcements can get back into the fight too quickly.

Wulfe Icewind
GM – Hounds of Valhalla

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: vespers.1759


yeah when i die and see that i have to run back across half the map i usually just leave.

ain’t nobody got time for dat.

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: declan.3968


I feel that the maps are too small, it’s hard for a small guild to make an impact when the response time from spawn is less than 2 minutes. It should take at least 5 minutes to run from spawn to any important structure like Keeps and Towers. This would make dying much more impactful. Right now it’s just a simple suicide and then come back in 2 minutes.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: fancy dagger feast.7520

fancy dagger feast.7520

Instead of complaining about WvWvW distance I like to look at ways to boost my return times, every profession has some type of Speedboost so i like to find the most efficent way to stack swiftness and get to the fight sooner. On my Ele, Theif, Warrior i can get almost permanent speed if i use my skills/cooldowns right. however my Engineer and Mesmer need a little more work with that being said its ok to carry a warhorn (or another weapon) with you and switch to it while you are running back then switch to your regular set when you are coming to the battle. I dont enjoy dying and respawning but getting back is a breeze.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: NatashaK.9418


It frustrated me a lot too. But my assumption was that it was designed to help the underdogs. By this I mean, if you’re pushing a base on the opponents turf, they have a much shorter run time than you. This may mean that a 2:1 disadvantage could be overcome due to quicker reinforcements.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Its good as it is now, walking sucks but getting back to the point you died within 1 minute brings more hurt then convience.

Defending a keep versus 50 people who come back almost instandly means your not going to hold it.

Dont die and you dont need to walk.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


I like the idea but its blatantly obvious how well it can be abused, imagine assaulting stonemist if the enemy has a waypoint that is 60 seconds away.

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Reclusiarh.2674


Why not ride a supply yak and get yourself comfortably to the front.


Guild wars should be war between orders, because orders are guilds too.