WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Pvp.2758


On Topic:
WvW matchups last too long….Look at the scores of the picture.

Needs to be 2-4 Days instead of 7 Days.

Off Topic:
Done all the Dungeons.
100% World
sPVP – Can’t even party with friends. // Same gametypes with different maps = boring.
tPVP – Not balanced enough yet // Same gametypes with different maps = boring.
Legendary – No fun to grind all day long for weeks.

What else is there to do?
I really want 2v2 / 3v3 or at least duels.

There is a reason my name is ‘Pvp’ because that is what I like to do. So far, the Pvp in this game lacks my long-term interest.

There is a reason WoW holds onto players for years and years even though nothing really changes. (I don’t like WoW. I like this game.)

/Ready for the flame.


S(KILL) Gametypes > WvW & sPVP

(edited by Pvp.2758)

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825


I’m sorry GW2 isn’t fun for you?

Play something else?

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Pvp.2758


…or I can try to let the A-Net team know so they can change the game around? Do you always answer with questions?

S(KILL) Gametypes > WvW & sPVP

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Pirhana.8935


There is nothing stopping you from roaming around in wvw and having your 2v2 or 3v3 small man fights, instead of following the zerg or sitting at standoffs actually run around.

it doesnt matter if yoru side is dominating or losing bad you will always find people gathering from nodes, doing points of interest or just trying to get to the hot spots.

I can solo or run with my friends, pick off alot of enemy players and never die to the enemy zerg.

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: HenryAu.7523


You should try those Halloween events if you haven’t. A lot of people are having loads of fun doing that on Tarnished Coast. The LA map chat was filled with insane amounts of LFG last night.

If that doesn’t appeal to you, you should consider taking a short break from the game and come back fresh on Fri night.

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Pvp.2758


The difference between that and actual 2v2/3v3 is that the players in WvW just run away, where in ‘arenas’ they don’t. Also, players can be scaled equally in ‘arenas’.

The point of me playing this game is to occupy my time when I have nothing else to do. & I have done everything in the Halloween Event… the whole event only lasted for about an hour, maybe 2 hours of my time.

S(KILL) Gametypes > WvW & sPVP

(edited by Pvp.2758)

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


What kinda answers do you want people to give to: “Stuff = boring”?

Gate of Madness

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Recently.1043


WvW is becoming alot less fun imo also, but for different reasons.

Way too many abusive strategies these days. I’m seeing the stacking turtle crap now which is pretty lame.

Thieves abusing stealth + rendering issues able to perma stop you from capping a spot is the worst though. The only way to counter it is to have everyone stand in 1 spot and spam aoes on yourself. That works in cap areas without buildings and walls but in areas that have those (ie bottom left supply camp), its almost impossible to kill 1-2 thieves and they can stall you out indefinitely.

Anet loves their thieves and their stealth mechanic, and its the most easily abused mechanic in this game since there is ZERO counter play. Really tempted to quit this game, and not because I want to move to a different one, but because this one is so poorly balanced.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Pirhana.8935


seeing that your a shortbow ranger from your screen shot most people shouldnt be able to get away from you, so they should be easy kills, and yes most do run but you will still find alot of people actually trying to fight you, most of them are people heading down the road to the fight, but you have to be good at hita nd runs because more are always coming behind them

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Syndic.4762


I agree and we should cancel our subs over this travesty.


WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Pirhana.8935


well just realized you were longbow, thats more standoff and yes it will be hard to keep people from running, on my ranger i run both bows just so i can do both standoffs and skirmishes

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: tluv.5821


Here is the thing. I’m still enjoying the game. You rushed into the content. Have you thought about trying the game on a different character with a different storyline? Probably not considering there are COUNTLESS options.

Here’s me:

Level 80 Human Necro
At the level 62 Personal Story Quest
Been playing since the 3 Day Headstart
At 64% Map Completion
Sitting around 8 Gold

I’m still having a blast. Still have tons to keep me entertained for a while. It isn’t Anets fault you rushed through the content. I know people in WvW with me who have logged close to 500-600 hours, purely WvW. If you don’t like the game anymore, then find something else.

The best part about this game, you can always come back. That is way Anet intended it.

Why should they rush out with content that people who have full-time careers, married, and actually go outside, be bombarded with content overload?

Have you completed all the achievements? Done every jumping puzzle? Sure, your WvW match up my be one-sided right now, wait till next week and see what you say.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians
Formerly [QT] Questionable Tactics

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Phillipidies.3204


I read this as: “I have a limited number of interests and too much free time.” How exactly is that A-net’s problem? Go read a book, you’ll never finish all of them in your lifetime.

Phaeax, Hydema, Phillipidies [LK] HoD

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: tluv.5821


WvW is becoming alot less fun imo also, but for different reasons.

Way too many abusive strategies these days. I’m seeing the stacking turtle crap now which is pretty lame.

Thieves abusing stealth + rendering issues able to perma stop you from capping a spot is the worst though. The only way to counter it is to have everyone stand in 1 spot and spam aoes on yourself. That works in cap areas without buildings and walls but in areas that have those (ie bottom left supply camp), its almost impossible to kill 1-2 thieves and they can stall you out indefinitely.

Anet loves their thieves and their stealth mechanic, and its the most easily abused mechanic in this game since there is ZERO counter play. Really tempted to quit this game, and not because I want to move to a different one, but because this one is so poorly balanced.

Then quit, we don’t want people on the SBI server like this. Go away.

And I have no problem killing thieves 1v1. It is a longer battle, yes, but I do manage.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians
Formerly [QT] Questionable Tactics

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Pvp.2758


So much flame and such little positive input.

I rarely play the game on weekends, and I only play at night and I still managed to ‘beat’ the game in a very short amount of time. I’m sorry I learned to play the game a little faster than most of you.

The only thing I am asking for is something that will give me long term interest in the game, such as shortening the WvW matchups to make them more entertaining, or some new type of competitive play/improve on the current competitive play.

Why WOULDN’T you want that too? Stop kittening and help improve the game.

Anyways. Looking for positive input, or don’t comment.

S(KILL) Gametypes > WvW & sPVP

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Maybe there’s so little positive input because some of these ideas (shorter matchups especially) are rehashed on a daily basis. Just a thought.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Pvp.2758


Telling someone to quit the game because they are losing interest in the game is so stupid IMO. Other plays and I are trying to give them ideas on how to keep the interest of their players because if you don’t feel the same way we do now, you will soon enough.

Maybe there is a reason it is rehashed on a daily basis? People tend to voice their opinions when things need to be changed.

S(KILL) Gametypes > WvW & sPVP

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Dhar.6392


Then quit, we don’t want people on the SBI server like this. Go away.

And I have no problem killing thieves 1v1. It is a longer battle, yes, but I do manage.

I think the point being made… and I’ll add my voice too is that GW2 is not going to unseat Wow as King.

It’s been a lot of fun; but it won’t stop me from jumping ship and never looking back for the next big release.

If you love it… more power to you. Folks loved Aion, Warhammer, Rift, and Perfect World… it’s nice being a big fish… in a tiny pond… isn’t it?

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


I understand there is a reason for it, but seeing a new thread pop up every time someone has the same idea doesn’t do much for people except push other threads down on the list.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Forest.4197


I totally agreed with opening once I saw the scores for the screenshot. As I said before, I blame Anet for this
1) for not closing transfers
2) they have data on what’s happening on their servers; any wvw player knows what are unfair matchups without even looking at “glicko ratings” so why anet still allowed HoD and ET to be top 6 is a huge mystery to me.

I was on a server that was going nowhere but downhill in WvW. Most days I logged in and we were too outnumbered to do anything, or if it was a match against weaker opponents it was just zerg vs door. Unfortunately, I had to be one of the people who transfered, and I transfered to a tier 1 server and I’m having tons more fun now because anytime I choose to log in to wvw, there is an awesome battle going on. Tier 2 should have been the same if they could have just manually adjusted rankings and put IoJ, SoS, and SoR together, but no, they have to stick with their unreliable ranking system.

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Pvp.2758


The sooner they fix it the soon the threads will stop coming.

Side note:
People don’t want to quit GW2 because it is a GOOD game. Some of us just want Anet to implicate that long-term interest. There is a reason people still play WoW over years and years of the SAME thing. I don’t want to play WoW because I like this game better. I just want this game to expand on the same strategy.

Agreed. Thanks for the comment!

S(KILL) Gametypes > WvW & sPVP

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Boulderbolg.3460


Quite a few T1 guilds from Jade Quarry moved to SoR. They stomped us really badly last week too.

GL for Team Riot [RIOT] on Blackgate NA – Small Group WvW Focused

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Pvp.2758


Good thing they changed the time limit per server transfer.

S(KILL) Gametypes > WvW & sPVP

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: tluv.5821


Lol at everyone who wants shortened WvW matchups. Do you all not realize that it will eventually become 2 weeks long? A two week long match up. I want to see that. Better to plan attacks and what not.

Also, type slash age into the game. Tell us how long you have played the game. The amount of hours over days in this game. Because obviously if you say you have completed EVERYTHING it would have taken a while. I know how to play the game. That little comment right there was the worst thing to say. Saying, “I learned how to play faster than most you.”

That is rude. I know how to play. I play how I want to play. At my own pace. I don’t need to rush through everything. I enjoy the game. You obviously played and was like, “Well, done, nothing else to do here.”

And posting this thread, you obviously KNEW you were going to get a response like this. Go back to WoW.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians
Formerly [QT] Questionable Tactics

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Thing is.
You wrote your thread not in a constructive way “I have this and these suggestions, i was wondering what you guys think, i really believe this could help the game i have nejoyed playing so far” for example.

No, what you wrote was “Omg, this sucks, there’s nothing to do, you all suck look at what i have done so far.”

You shouldn’t expect to get nice and constructive comments to a post like that, and evne the good posts get people exasperated at yet more of the same.

Give ANet some time to work on stuff, in the meantime, keep posting suggestions, take part in the discussions, but in a constructive, positive way.
The impression you give is more “If this game had a sub, i’d cancel it!” than “I have enjoyed this game and want to keep enjoying it in the future”

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Telegraph.7509


WvW will most likely be at least a week long so that the start of a new rotation can occur on the weekends. This ensures people who have to get up at 8 AM for work/school can participate in the most important few days of a matchup. Given the target audience of GW2, I highly doubt that it will be changed.

Obviously the free transfer is causing this issue, but if all goes well and no major transfers take place in the next couple of weeks, we should be getting better matchups: SOR/SOS/Gate/JQ/SBI occupying the first couple of tiers, with CD/IoJ/TC/Yaks/FA and so forth making up tiers 3-4 (with a poor lad getting killed in T2 every week). These should produce much better matchups. Right now SoR is in the wrong tier (you guys basically tied SoS last week, and now SoS is dismantling tier 2) while you are still in tier 3. Let’s hope no major transfer occurs anytime soon! cross fingers

The other thing is we have to remember that the game is basically 2 months old. A lot of things aren’t working as intended right now and will receive future updates, but they won’t be able to do them that quickly. Like you said, you got through the Halloween stuff in a few hours, but it took the designers, programmers and artists weeks to put it all together. There is probably a mountain of things for them to do; they just can’t do it that fast.

Eventually, I think there will be party/guild based sPvP, more map options, and possibly a duel system, but there is no telling how long it’s going to take. My best recommendation is if you are bored, take a break for a couple of weeks and play something else, then see if they have changed anything. Even if they want to change stuff, it’s not going to be fast no matter how badly we want it – especially not with all the bugs that needs fixing too.

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Palefire.6259


WvW will be more competitive once server populations stabilize and Anet stops free transfers. Also, it will be much better when servers find the tiers they are most competitive in. Making any other major changes is short sighted, in my opinion.

Sanctum of Rall [SAVD]

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Arani.9057


It seems the tiers even out with time from top down.. but yeah that pic doesn’t look awesome.

a 3 day t1 match would be useless as it would differ too much from weekend to weekday on wind and reduce those upgrade contributions, making the use of upgrades useless. I can see the argument for tiers that are still balancing but I dont see how it would would out if it wasn’t the same for all.

Aradea [AoS] /\/\ESS/\/\ERR of Jade Quarry (GG SBI)
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: defrule.7236


To me WvW lacks depth for long battles and it is far too arcade-like to be strategic.

There needs to be more depth to WvW that lets servers devise campaigns lasting days or weeks. I mean look at the Longzhong Plan by Zhuge Liang. This isn’t a plan to take a single castle or city, it is a grand scheme to conquer the North.

You don’t get these plans of this level in WvW. This is why I made a thread while ago about incorporating RTS elements in WvW on a significantly larger map. It means servers need to think about their logistics, their construction and campaign.

(edited by defrule.7236)

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


WvW has become very Lack Luster and mundane.

I am already looking around for a new MMO to play.

www.infowars.com and also lookup Agenda 21
www.graystatemovie.com its coming if you like it or not.

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: akunadin.5017


Totally agree here with Pvp here, game will loose me interest on the long term.

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825


Why do they need to do changes for you when it sounds like you’ll just get bored of it again quickly and ask for more changes again?

Maybe the reason people still play WoW is friends, investment, etc?

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Who cares about the score? It does absolutely nothing for you. Go out and murder people. That’s always enjoyable.

Get a large force and fortify the kitten out of Pangloss with ballista and arrow carts for an entire day. Let the hilarity ensure.

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: arKRazor.8654


If your WvW match is boring because you are dominating, go join the losing server of a close match.

Halfpint Sapper – Poorly-traited Asuran Engineer/CatHound/Part-time Warbanner

Devona’s Rest [OHai][GloB]

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Xorn.6079


Im not sure if 3vs3 is a good idea.. with these unbalance skills and op AOEs. And forever invisible thieves. I wonder why most pvp lovers choose thief as their favorite class..

Character : Xorn Crossfire (Engineer)
Guild : Organization Zero (Zero)
World : Crystal Desert

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Toroth.1453


Anet is stupid for allowing FREE server transfers. They could hire more staff to work on bugs/content if they charged like the other mmo’s. As long as they keep this a non-sub game they win my love regardless.

Paradoxical Clarity [DEGU]
-Sanctum of Rall-

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: taow.6892


I would have to agree with Genev.2450, you ask for positive input but your OP was pretty condescending.

That said, lets see if we can turn this thread around for some constructive ideas and help out.

A little background from where i’m coming from, I have been on Santum of Rall since launch. In the beginning, we were near the bottom with a medium population, had no queue times and having a lot of fun. As we started winning, more and more guilds started to transfer, catapulting us into T3. As we are finding out, there is a lot of zerg size battles going on near the top of the leaderboard and our queue times are sometimes hours long now.

So the question I have is for those that have been fighting in the top tier match-ups:
Do you enjoy the large zerg (when I use zerg, I’m referring to 20-40+ man groups running together) and having a battle, or do you prefer 10-15 man skirmishes. We started with the latter, and personally, I really, really enjoyed it. If most of you feel the way I do, I would like to make a suggestion that we can discuss:

First Suggestion:
Double the total number of servers and lower the server population caps and WvW map caps. I know this may sound drastic but hear me out. Back in BWE2 we saw a double in the total amount of servers(about double what we have now) and although the match making was a bit off for a lot of servers, it felt like the perfect amount players in WvW and also a greater verity in total match-up possiblities, lower queue times and better battles.

Now I know this will also have an effect on PVE as well, our server basically is a ghost town(no pun intended) when it comes to PVE as we are mostly a WvW server. I am aware that ANet’s initial philosophy was to have server pride in both PVE and WvW which is why I think there are so few servers and such high pop caps.

Another suggestion:
Have PVE work like overflow servers from the start, without a “home” server for PVE. This way, PVE will always have plenty of players at all zone levels. I do not think it is as important to have a dedicated server for PVE as it is for WvW. As long as the grouping and joining groups in a certain instance is easy to accomplish. Which it is now. Also, World Bonuses can still work like they do for you home server like they do in the overflows now.

I know this is a long post. I am sorry, but I have been thinking about this for a while, and wanted to post this in a positive way. I am tired of everyone complaining and not giving any constructive feedback.

In closing:
Thank you ANet for making this game. It is only two months old and I am loving it. I am confident it will only get better and better.
We have a great community here that cares about the game, so let’s give ANet some time, and some positive suggestions for them to think about.

Taow/Clairvoyant/Möönchild (Thief/Mes/Ele)
Officer of Ascension [WAR]
Borlis Pass

(edited by taow.6892)

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Gisei.5749


(I think I put this in the wrong thread, but oh well, it’s late)

The only problem I really have in WvW is thieves. At first, it was fine. A thief here and a thief there. Tough fights but manageable, but the number of them are growing. I seem to fight thieves 2 out of 5 fights now.

On my Guardian, I very rarely lose a small battle. But when I fight thieves, gah, they annoy me to no end. Regardless of how I approach them, I cannot kill them before they escape, heal up, and re-engage me. The week before last, I had a 40min fight with a thief. It just kept going on and on, and on. He would engage me, I would fight him to about 25% easily enough, then he would disengage. When he was good and ready, he would re-engage and we would perform the dance again. That fight even started out as a 2v1, but I killed his Engi friend.

Killing an unskilled thief is no problem. But in the hands of someone skilled, they cannot be killed by the majority of builds. I have an exotic Guardian, as well as Ranger, and will soon have an Ele as well, and they all seem to have the same problem. Thieves, and only thieves. My guildies seem to feel the same way. We only fight thieves if they engage us, and we won’t give chase when they flee. “It’s a thief, let ’em go.”

I understand a class being focused a lot on mobility, but I believe thieves just have too much of it. No class should have complete power over when the fight begins, when it ends, and if there are any tea breaks in between. Don’t get me wrong, I rarely lose to a thief, but I rarely beat one as well.

My Ele is so far the most suited for fighting them, and I’ll stick with that profession until thieves become tolerable. All I’m looking for is tolerable.

Wow, I feel like the typical forum whiner….

~Sorrow’s Furnace~

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: keelaunaw.3285


that score is too funny man. and i thought i was in some bad ones. but i do agree, the matches should be cut down to 3-4 days, instead of a week. usually you will find out by then who will win, and if its close its all the more reason to stay and play in this 7 days though, the last few days arent even worth the time to go on the battleground if youre getting clobbered. especially with that score ROFL.

Never got bored with an MMO faster than GW2. Took 4mos.

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: HenryAu.7523


Meh about the scores. Both tier 2 and tier 3 are pretty messed up at the moment.

As for Tier 3, ironically it seems the people who’re suffering the most are the people winning. I just had a really fun night playing for TC and it sounded like some ET folks had fun too.

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: ZainAzhar.5308


Ouch !! :o, the question is how are they in T3 :P ??

Mesmer – Churaill
Desolation [EU]

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Grumpdogg.6910


Glad to see Eredon Terrace getting stomped.

“I swung a sword, I swung a sword again, oh look I swung a sword again!”
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


It’s Tarnish Coast’s own fault. I’m out there every night for the fun of it. Who cares about who has the most numbers on some screen. The PvP is what’s fun.

Too many with the mentality of “it’s not fun if you aren’t winning” (free transfer zerg). People just take their ball and go home, shows the mentality of the average GW2 player. Those scores should just be removed completely imo so the zerglings don’t feel as bad and might try to take a keep even when being dominated.

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Rhongomyniad.5081


I personally enjoy 7 day battles. Also I’ve had fun being on the losing side (eg now vs SoR and vs BG and vs CD), and also when winning (eg last week vs FA & DB).

It’ll take time for the tiers to stabilize and WvW to have more ‘balanced’ scores – but as long as there is an opponent on the other end fighting back, I’m having lots of fun (and learning).

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Radiodread.8469


Glad to see Eredon Terrace getting stomped.

Why? The people that are still on ET weren’t the problem. They’ve all jumped ship a long time ago. The remaining players on ET should be commended for their commitment to not being the problem.

Radiodread, Guardian [Os] NSP
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Mura.8673


The OP asked what else is there to do. Have you tried mastering other classes in pvp? Mastering multiple builds in other classes in pvp? pvp is my favourite thing to do as well, and I’ve spent the last 2 months leveling an engineer only in wvw to 80, then using only engineer in spvp and now tpvp, trying different builds every day.

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Hsinimod.5784


sPvP is broken. You can’t play with who you want. Your friends that you wanted to play with end up your enemies. How this got to release I’ll never know.

tPvP is just not appealing when sPvP is the stepping stone to it.

WvW…. too many problems to list. So many quality threads about possible solutions. Nothing from Anet yet acknowledging them.

PvE content is fun… but 100% does mean you ingested it all. Valid point.

Legendary grinding is a long term goal. What fun is there to do in the meantime while doing that long term goal? Not much when all the PvE content is finished.

Anyway, this is all new still. WoW took a long time to polish, and it was given that time by being the only quality MMO to play really (EQ, EQ2, and FFXI were just not as popular). GW2 is now the only “quality” MMO to play (for those that aren’t into calling stat inflation “progression”) and has some time to polish.

But for the pure PvP types…. I can understand them leaving GW2. I don’t think Anet is concerned, as they would expect those players back when Anet fixes the content. The wow players I know that went back for the pandas, simply went to enjoy the PvP. I don’t know anyone that went back for PvE. I’d laugh at that opinion. But for WoW pvp vs GW2 pvp…. I’d just be interested in both sides.

I think GW2 has much ironing out to do. But also the time to do it.

Playing Devil’s Advocate since 1990.

WvW isn't even fun anymore // Score Update: SoR/TC/? Lmao

in WvW

Posted by: Pvp.2758


Thanks for the feedback everyone. I’m sure everything we are saying on the forum is at least being noticed a little.

S(KILL) Gametypes > WvW & sPVP