WvW lovin' from the devs?

WvW lovin' from the devs?

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.2608


As a gamer that spends 95% of my time in WvW, I just want to know when we can expect some lovin’ from the devs. I had heard things were in the works for February, back in January. Then I heard things were moved back to March “to ensure the best player experience possible”…..

I just want to know, now that pve and pvp got their love, when can we expect ours?

I’m not going to rehash all the things that need attention/fixing in WvW, just need to know if I should start looking for another game to consume my free time or if there is something in the works for the immediate future – IE next couple weeks.


WvW lovin' from the devs?

in WvW

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


So far we have heard about the end of culling. That and an advancement system for WvW that will allow you to improve your character in WvW.

Still waiting on the official announcements.

Theftwind (HoD)

WvW lovin' from the devs?

in WvW

Posted by: Catisa.6507


march 26th.

/more words


WvW lovin' from the devs?

in WvW

Posted by: Varconi.1804


Start looking for another game. WvW is beyond any short term fixes. They seem lost on how to fix all the problems and are just making empty promises to keep players as long as they can.

No reason not to try other games out while they figure this one out.

XOXO Female Asura Mesmer NSP | Female Sylvari Engineer

WvW lovin' from the devs?

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Start looking for another game. WvW is beyond any short term fixes. They seem lost on how to fix all the problems and are just making empty promises to keep players as long as they can.

No reason not to try other games out while they figure this one out.

But that’s the problem isn’t it? There are so many blatant things about WvW that need to be fixed, and the devs are doing absolutely nothing about it.

On the same coin, I WANT to play GW2. I want my 2,000+ hours invested in this game to feel worthwhile. I know that with Ascended gear, I need to keep playing to make sure I don’t fall behind. It’s without a doubt one of the best games I have ever played, but I don’t know how long these empty promises can keep me playing. It’s building so much frustration with so many players. With some easy fixes and changes WvW could keep me occupied for years, but Arena Net seem to intent on doing nothing, so you are kind of stuck in a limbo. You either keep developing your characters and hope for the fixes, or you quit and fall behind, only to come back when the fixes are in place. Friends too come and go. Right now I make new friends in WvW quicker than friends quit. But if I don’t play for a few months? I would probably not know anyone in the game, something that would keep me from playing.

I mean, the ‘big’ patch is coming in a week, and still we have yet to hear anything about it. What gives, Arena Net?

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