Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
WvW lvl 80 armorfor upleveled characters
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
Does it mean you will no longer be up-leveled to compensate for the lack of lvl 80 armor? Cause you might find that getting up-leveled is somewhat better than a lvl 80 armor set
Cause you might find that getting up-leveled is somewhat better than a lvl 80 armor set
I dont think so; why would that be better statwise in any possible situation? As far as i know, the attributes on the equipment get upleveled to lvl 80 armor of the same quality, so a lvl30 char with green lvl30 gear is upleveled to lvl80 with lvl80 green crap gear (not sure if secondary/tertiary stat bonusses of items are added or not. probably not). also, the armor-stat of the equipment doesnt get upleveled.
add to that the missing traits and traitstats and all in all, its quite a big difference
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