WvW maps & ques current numbers status
That would however not work, since ArenaNet do not wish to post exact map-limits.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Well, its never too late to change.
Actually, could you point me their exact statement that they won’t tell us map limits? I’ve never seen one. Maybe missed
Hi Dina,
Here are some answers for you:
1. We don’t release this number but this answer can be derived from the answer to your second question. i.e. total players = map cap * 4
2. There is a per-map player limit but we don’t release this number either, though it’s possible to infer from observation. This is especially true now that culling is gone.
3. The per-map player limit is also per-team. Each team has an independent limit and players from one team cannot ever prevent players from the other teams from entering a map.
I’m sure that’s more cryptic than you’d like but that’s the information I can release.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
That was 7 months ago. Hope they’ve changed their position.
This is a suggestion.
This feature wouldn’t ruin any of game aspects but will definitely help people. They would queue for less queued map then. And they would also be aware of ETA.
There is however most likely a reason why they don’t give us exact numbers, and it is quite unlikely that they have lost that reason.
It can quite easily be abused.
If you know exactly how many people there is on a map and how many would be needed to start a queue, you could take a group of trolls and lock legit WvW-players out of WvW.
Sure this is still possible, but now they actually need to guess how many people they need.
With this suggestion they would be able to see exactly how many they would need, and thus could focus on that specific map.
It might sound silly, but it would quite likely happen. Trolls always tries to find ways to destroy stuff for real players.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Pretty sure we’ve all concluded the wvw map limit is somewhere between 100-120 by now though.
I don’t think they have such lame excuses.
2-3 trolls won’t do any damage.
Organized trolling will do it regardless of revealing map limit numbers and current stat or keeping it secret.
That was 7 months ago. Hope they’ve changed their position.
This is a suggestion.
This feature wouldn’t ruin any of game aspects but will definitely help people. They would queue for less queued map then. And they would also be aware of ETA.
They say it all the time, most recently was this month or last month. Not gonna search for you, but you can find it yourself if you look through ANet responses.