WvW matchup balancing

WvW matchup balancing

in WvW

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913


I’m sure this has been run into the ground already but honestly the matching system for wvw is kinda horrible. I had a blast in wvw in betas but now it’s a miserable place to be for some of us servers. There’s just a few dominating servers and when we come across them it’s a week of hell and honestly I have the exact opposite of fun in wvw during those weeks. I know some of it is just poor team coordination on certain occasions, but when we have our best and brightest on and are pretty well populated in wvw we still get roflstomped and it’s like they’re not even trying. Half the time we just get laughed at and mocked so tell me again what the incentive is for me to go to wvw, spend piles upon piles of gold repairing my armor all day and even more buying siege equipment only to watch it all get flushed down in a few minutes and no headway at all being made? And I have to wait a whole week for this mess to have a chance of going away (hopefully). There’s some serious balance problems going on here when it becomes a repeat thing. It’s fine if servers wanna stack up on mostly pvp players and run the wvw circuit, but when we get paired with them twice in a row and repeatedly see the same ones dominating the entire board there’s something wrong with the balancing system imo. This isn’t a rant about “zomg these servers are way too op” but more about those op servers being paired far too often with smaller servers that they jsut walk all over and generally ruin the experience of at no fault of their own. The pairing just doesn’t work. This is not fun. I play it because I have pride in my server and we’re all a bunch of awesome folk but it’s really starting to make me wonder why even bother.


~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

WvW matchup balancing

in WvW

Posted by: Franks.2579


One HUGE Problem is people stop playing the second they start losing. If this is the case then the score is not reflective of the true power of each server.

In addition, why does the score matter? Do you get a prize or something? Focus on a small obtainable Goal, and succeed in that mannor.

WvW matchup balancing

in WvW

Posted by: AdmiralAckbrah.1635


@franks, at least in my world, we can’t leave the keep without being instantly killed. The worlds are 524k to 58k to 55k.

I’ve died on the steps to my fortress, less than a second from getting invulnerable. WvW isn’t even an option anymore for me, and it’s pretty disappointing.


WvW matchup balancing

in WvW

Posted by: Hashi.7316


>.< Yea it’s getting harder to get guildies who try and WvW casually to even play durring this week. I went home for a lunch break for a little WvW. Thought since we had 15-20 people actually trying to take a tower I would drop a golem and a few siege items to help D the supply camp before we group up to take the tower outside our spawn.

Oh what’s that Fort kittenwood?…your 30 people that aren’t taking SoR’s keep are bored so they’ll come push us back to our spawn…ok you win.

>.< I didn’t want to use that golem anyway.

Doesn’t the score go toward your server bonus? Going for small “obtainable” goals are totally what I’ve been trying to go for late at night…It’s the obtainable part I’m working on.

WvW matchup balancing

in WvW

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

For the record we don’t quit the moment we’re losing, not most of us anyway, but some of us do actually have to sleep and go to work, ect, and the moment we leave they zerg everything and we come back to a dominated map because their servers are piled up with people in all time zones focused solely on pvp. And honestly like I said what they do is fine, I don’t wanna punish them for something they enjoy but why whould my server be punished because of an extremely poor balancing system? Lots of us don’t play wvw just for points, in fact it was one part of the game I was looking most forward to since i did it in the betas, but the beta wvw is absolutely nothing like this, even when we were overwhelmed by better servers there weren’t 1-2 shots going on and entire maps captured unless the other servers were completely empty in the matches. It was fun, it was a challenge and it was playable for everyone. Yes the op servers would still win but it wouldn’t be the score splits like many of us have shown here, it was a hard fun fight and they won cause they were better, not cause they swarmed us with sheer numbers and imbalanced class combos/builds ect. sPvP doesn’t have these problems because most of the classes are fairly balanced to meet that scale of combat, you get a few other people around you, yeah you’re going down, but there’s much less 1 shots in that pvp format. Plus sPvP layouts and capture points seem more balanced to me, as well as rotations. The scale of wvw cannot be balanced for the scale our skills are suited for because there’s just too much going on. I’m not the devs so I don’t wanna speculate on how it needs to be changed but something needs to be done somewhere. A game that supposed to be fun yet has this feature that does the exact opposite needs fixing. I love(d) wvw and I wanna love it again, but after this horrible week idk if I wanna go back

~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

WvW matchup balancing

in WvW

Posted by: Raiven.5892


To the OP, I agree. My server is having the same issue. The other posters all have valid points as well (except for anyone who has nothing better to do than “troll”). With the “free” server transfers, it looks like the high pop servers are gaining, and the lower pop servers are getting smaller. Wondering how well the idea of a 1 for 1 balancing would work? May make the warzones smaller perhaps, but also could be a way of evening out the odds. Just an thought.

WvW matchup balancing

in WvW

Posted by: Thorvald.5432


The first problem is that the score is shown. If score was not show, player would focus so much on winning/loosing.

Invaders [Inv] – Vizunah Square

WvW matchup balancing

in WvW

Posted by: audiprabian.2851


nah, the problem is that we do a 7 days WvW now. We never had this problem when the time span of the round is 24 hours.

In a 7 days WvW, a match is screwed when one server dominates the map in the first day – and hence the next 6 days will be filled with futile attempts of the other two server to even try gaining solid ground.

Previously in a 24 hours WvW; EVEN when eventually one server gains dominance over the map, the day is almost over and the round will reset the next day. Hence everyone will find themselves in a match where they can still contribute significantly.

I suggest Arenanet restructure the WvW back into 24 hours – or even 48 hours and 72 hours. No more, though.

“Reality is Easy, Deception’s the hard work.”
Raider-Captain of the Raiders of the Mist [RAID]

(edited by audiprabian.2851)

WvW matchup balancing

in WvW

Posted by: Amandil.2137


After the new matching, here is the situation.

Green is:Arborstone (FR)
Blue: Aurora Glade(my homeland)
Red: Blacktide (They’re allready leave WvWvW maps atm)

Just wtf is this, it’s not even normal. We def with 30 people and they come with twice numbers(maybe more). The purpose of fun and challenging PvP just getting destroyed by this thing.


(edited by Amandil.2137)

WvW matchup balancing

in WvW

Posted by: Cerien.2731


i am at the server as Amandil (Aurora Glade)
and it was a massacre not even remotely possible to take anything before you got rolfstomped from what i saw AG was outnumbered by Arborstone with something close 1 – 10 every time our zerg witch was something off about 50 peeps we got stomped by their 3 zergs off the same number they had a zerg in every bg with 50 or more peeps

WvW matchup balancing

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


After the new matching, here is the situation.

Green is:Arborstone (FR)
Blue: Aurora Glade(my homeland)
Red: Blacktide (They’re allready leave WvWvW maps atm)

Just wtf is this, it’s not even normal. We def with 30 people and they come with twice numbers(maybe more). The purpose of fun and challenging PvP just getting destroyed by this thing.

Blacktide is sleeping, you’ll see the map owned by them by the time you wake up in the morning

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

WvW matchup balancing

in WvW

Posted by: spacemayu.4817


Camped at spawn by a legion of ballista and catapult!


WvW matchup balancing

in WvW

Posted by: Vanisher.9216


Orbs and free transfer are the problem, not matchmaking.