WvW modifications of new systems

WvW modifications of new systems

in WvW

Posted by: Marxx.5748


I have been trying to come up with some constructive feedback that would marry some of the new systems to one that WvWers would be more likely to enjoy. My guild is a small Havoc guild, so some may be slanted that way since some solutions favor one of the 3 main playstyles (Roaming/Havoc/Zerg).

Auto Upgrades .. We all were ecstatic when the Costs of upgrades were being removed. The reason is that WvW provides little in the way of money and it would easily be depleted just with Food/Buffs/Siege, that left the burden of upgrades on the few that would put forward. It also meant someone would undoubtable buy a merchant upgrade before a strategic upgrade so they felt they where helpful, but it wasn’t really the case.

New issue .. Everything goes all the way to fortified with no effort. Waypoints come so early that no one worries about losing a structure. Roaming to try and stop unattended upgrades feels pointless.

Possible Solution .. require a camp that feeds that structure to be held for progress to be made. Require a yak to hit the tower for the upgrade completion to actually happen. I would love it if the treb mastery skill would actually slow the progress bar on the upgrade as well since supply isn’t actually consumed.

New WvW tactics and upgrades .. They are behind a huge pay wall.

Issue .. Making the guild hall expensive is fine, locking all our functionality from smaller guilds is sad and wrong. Most small guilds that had save up or been made to claim camps just to give the +5 are completely worthless.

Possible solution .. fix the requirements on minor supply drop (its probably an oversight anyhow) Adjust a few of the ore costs to prevent the max mine level from WvW abilities.. namely Guild Shield Generator (20k ore? Really?) Also, reduce the blueprint costs from 25 flax fibers per linen bag to 1 flax fiber. That makes it feasible to actually use the tactics and improvements with a little work but not outrageous.

Small groups have much reduced siege capabilities

New issue .. Guild Catas had supply cost massively increased. Now guilds cant even use more expensive siege to keep small groups viable. It takes 4 people all with 15 supply to just guarantee a single guild siege piece can be built.

Possible solution .. Rather than guild siege being Superior damage for regular siege cost, reduce the cost to 25-30 supply and have it do normal siege damage. It is now increases small groups capabilities without over doing their strength.

New maps

Issue – large, vertical, empty

Possible solution .. The long awaited Alliance system. Some players like full pop, some prefer medium. This still allows a little leeway in that regard. Filling out the maps with more people will go a long way to improve the fights in the new maps. I have playing on them and they are beautiful.

Gliding in the new BL

Personal suggestion Allow gliding, but have auto turrets that shoot any glider out of the sky that is headed into a structure. Perhaps at a 1200-1500 unit range. Similar to the vine wrap one that happens in VB. That allows some strategy with movements, removes knockbacks from being insta-kills, and is generally fun.