WvW needs balance when its lopsided

WvW needs balance when its lopsided

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


I’m on Darkhaven and to say its a terrable server for WvW is an insult to terrable servers.

I have seem many servers pwning ours with little effort. An over time the amount of players who want to do WvW drops greatly which makes WvW even more of a wash. This week Yak’s Bend was in the line up and my server an the other one more or less just showed up to watch.
Since the rotation to this I have seen less and less players wanting to do WvW because who wants to insta-pwned?

In short I see no incentive at all to do WvW when the map is owned by 1 server and players loose interest in trying.

This is an issue and it will grow if its not looked at.

www.infowars.com and also lookup Agenda 21
www.graystatemovie.com its coming if you like it or not.

(edited by Raffie.7865)

WvW needs balance when its lopsided

in WvW

Posted by: TheAltarBoy.3176


Part of the issue is communication. I had that problem in BWE2 and 3. The servers I was on for those were almost useless. You tr to call out things that need defending, or try to rally troops and no one would listen.

It gets really disheartening when you try and organize an offensive front and no one joins. Sadly there isn’t anything ANet can do about communication.

The imbalanced match ups certainly don’t help.

WvW needs balance when its lopsided

in WvW

Posted by: Zak.8274


The central point is also ridiculously easy to defend. You can siege it for hours and if they have half your people they can just wipe you.

Then again I’m also on Darkhaven and we don’t seem to get anywhere ever…

WvW needs balance when its lopsided

in WvW

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


They need to do something about this. I’m on Yak’s bend and while I don’t play WvW, there needs to be some balancing so that even if you are down (even considerably) that there is a way to have a chance. I was reading about other realms using siege weapons against respawn areas. If that is the case, then something needs to be done so that the other sides can at least have a chance of climbing out of the trenches and actually do something worthwhile.

I’m not asking ArenaNet to all of a sudden make the winning team take on a severe handicap, but there should be things in place that would stop the camping of respawns and the like and to give the other two realms the opportunity to try and change things around.

I feel bad for Anvil Rock and Darkhaven. I like healthy competition, I like to win, but I don’t think this would be any fun for me if I were playing. :-/

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

WvW needs balance when its lopsided

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


Ya respawn camping ‘is’ a tatic of sorts and sucks.
Maybe something like if 1 server takes control of %90 of the map and can hold for like 6hrs then they win and the map resets.

www.infowars.com and also lookup Agenda 21
www.graystatemovie.com its coming if you like it or not.

WvW needs balance when its lopsided

in WvW

Posted by: Ynot.8397


Part of the issue is communication. I had that problem in BWE2 and 3. The servers I was on for those were almost useless. You tr to call out things that need defending, or try to rally troops and no one would listen.

It gets really disheartening when you try and organize an offensive front and no one joins. Sadly there isn’t anything ANet can do about communication.

The imbalanced match ups certainly don’t help.

The fact that you got to play WvW in BWE2 amazes me. I got in once for 10 minutes.

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

WvW needs balance when its lopsided

in WvW

Posted by: TheFreshBrew.1958


@Sparkstormrider you do realize Yak’s have been using seige weapons at Spawn points since your night capping killed off Darkhaven and AR’s desire to even queue up?

Eternal Battlegrounds, a few minutes ago. Run to see if you’re still doing it. – nevermind, you guys just put up a ballista at the spawn. good job on Yak’s awesomeness.

(edited by TheFreshBrew.1958)

WvW needs balance when its lopsided

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


So Yak is just farming points huh?
Realy can not blame them since Arenanet is allowing it.

www.infowars.com and also lookup Agenda 21
www.graystatemovie.com its coming if you like it or not.

WvW needs balance when its lopsided

in WvW

Posted by: Julio Brutal.1934

Julio Brutal.1934

I play on Darkhaven, my brazilian guild [JF] goes almost every night to pvp since day one, but we got like 10-15 players that do WvW. The problem with our server is lack of organization and lack of players in WvW, we get overwhelmed. We were playing at some borderlands on sunday night, and we couldn´t get off the spawn point, because both servers were at our door, when we tried to take the keep from Yak´s and were succeding on it, the other server just came from behind and screwed up, it happened a few times until we gave up. We even tried moving to another point of the map, so we wouldn´t fight both servers, but our server lack organization, and we couldn´t take a keep with 15 people, altough we tried.
If we had at least some advantage at the first keep in the spawn point, we could move on from there, but without any keep, we have no way to fight.

WvW needs balance when its lopsided

in WvW

Posted by: nem.5709


tbh wvw is a total waste of time u cant lvl in it really lvl 80s own the crap out of u when u low lvl and im on underworld when the servers first opened up we had over 200k of players in wvw and now its 60k we came up against a french server that was over 200k and they controled the whole map for days so i dont see the point in this game no pve when u get to 80 and no pvp either why lvl at all…..