WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


Thats a good solutions, will also encorage ppl to spread to the lowers populated servers to help reducing queues cause right now everyone is trying to run to the fulls cause they are the wining servers

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Temper.7265


By all means,let’s ALL spread around correctly shall we ?

Shall we start with the NA community,so that some of the lower pop servers are evened out some ?

The Oceanic community looks pretty spread out to me,there is only so many of us to go around.

Perhaps the Aussies should start a Mercenary Guild and hire out to the highest bidder and grant their loyalties to no one server ? Maybe Anet could make it possible with the Guesting system. =P

Wouldn’t that be dandy ? Then the low pop servers could complain about the high pop servers being able to spend more valuable gold on night capper Mercs. hahaha

Seriously guys,you need to start poaching some other time zone players or offer up some alliances for your server

Get all cloak and dagger like,politics and subterfuge is a big part of war,start doing what you must to compete.

GW2 is not about NA or EU and the server dosn’t belong to you,you belong to it.

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: stof.9341


By all means,let’s ALL spread around correctly shall we ?

Shall we start with the NA community,so that some of the lower pop servers are evened out some ?

The Oceanic community looks pretty spread out to me,there is only so many of us to go around.

Perhaps the Aussies should start a Mercenary Guild and hire out to the highest bidder and grant their loyalties to no one server ? Maybe Anet could make it possible with the Guesting system. =P

Wouldn’t that be dandy ? Then the low pop servers could complain about the high pop servers being able to spend more valuable gold on night capper Mercs. hahaha

Seriously guys,you need to start poaching some other time zone players or offer up some alliances for your server

Get all cloak and dagger like,politics and subterfuge is a big part of war,start doing what you must to compete.

GW2 is not about NA or EU and the server dosn’t belong to you,you belong to it.

So, you actually now want to take advantage of the situation to racket gold from the servers? I can see it already :
- It’s a nice keep you got here all upgraded and the like. It would be a shame of some people would come tonight and capture it for the green team, isn’t it?


WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


By all means,let’s ALL spread around correctly shall we ?

Shall we start with the NA community,so that some of the lower pop servers are evened out some ?

The Oceanic community looks pretty spread out to me,there is only so many of us to go around.

Perhaps the Aussies should start a Mercenary Guild and hire out to the highest bidder and grant their loyalties to no one server ? Maybe Anet could make it possible with the Guesting system. =P

Wouldn’t that be dandy ? Then the low pop servers could complain about the high pop servers being able to spend more valuable gold on night capper Mercs. hahaha

Seriously guys,you need to start poaching some other time zone players or offer up some alliances for your server

Get all cloak and dagger like,politics and subterfuge is a big part of war,start doing what you must to compete.

GW2 is not about NA or EU and the server dosn’t belong to you,you belong to it.

So, you actually now want to take advantage of the situation to racket gold from the servers? I can see it already :
- It’s a nice keep you got here all upgraded and the like. It would be a shame of some people would come tonight and capture it for the green team, isn’t it?


So? it may sound mafia like but wvw is no pvp. it involves politic and organisation. So finance may look like a possible part of it. i find it fun and great just as much as alliance of 2 servers

But isn’t what nations and organisations do everytime?
Switzerland was a very expensive mercenary army for so long before moving to finance
Real Usa mafia get advantages when Eisenhower ask for a landing in sicilia then italy
Eisenhower was making pay De Gaulle with no credit gold bars and ate national gold reserve in 9 monthes and it was one of the biggest in the world

So much examples in history and it was even worse during middle age and antiquity. only school books and news talks about liberty or helping people for free

Forget Aussies. Horde of chinese gold farmers will keep your fort 24h/24 if you pay well. and farming chinese gold farmer in masse is one of my old dreams xD

(edited by Exewre.2837)

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Shepperd.2178


There is a pretty big difference between what alot of people here are saying, “if you don’t have a strong nightcap team then your server is weak” and when your server doesn’t have a strong oceanic population vs the one you’re up against……

It’s pretty freaking obvious….and to all the people here complaining about the whiners, you’re doing the same thing yourself. so stuff it.

Also lol at the guy who suggested that servers do a recruitment drive to get more people into WvW. ’Cause that will work.

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Bloody.8769


No real surprise here that folk are fairweather players and jumping ship to the winning servers.

no one likes losing. Especially when you have no chance to win and then Anet rubs salt into the wounds by charging you for repairs followed by offering to sell you gold for RL cash..

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Exeon.4358


This is my point of view while i actually try and coordinate as much as i can from chat in FS Eternal battlegrounds:

Personally i see playerskitten off, the main reason being that VS is right now the #1 server in points.
The reason, and this is absolutely no BS is because the night capping, during the day FS seems to be winning every time in potential points, when the morning arrives we wake up and see that VS has everything, and by everything i mean there isn’t a supply camp that isn’t VS.
And by this i mean the maximum potencial points i’ve seen is:
VS: 695
FS: 0
Desolation: 0

Now before anyone tells me, stop whining, personally i agree that this is the reason BUT, i don’t blame VS for capping during the nightime, basically i believe many players just want to make clear that when FS is populated(and if it always were) that FS would be #1, it’s frustrating to many competitive players.

I’m disappointed myself, but it’s just a game in the end, i get over it easely and wake up in the morning thinking, time to beat the french, while we take back EB(and actually getting 3 levels from taking our keeps/towers/supply camps in less then an hour makes me want to thank them XD)

Now as far as the idea of kicking goes, personally there is a big contradiction, i believe that during the nighttime things “should” be balanced, however tough kicking may work it will bring problems of angry players being kicked just because the other server hasn’t players online.

What if one of the 3 servers barely participates in WvW during the daytime?
It’s not all about FS vs VS.

I would rather propose that there is some kind of bigger balancing buff, or debuff.
Imagen that the opposing server can’t build siege engines, or that none of their keeps has intact doors, or we could go radical on it, these are just toughts flowing trew my mind.

Anyhow that’s what i think, i hope the unbalancing can get fixed, but not at the cost of other players fun.


WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Davion.8754


This game is 24/7 and EU/Asian people are not the only ones who play outside of NA prime time, does the US shut down at 10pm?

I think the main issue is that 2/3rds of the realms are going to lose their first week and they have found what they consider to be a decent excuse, unfortunately this game is 24/7

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

^Davion is right, the only way for a server to counter off time capping is to recruit off time players.

USA seems to have the most 24/7 servers atm, Europe seem to have 1 or 2.

The sollution to prevent a server to lose all keeps / towers = migrate to other servers who provide 24/7 time zone’s or recruit players from time zone’s diffrent then yours.

Debuff / Buffs / immunity’s ive all thinked about it and you cannot punish diffrent time zone’s if they do not match yours.

How bitter the reality is for Far shiverpeaks versus Vizunah Sqaure, the only way to counter it is getting people to do the same.

It will also create a massive problem soon with the free migration still going, people who see this comming are moving away from their server to other servers.

And yes me included, Far Shiverpeaks was my home since Closed Beta’s, but this problem isnt going to solve itself.

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


U cant recruit cause server is full

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Mog.1589


A lot of people need to calm down, its the firstkittenweek of ranked matches. So many people are just whining like little kids about balance this and balance that. Seriously let A.Nets algorithm do its job and figure out the rankings. That is why the matches are 1 week atm, so A.Net can get morekittendata to get a better understanding on balance.

WvW is a HUGE part of the game so I am sure A.Net will ensure populations stay some what balanced so there should not be situations were a particular server grossly out numbers another. I am sure they will do things like free transfer from high to lower pop.

As it stands now there is not some huge difference in server pops anyway. If it seems that way on a map in WvW it means people are just not playing WvW on that map.

In terms of night capping etc…. I think either servers need to get Alliances going with guilds from other time zones or A.Net needs to just restrict the servers by region. I.e. NA servers literally have only players from NA Region.

[LGN] Legion For We Are Many – a Blackgate guild

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Swifty.8016


Wait… why are people so stressed if they cant be bothered to go out of their way to do something about it rather than just moan?

I’m on DE, someone tell me what they find fun about WvW and if you arent getting it.

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Keldrath.4735


U cant recruit cause server is full

If the server is full, you have plenty of people to recruit on your own server. The people playing during the night just need to get organized.

80 Necromancer/Guardian/Mesmer
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Tzash.5748


Wait… why are people so stressed if they cant be bothered to go out of their way to do something about it rather than just moan?

Sadly this is typical of your average forum complainer (irrespective of MMO). If one server develops a winning strategy (yes, night capping is a perfectly valid strategy) then many people would rather complain about it rather than try and adopt it. Because adopting a winning strategy might actually take effort (!).

Its like the same old argument of PuGs vs pre-mades. Everyone knows that pre-mades will stomp PuGs the vast majority of the time, but people will still complain about it. Nothing stops them from forming their own pre-made but its just easier to run to the forums and whinge.

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Raap.9065


Been reading this thread, and it seems to be an NA vs EU argument, where NA players keep saying “recruit nightcrews”.

NA players are not realising, EU has a very small timezone. While the NA playerbase goes from asia, west coast, east coast, and autralia, europe only stays in europe… The african guilds we have are in the same timezone.

So how would we recruit night crews? Exactly, we can’t.

The other argument I see is, let matchmaking put the nightzergs to face other nightzergs. Again, you do not realise that EU only has one nightzerg, the french/french-canadian server. The two other servers that fight the french are on even ground during the day, but lose everything at night. There is no way to balance this other than for arenanet to step in with fixes.

If these fixes are only for EU or not, I don’t care, since NA has a wider timezone and doesn’t have this problem in the magnitude EU currently has.

To make the whole thing worse, every free-rewards loser is transfering to the french server to join in on the late night Player vs Gate zerging. I have even seen several guilds transfer from Desolation to VS… Next time you see guilds like ‘Gatekeepers of Desolation’ on VS, be sure to laugh at them.

Swift Mending – Guardian
Thorny Scrub – Thief

(edited by Raap.9065)

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Swifty.8016


Also regarding outnumbering issues, they could just stop new people coming in on the busy server by making them queue until a less populated server fills up. as every other method, it still punishes people who play on off peak for their own reasons, but no solution, other than “dealing with it”, is perfect. People log off all the time, they would eventually get in but yeah its not that great of an idea…

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Drium.8509


Also regarding outnumbering issues, they could just stop new people coming in on the busy server by making them queue until a less populated server fills up. as every other method, it still punishes people who play on off peak for their own reasons, but no solution, other than “dealing with it”, is perfect. People log off all the time, they would eventually get in but yeah its not that great of an idea…

It’s not a punishment. If you want to avoid the queue, transfer to a lower population server with your friends, make a name for yourselves there.

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Scotsin.1546


How about fixing night capping by changing the scoring system? I don’t know if this would work, but anet could set keeps and towers to award a set amount of points on capture. Orbs can give points once per day per orb owned instead of stat bonuses. This way if a server captures 3 of your keeps, and 4 towers in the night all your server has to do is take them back during the day and the scores will even out again. Holding more orbs, and longer will be what will show the winning server although a push to capture a large number of towers/keeps and holding them should be able to close the gap.

Kicking people from WvW sounds like a terrible solution and will only anger most people.

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Kraken.7514


First the OP starts to insult whiners. Then he makes a repetitive unoriginal whining post.

Servers that are able to put up a fight 24/7 ought to win as they obviously got the organization to drive a long lasting war which is what WvW is all about. If you are in a high pop server YOU GOT the players playing at night. If they dont join WvW is YOUR SERVERS FAULT.

Insulting night players saying they are unemplyed is so ignorant. What about the guy that works from 15:00 to 23:00 ? Ever thought of those? shop attendants, restaurant workers, services workers in general… they ought to count less because your school/office timetable is more important? Give us a break from your cry please.

Get your services working players that “live” in the night because they WORK when most of you kids play, and organise them.

Stop making whine posts for arenant to solve your organization problems. Some servers adress this issue and organize themselves KNOWING this is a 24/7 effort and some dont. Simple as that.

Want number balance? Structured pvp is for you. There arenanet makes sure you get a “fair” fight.

Get your tears bag and drop it elswhere, thank you.

Kraken – Guardian / Pretty Meris – Engineer.

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347


“Night” capping will never be solved, because people can just log on and play when they want.

When school lets out for the summer, the problem will return because some people’s play schedules will change.

The PROBLEM to me seems to be a combination of the Orb bonuses + score bonuses + plenty of free time to upgrade and setup siege for future defense.

Okay so we can’t do much about the free time issue… there will simply be certain times when a server can’t field a force to resist another server. Some servers might fix this problem, but some (maybe most) will not.

What I think can be fixed is the overwhelming effect of the orb bonuses + the bonuses from having your score 100k higher than others.

For example: a server that managed a “night” cap of the entire map now has all three orbs (+15% all stats), and begins to outpace it’s opponents (VERY QUICKLY) on building the other upgrades. These boosted stats combined with the control they have on the map and the length of time they’ve had to sit and upgrade (without much resistance) basically means the game is over. On the second day of the match if you don’t manage to get an orb back, take and secure some objectives – you’ll likely never have another chance.

It’s fine to be the underdog in a match. It’s not particularly fun to have basically two days to fight an uphill battle before the numbers and bonuses are so stacked against them that there is just no chance of recovery.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.